
Thank you, Paul.
It is really terrible that this happened. It is terrible that the overall situation that lead Darren Wilson to shoot Michael Brown happened. It is terrible that Michael Brown is dead. It is terrible that the victim's family won't even get the benefit of a trial.

So, now what do we do to fix this ASAP?
So there's no possibility that anything was done wrong when you get arrested after a traffic stop, or there was no bad behavior before this. I'll have to keep this in mind the next time i get a ticket. They must be racist since they're not the same race as me.

Now, can you try to keep your bigoted, racist rant that generalizes all white people as not caring to yourself. I guarantee if the same was done by a white person about another race you'd be howling RACIST all day.

One thing to consider here is not that property is valued more than a life. But property is valued slightly more than an expression of being angry. Grow up and stop being a baby if things don't go your way.
Foobar - you're actually the one that sounds "like a baby" at the moment.
@2 I agree this is a terrible tragedy and when thinking about how it could be prevented I believe there's a pretty good solution: When a cop asks you to move from walking in the middle of the street to a sidewalk, don't try to beat the cop.

Thanks for completely missing the point of Paul's post. We wouldn't be seeing these violent acts were it not for the fact that the people engaging in them (admittedly a very small minority of the larger number of otherwise peaceful protesters) have been systematically denied any other demonstrably effective avenue to express their grievances. It's not that "things (didn't) go their way", it's that things NEVER go their way, ever. The entire system has been rigged to actively prevent things from going their way, and after decades of silent, passive acceptance of this reality, black Americans are getting understandably tired of playing "by the rules" and yet never seeing any positive results. Seriously, why would anyone continue to respect rules that clearly are intended to maintain the status-quo of relegating them to second class status, or worse, to a status that continually denigrates their own lives as being of less value than a piece of property? That's even worse than slavery, where, if nothing else the individual has value AS property.
So glad to see The Stranger standing up for the rights of people to shoot you and burn your shit.
@6 I congratulate you on your ability name call. If you that is all you have to add I would suggest some discretion when it comes to posting comments. Now if you have some factual issue with my previous post, i'm happy to hear it.
People only scream about property damage if it's politically motivated and against financial institutions. Nobody gives a fuck about the damage sports fans do after winning or losing a big game. Case and point; Pioneer Square after the super bowl.
@9 Not true, my car was vandalized after the Superbowl. I take that pretty seriously.

@6 lets look at what happened here. Michael Brown assaults a police officer, and is shot and killed because the officer feared for his own life. Evidence is then brought in front of a grand jury to see whether the officer should be indicted on a wide range of charges. The grand jury then rules there is not sufficient evidence for an indictment. And so the acceptable solution for a small minority is violence? It seems to me that a more effective way of fixing the system would be to vote for change.
@8 raindrop is that your new screen name? Or just another oblivious troll. Anyway, welcome to slog, now fuck off.
@12 Nope, seriously never heard of this 'raindrop'. Thanks for the warm welcome to the slog. Though I'm disappointed that my critique of this article is met with such scorn as opposed to a discussion of its contents.
So if lots of whites are angry about something not going their way and burn down black, Muslim, Jewish or Hispanic owned businesses you would say the same thing? I'm pretty sure there is a history of angry white mobs burning down Jewish businesses (Germany) and black (the US) neighborhoods. Let's see the Stranger make the say comments about that.
If you feel like you're experiencing scorn at the moment, you won't last long around here...foobar. People are simply reacting to your reaction. I haven't seen one conversation on teh internets concerning these events that hasn't been heated. Just accept that we all have opinions and sometimes they're different from one another.
@15 I think you've discovered what i would consider to be the issue with the protests and violence. Instead of having rational discussions about what happened and evoking change in a non violent way it seems that breaking windows will somehow change the situation. I'm reminded of the priest in the Fifth Element: Violence begets violence.
That is definitely one of the many ways you can look at this whole situation. It's not so cut & dry and that's where I get frustrated with people. Welcome to the Slog, foobar!
A destructive instead of a constructive dialogue does nothing to bring people to your cause. Quite the opposite. Menacing behaviors and attitudes are often met with a response that includes a stronger violence and ultimately incarceration. As an 18 y.o. white 'child' I experienced the repercussions of my attitude and spent a month behind bars for it. I couldn't for the life of me see my own attitude at the time. The system was against me because I was young, poor, and homeless. Only years of experience and witnessing the attitudes of others have since made it clear. The solution starts from within and does not include intimidation.

