
PhDs are hot.
Carrie was a Pentecostal
Time for my ubiquitous book plug: The Orgasmic Diet. It does increase both desire and orgasmic capacity for women in just this situation, assuming that hormone levels are okay.
Oh, also should take a month or less to see results, book is only $1.93 used on amazon so what do you have to lose, and damn I'm depressed after sacrificing years of my life to get the word out that this is STILL the canned response of the medical establishment when it comes to low desire in women.

Maybe I should have done that method patent after all. :(
okay, you sold me. I've spent more on less...
Will no one suggest LW try some weed?

She is interested in female viagra, and that's basically what weed is for a lot of women.
@6 Because smoking anything causes cancer ? Unless you mean weed not smoked, but ingested.

On the issue of sexual desire, I'd advise LW to check this comic and to go through this assessing sexy context worksheet, both from Emily Nagoski's awesome blog.

By the way, it can't be repeated enough that genitalia arousal and wetness does not constitute a reliable proof of desire, nor do they indicate desire, any more than having one's mouth watering constitutes hunger or indicates hunger - as everybody already knows, that physical symptom can very well indicate throw up times.

So, LW, do not let your automatic body response to things related to sex, genital arousal, bother you in any way, when those things related to sex are among the batch that your brain finds disgusting. It's totally normal (saying that as a fellow survivor).

Porn may well induce wetness but no desire in you. So I'd advise against checking yourself for wetness to know what context would induce desire for you (lube can provide anyway). Instead check for ideas about you engaging in sex. That's really desire.
I think you got one bit wrong. The LW said she DID feel "secure and free to explore." Dr Brotto wrote, "You mention NOT feeling 'secure and free to explore'."

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