Blogs Aug 7, 2014 at 2:09 pm


That's too insane to be real, I pray.
Oh crap. I followed the link to…
... and it looks horribly real. I feel sick.
Was it a male dog or a female dog? 'Cause you know these preachers are usually self-hating closet cases.
And yet, same-sex marriage isn't even legal in Missouri. What set him off, if not that?
Gee thanks Dan; image I didn't need over breakfast.
I keep telling people at some point in he near future we're going to listen to a sitting Senator or member of the House publicly state in a press conference that they didn't have sex with that sheep, or cow or fill in the blank
Do. Or do not. There is no try.
This is most distatsteful in light of the fact that the dog is under 18 years old.
I expect the devil to get the blame.
What does Rick "man on dog" Santorum have to say about this?
@5: but clearly this is a result of legal gay marriage in the adjoining states of Iowa and Illinois - just as predicted, it is now cats & dogs (plus preachers), together in the street.

Not to fall into stereotypes, but doesn't that guy's mug shot just scream, "Dog fucker!"?

And what is the other *undisclosed* species is being kept under wraps (maybe for its own protection)?
I shudder to think what other kinds of animals he solicited.

It’s a Republican porno called Little Bo (Beep).
@14: yeah, is the undisclosed species not mentioned because too many people would lose their lunch (hamster, gerbil, etc) or because it would weaken the prosecution's case (centaur, unicorn, etc)?

This made me wonder if the Windermere Baptist Conference Center allows pets. They do, their website says, in the RV park. Also, the Center is "surrounded by more than 1500 acres of pristine forest filled with deer, wild turkeys, eagles and a host of other wildlife."
I think that Robert Anton Wilson coined the phrase "As quick and sneaky as a preacher's dick in a cow's ass."

Also @15 brings to mind this old one: Why do you have to wrap hamsters in duct tape?
So they don't explode when you fuck them.

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