Name calling, what the FUCK are you on? Name-calling would require one to actually engage in the act of, you know, calling you names. Please refer to the section of my comment above where I called you anything? As for a factual issues well, it's certainly a fact that our nation by-and-large was founded on the principles of conquest and subjugation, good old-fashioned American "manifest destiny", something you may have read about it in one of your school history books, perhaps, and which has been an ongoing state-of-affairs from the founding of the Republic, right up to, well, last night. If you think the military grade show-of-force in Ferguson, predicated on decades of a powerful white minority imposing its diktat on a powerless black majority, is anything less than an expression of this, you simply haven't been paying attention.


Thanks for invoking Godwin so early in the discussion, but regardless, here's the crucial difference: when angry white mobs burned down Jewish property in Germany, or black property in the Southern U.S., or Native American property just about everywhere else in this country, they weren't doing so from a position of disenfranchisement or lack of power, they WERE the power, imposing their will on those who had little or none to begin with. They weren't responding to decades - nay centuries - of injustice, marginalization, or abuse; they were creating the climate to inflict injustice, marginalization and abuse on those weaker than themselves.

For once, I am in complete agreement with you.

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles and all that.
Its pretty simple don't assault a cop, and you probably won't get shot by one. Conversely if you the police think there might be violence in a protest its their duty to contain that. So as it seems you think that lawless violence without police intervention is the thing to do here. The next time you decide you need a new TV hold a riot and just hope you don't run into someone willing to defend themselves.

@7: You're an idiot. The Stranger is standing in defense of breaking shit, and OPPOSED to shooting people. See how that works? They are valuing the person more than the crap!
Spot on, Paul. Comte, too. Even you Blip!

I think back to the WTO protests and the incensed reactions of the dumb sports DJs on KJR. they showed the same lack of critical thinking about issue at hand, the police overreaction, and instead focused on Starbucks windows.

Fuck a Starbucks window.

It's my understanding from following livestreamers and the police scanner last night that there were some rioters shooting at the public and the police. It may make me incorrect, but I don't think it makes me an idiot.
Interestingly similar to this Gawker item posted hours before:…

Or conversely, maybe cops shouldn't draw weapons at close range and not expect their intended victim to fight for their lives. After all, we only have Wilson's testimony that things went down as he described; the only other person who could have directly contradicted any of his statements being conveniently dead.

And maybe authorities should seek ways to de-escalate violence from the outset, instead of deliberately fomenting an atmosphere guaranteed to result in violence, as they did last night by delaying - by a full eight hours - announcement of the GJ's decision until late into the evening, when they knew crowds would be large and increasingly agitated.


Sorry, Blip. I mistook your icon for someone else, my bad. Evidently it's time for another eye exam.

Foobarbaz et al: White people missing the point as usual. (Says I, a straight middle-aged white male.)
Rioting is never the answer. Ever. We can't believe we live in a country where someone could get away with murder, someone could get away with any crime. Sure, there are a contingency of folks ticked off that commerce was disrupted, just like there are folks that enjoyed smashing windows and stealing new living room furniture, etc... those are all the wrong point. Those are all wrong reactions to something so tragic.

If we stopped blaming the government for our issues and made ourselves better people, this would all change. We take revenge on those who do us wrong, we punch when we have been punched, we slap harder when we have been slapped. I myself am not perfect; I'm so very flawed and full of shit.

If we want to see change, we need to pour our time and our money into things that matter... our schools, after-school programs, parental education campaigns, career-training. We need to give our people the tools to achieve their dreams. We don't need to give them a ten-year long hand-out; we need to "teach them to fish" so they can live until it is their natural time to pass. We need to realize that this precious life we have been given is a privilege, not a right, and every negative action we make ripples out from us, like a nasty "pay-it-forward."

What's wrong with America? Us.
Property destruction is a protest tactic older than the United States. What do you think the Boston Tea Party was? It's an American tradition.

A black male is shot dead by law enforcement in the country every 28 hours. Only some get publicity. Michael Brown's death reached the news because people forced it to be covered.
@33 I completely agree with everything you just said.

@30 Don't forget the forensic evidence showing that Wilson was assaulted, and the first shot was fired in his car, which suggests a struggle for the weapon or at least makes his story somewhat believable. Either way, the situation likely could have been avoided by actions on both sides. But, if a cop feels threatened for their life, they do have the right protect themselves. And as the law states their actions should be judged as they appeared at the time, not how they look in hindsight
"I'm not racist but White Americans Care More About Property Damage Than Dead People." - Paul Constant Nov 25 2014
Don't worry, white people. The vast majority of property destroyed in last night's idiotic riot/"protest" was owned by hard working minorities.
Unless they think Blacks are property also . . . o.O --- & & .
Rioting, breaking things, fires, hurting people -- all bad reactions that will do more harm than good. People will get hurt and arrested, and will just cause police to crack down harder.

