
lolwut. You could have saved yourselves the keystrokes.
good on you sean. congrats
White male? I hope you feel suitably guilty about it.
Where is your fave Cuban eatery in Seattle?
I've got "Flagpole Sitta" stuck in my head now, you bastards.
Welcome back. Now rehire Annie Wagner.
I hope he's great. Maybe now you can hire some reporters; you've lost at least five in the last year and hired one, and that's counting Danielle Henderson in both categories. The SLOG today has one bit of reported news (by Herz on the lost-wages lawsuit) and one other opinion piece on a serious topic (Constant on Net Neutrality), plus the morning news round-up. Everything else is arts, lifestyle, food, and sex. A year ago the ratio would have been about reversed.

you don't want to read about Hump?!?
@Warren: Agreed on all counts, bonus points for remembering Danielle Henderson (whose name I was trying to remember recently).
This month the monorail was on the ballot and Sean Nelson came back to the Stranger. If the Sonics win 60 games this season, my Return to the '90s will be complete.
Welcome back, Sean!
@10, with Westbrook and Durant sidelined, not likely. Or do you insist that they wear green and gold for you to care ?
Fake grass = good metaphor for this blog
Really? The Stranger couldn't find quality new blood in the whole town? Change is good, but retreads are worrisome...

Regardless, cheers to you Sean, hope you take things to new heights.
Frizzelle: Where Have All The Merrymakers Gone?
@7: Oh, shit! You guys, we forgot to hire reporters! Thanks for reminding us, Warren. We'll get right on that.
Aw man, I missed speedballs?
You're the Arts Editor, meaning you're overseeing all of The Stranger's arts and entertainment coverage, including film, theater, art, books, and music.

Exactly. Why create five jobs when you can just pay one person to do five jobs, presumably at the same pay rate as a previous editor who only had to cover one aspect of the arts? It's that kind of savvy business thinking that's spurring the booming middle class recovery right now.
You're the Arts Editor, meaning you're overseeing all of The Stranger's arts and entertainment coverage, including film, theater, art, books, and music.

Exactly. Why create five jobs when you can just pay one person to do five jobs, presumably at the same pay rate as a previous editor who only had to cover one aspect of the arts?

I know, I know. The publishing industry is dying, change with the times, etc. etc. It's still disheartening to see, though.

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