
Aaaaaand if you clicked on your own link you'd see that they already reopened two hours before you posted this.
Aaaaaand I did click on it, and it said still closed at that point in time. The health department probably isn't up to the minute on updating its site... but thanks. Sigh.
Bethany originally posted at 3:12 PM.

The closures page indicated "Updated: Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 03:32 PM" (And lists Bun as "Reopened June 19, 2014 at 1:20 pm").

Fnarf posted his Aaaaaand at 3:45 PM.

Bethany posted her Aaaaaand at 3:56 PM.

That is all.

@3, thank you stinkbug. I didn't see the update time on the closures page. I withdraw my snark. I am a bad person. Bethany, if ever we see each other in person again, you get to kick me in the goolies one time.
Weeeeelllllll, would it have killed Bethany to go to the I District to investigate firsthand before posting?
Speaking of not too cool...

I contacted the USDA and other agencies about what I thought were the too toasty "refrigerated" meat sections at various local supermarkets.

Last I checked, they are now much chillier.

Thanks, Government, for responding!
I got take out from there once. I was skeptical because I walk by all the time and its empty. But I was in a hurry and I equated empty with getting my food fast. It looked clean enough but I didn't look in the kitchen. So... I dont know.
I had lemongrass chicken. It was ok. not great. I didn't get sick thankfully.

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