Stephen Colbert didn't make the joke, Comedy Central did. And Suey wasn't doing anything but garnering attention for herself and making whatever valid points she has look crazy.
We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Park had said something like 'That's not cool', or 'I don't think that's funny, it's actually insulting'. Instead of trying to get him canceled.
And this the problem at the heart of it. If you want to get your point across you need to treat the people you're talking with respect, and not blame them for every emotional slight or tragedy that''s ever happened to you.
No, Colbert made the joke. CC just moved it out of context. It's also true that if Park had just said "that's not cool" no one would have paid any attention to the issue or thought twice about any of it, so I can see strategically why she escalated, though personally I think it wasn't worth the loss of goodwill. If you can see that there's a valid point there, you can see that there was more to it than personal attention seeking. It's not blaming for every tragedy to want slurs against you to be seen in the same light as slurs against others.
diner_mo the discussion we're having right now is one I can't have with raku and people like her. You're actually listening to me and countering my points instead of yelling and throwing buzzwords around. I think that's the issue a lot of people have with her and those like her.
And yeah I did make a unfair generalization in my earlier comment and I apologize for that.
In the end I think all Park did was make herself look bad, and make people less likely to listen or acknowledge the real issues she was trying to bring to light.
oh oh oh! *I* get it. So when centrist-white-men want to be listened to because they're fighting for expansion of the status quo to include, say, *gay* white dudez into the White Privilege machine, that's something worth paying attention to because of course they deserve it being all white and dude-like and all. But when someone brown or female or Other wants the same thing, they're hysterical chicken littles. Okay.
How is that attitude different from the Fawks Noooze, again?
msanonymous, I get deeply irritated with buzzwords too. But I do think the idea of 'privilege' has a few things to offer. One is that some people cop more shit in their lifetimes just because of who they are. That's obvious, but the thing that doesn't seem to be obvious about it is that those people are likely to be grumpier! They've got more to be grumpy about! And they are less likely to have comfortable language to identify and describe their experience, just because their experience isn't everyone's experience. AND if that's not 'me', what they say/describe might sound off-putting anyway, just because I don't relate or recognise the experience. For these reasons when someone tries to make a point that runs against the mainstream, I'm inclined to try to cut some slack and listen through whatever irritations I have with it, because those irritations might be part of whatever conditions they are actually describing.
how do you assholes not see this?? call yourselves "progressive" all you want but your NOT Liberals. Your in fact the opposite. Your progressing toward a technocratic corporatism.
We wouldn't even be having this discussion if Park had said something like 'That's not cool', or 'I don't think that's funny, it's actually insulting'. Instead of trying to get him canceled.
And this the problem at the heart of it. If you want to get your point across you need to treat the people you're talking with respect, and not blame them for every emotional slight or tragedy that''s ever happened to you.
And yeah I did make a unfair generalization in my earlier comment and I apologize for that.
In the end I think all Park did was make herself look bad, and make people less likely to listen or acknowledge the real issues she was trying to bring to light.
How is that attitude different from the Fawks Noooze, again?
Thanks for being willing to listen to me, I do appreciate it.