@1 reading comprehension issues? He used the toilet before the airplane left the gate, which is OK in 1st class.
If they were so worried about him being in there, why didn't they delay the flight for a full screening? Seems to me if there was reasonable doubt the only recourse would be to disembark everyone until the plane had been full checked out.
If you're travelling to Toronto, drive to Vancouver and fly round trip from Vancouver International (YVR) to Toronto.
The police state theater of American airports is a pointless harassment and monumental waste of time and money. It doesn't make you safe or even safer, it just looks and feels safe(r) to simpletons and fools who apparently have never had the joy of visiting a maximum security prison and just really wanted to have that experience when traveling.
Nope, it says he got up to use the toilet and then plane pulled out; no mention of him returning to his seat after they pulled back from the gate. Reading comprehension issues?
"Ayleya boarded the airplane in the first class section and used the on-board restroom while waiting for the flight to depart, according to reports. The airplane left the gate, but then returned to the gate about five minutes later, according to Ayleya's narration."
Must have been the bacon and pork sausage breakfast sandwich he ate at D'lish. They always give me the shits too.
@5: Don't be a ninny. Another source confirms what you insist didn't happen: he used the bathroom, returned to his seat, and was only later ejected. (Another guy went into the bathroom after he left, but HE wasn't removed from the plane, was he.)
If they were so worried about him being in there, why didn't they delay the flight for a full screening? Seems to me if there was reasonable doubt the only recourse would be to disembark everyone until the plane had been full checked out.
The police state theater of American airports is a pointless harassment and monumental waste of time and money. It doesn't make you safe or even safer, it just looks and feels safe(r) to simpletons and fools who apparently have never had the joy of visiting a maximum security prison and just really wanted to have that experience when traveling.
Nope, it says he got up to use the toilet and then plane pulled out; no mention of him returning to his seat after they pulled back from the gate. Reading comprehension issues?
"Ayleya boarded the airplane in the first class section and used the on-board restroom while waiting for the flight to depart, according to reports. The airplane left the gate, but then returned to the gate about five minutes later, according to Ayleya's narration."
Must have been the bacon and pork sausage breakfast sandwich he ate at D'lish. They always give me the shits too.