As an additional comment, treating STD/Is and helping with other women's health services both contribute to healthy pregnancies for women who choose to have kids, thus decreasing dead babies, not increasing. So Lisa should probably put her money where her mouth is and donate a lot of money to PP. It'd save a lot of fetuses! You know, if that's her actual concern.
We had the same hairdo! I have a Catholic sister who is rabidly anti-choice. She had an abortion when she was young because her Catholic father would have chucked her in the street if he found out she was pregnant. They are such fucking hypocrites.
Far beyond than just providing free and/or inexpensive contraceptives, Planned Parenthood provides education and counseling empowering women to negotiate/demand their use.
Catholic Lisa and her "friends," like Rick Santorum, also blame "government involvement in healthcare," the CDC, the Affordable Care Act, Obama, the notion of medical zebras, etc. for her delayed diagnosis of Lyme Disease despite the availability in the ever-lovin' free market of a relatively cheap test.
The response to that dumbfuckery, flying monkeys, is to tell your positive stories about finally getting affordable (or any) health-care coverage every chance you get.
Something is wrong with the headline: "Terry Hosted and Impromptu Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood This Weekend "
Either: "Terry Hosted an Impromptu Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood This Weekend."
"Terry and I Hosted an Impromptu Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood This Weekend"
Oh boy, her KLOUT SCORE increased! I can definitely see why someone would give a single solitary shit about their KLOUT SCORE. That's if they even know what it is.
A good Klout score and two bucks will get you a cup of coffee anywhere in town.
If you google "gay bowel syndrome" you'll learn that it doesn't exist. It's just a scary-sounding, inaccurately-phrased description of the fact that receiving anal sex puts you at some risk of tears and STIs in your colon.
Just one more thing that makes me want to take a moment to say, Dan, how glad I am that you are. On my behalf. On my wife's behalf. On my two daughters' behalf. Hell, even on Lisa Graas' behalf. This brought joy to my day.
Dear Mr. Savage, I love your parenthetical comments. Thanks to you and Terry for directing so much money to Planned Parenthood. They take care of my uterus way better than the Catholic Church ever did.
I adopted a similar strategy for those people who hold up signs of aborted fetuses. Last time I saw them protesting I donated money to a fund which helps poor women get abortions.
Dan, I don't know if you know this but friends of Catholic Lisa have posted on Twitter several times that she is extremely bi-polar and prone to suicidal thoughts and/or threats of self-harm.
Dan and Terry, thank you for existing. Seriously, for fighting the good fight as much as you do, while managing to make it a fucking blast and a hoot - thank you.
I donate to PP monthly via bank account deduction, a method which feels so terribly lacking in creativity and joy at the moment ...
Dan dearest, if you and Joel Connelly decide to go to mass together, feel free to stop over for rolls and coffee afterwards. You'll be famished after fasting.
I don't autistic bipolar person with Lyme disease? I was feeling sorry for her until I read her tweets about the Keystone Pipeline. What on earth does religion have to do with the Keystone Pipeline? She's just a pathetic tool, being used by big corporations to do their publicity for them. I'm glad the money was raised for Planned Parenthood.
I am Catholic Lisa's asshole. I am so terribly bored because almost all of Lisa's shit comes out of her mouth. I need more exercise. Could you please tweet her about the joys of anal sex? I could use some dick to talk to occasionally.
I am Catholic Lisa's mouth. Could someone please tweet that bitch to shut the fuck up already? I'm sick of her shit. Tasting it, that is. Also, please remind her that a little mouthwash would be nice.
@39, 40: I've never seen anything like that except in a South Park Episode "A Million Little Fibers" where Oprah's vulva and anus start talking and taking people hostage at gunpoint.
Racist, a parent, likes dogs, loves the military, second most popular Catholic on Twitter after the pope (she says), loves Santorum, has 161 tweets over the past 22 hrs, during which she does not seem to have slept, and no one is really talking to her. Prob manic. On disability? Not employed at a 9-5 job for sure. Also blaming Dan for her suicide if she ever kills herself, which puts him in good company as she also threatened to kill herself (and blamed the Pope) when the Pope said gay people maybe weren't evil. So, Catholic but apparently doesn't believe the Pope speaks the word of God? Also Aspergers which w/ the mania explains the inability to disengage. Believes the bipolar has meaning, relates to religion, which prob means she's not motivated to do a good job controlling it, and even if she is, it's clearly not working. Feel real sorry for her kid.
Remember folk: better birth control, better sex education, more education PERIOD, all leads to less abortions. So (Hey, you guys showing aborted fetuses) MORE Planned Parenthood, less abortions.
And BTW: how DARE you show pictures of abused human beings! Did you take those poor fetuses away and give them decent burials after you Exploited them in your pictures?
This is almost as good as the coining of Santorum. A fine example of how to turn hate into support for the good cause. Thank you, you just brightened my day !
Strict Catholic women don't talk much about "down there". I wonder if CatholicLisa knows about the hideous urinary tract infections women can get if they wipe back to front? Perhaps someone should ask her next time she asks a gay man about his anus.
Listened to the podcast early this morning & just did my donation to Planned Parenthood in Lisa's honor.
In 1943 my dad's sister died a horrible death from a botched abortion. She was 22. Her death pretty much destroyed his family. The fact the Lisa's of the world want to turn the clock back to those dark days of illegal back room abortions sickens me.
Keep up the good make me proud to be gay..
Just catching up on a few podcasts and thought I would also make a donation on her behalf. I can honestly say that Planned Parenthood would be $50 poorer today if it weren't for the generosity of Catholic Lisa :-)
My mother was displeased with me when the photos came in the mail.
The response to that dumbfuckery, flying monkeys, is to tell your positive stories about finally getting affordable (or any) health-care coverage every chance you get.
Either: "Terry Hosted an Impromptu Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood This Weekend."
"Terry and I Hosted an Impromptu Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood This Weekend"
PS, hate the 'fro. I'd rather do you now.
Just donated. Didn't think to link to Bigot Lisa, damn it.
A good Klout score and two bucks will get you a cup of coffee anywhere in town.
She is so deep in her bubble of delusion nothing can penetrate.
Dear Mr. Savage, I love your parenthetical comments. Thanks to you and Terry for directing so much money to Planned Parenthood. They take care of my uterus way better than the Catholic Church ever did.
I bet she's a convert. The craziest ones usually are.…
With 242,000 Tweets, I believe it.
Dan and Terry, thank you for existing. Seriously, for fighting the good fight as much as you do, while managing to make it a fucking blast and a hoot - thank you.
I donate to PP monthly via bank account deduction, a method which feels so terribly lacking in creativity and joy at the moment ...
But then again, they also said "High hair, low morals" so I dunno.
And BTW: how DARE you show pictures of abused human beings! Did you take those poor fetuses away and give them decent burials after you Exploited them in your pictures?
In 1943 my dad's sister died a horrible death from a botched abortion. She was 22. Her death pretty much destroyed his family. The fact the Lisa's of the world want to turn the clock back to those dark days of illegal back room abortions sickens me.
Keep up the good make me proud to be gay..