But the officer couldn't have "feared for his life" when he killed that unarmed kid -- he was shot 153 feet from the police car. The policeman may have drawn it in fear, but there is no way a lethal response was justified if the kid was running away.

It is the same as what happens with Seattle police (Native American woodcarver) or the stand your ground laws -- the laws need to be changed so that fear is not an excuse for killing people. The law basically says the more racist you are, the more it is ok to kill people since you're genuinely scared.
We need a better option for police than guns, and a better law that isn't based on fear.
Kinda like the mentality required to think one is a slave master . . . .
@40 The law says you have the right to defend yourself. Period. Just remember when seconds matter the police are only minutes away. No way in hell am I going to be left to the mercy of any jackass walking around capitol hill; try to mug me and you can talk to the law firm of Smith and Wesson.

Also Michael Brown wasn't running away, he was shot while facing the officer.

The forensic "evidence of assault" is inconclusive at-best. Wilson claims Brown in a state of "demonic rage" landed several "haymaker punches" (his description) to the side of his face using his left hand (while simultaneously clutching a fistful of cigarillos that somehow miraculously weren't splintered all over the inside of Wilson's patrol car upon impact), but the contusions in the photographs aren't consistent with that level of physical damage. For all we know, Wilson could just as easily have inflected that on himself during the time he was left unattended prior to the examination. The fact that he didn't seek medical attention at the scene, and essentially had to be convinced by his superiors to go to the hospital at all would seem to indicate that at the time he didn't consider whatever physical contact Brown may have made significant - until of course it could be fit into a narrative that made Brown appear to be the aggressor. And that narrative implies Wilson drew his weapon only after being hit; but again, for all we know Brown was responding because Wilson's weapon was already drawn - in which case he may very well have concluded he was about to be shot anyway and reacted accordingly.

Unfortunately, we'll never know the truth of this, because Brown is dead and so we only have Wilson's version of the story. Convenient for him, yes?
Hold up. How again did the media only start "paying serious attention when Macklemore" showed up? Pretty sure the media were waiting with bated breath for the grand jury's decision from 2 pm all the way to 6:20 pm.
Ran away, backed away, teleported away -- who knows. But he was 150 feet away from the officer after a struggle at the car, it's not like they were fighting over the gun. If killing the kid wasn't an option, the officer would have found other options.
@42: If an unarmed person tries to steal your wallet in a public place, 'briefs' filed by your 'law firm' can get you convicted of murder. The right to self-defense isn't carte blanche; the instant you escalate the level of force used, you become the aggressor (with certain exceptions for defending one's home). If you want to be able to shoot someone because they kicked you in the balls, move to a state with a permissive stand-your-ground law that allows you to immediately use lethal force if you can convince a jury you were scared for a moment.
In civilized states, that's not how it works; self-defense must be proportional in its level of force. Fuck sake, your ignorance is astounding, as is your (penis-compensating?) aggressive blustering.
what? no drone strikes?
Don't assault police officers and try to grab their weapons. This really isn't that fucking complicated. Also, don't loot and burn down local businesses. You're putting people out of their jobs and it's not helping anything.

@42 you are aware that multiple (black) witnesses testified that Mike Brown assaulted and tried to charge at Darren Wilson right?

You have no idea what you are talking about. Self defense laws PREDATE stand your ground by a LARGE MARGIN. Stand your ground means you can use force when you have the chance to run instead.

Oh, and Washington is one of those "uncivilized states" where you do not have a duty of retreat. Source:…

And those laws apply to DEADLY FORCE only. You can still beat the shit out of anyone trying to steal your stuff.

Stop being a whiny white liberal.
Paul, we all know you are a..well, I don't just want to go into a cursing tirade, so let me just point out something:
It is possible to be both appalled by the killing AND appalled by the rioting. Where is it written than someone can't be pissed off at both? Thing is when people riot it makes their message get lost. If they had simply shut the city down by laying in roads, blocking traffic, tying up lawmaker's phones with all their calls etc they would have gotten their message out a lot more effectively than going ape shit.

Oh, and unlike Paul, I ain't white, I am not rich, and I am not texting "death to capitalism!" from my iphone 7.

Oh, and the rioters also destroyed a black owned business:…

Honestly, why burn down a black owned fashion boutique to protest racism against blacks? If they wanted to burn something down, burn down the damn police station.
This is complete bullshit. As a Caucasian person, I care about anyone who is murdered and then has their killer protected by "the law". What I don't care for is the unethical, unbiased looting and destruction of peoples livelihoods by hoodlums and those seeking to take advantage of a crisis situation to obtain TVs and stereo equipment. These criminals have no regard for the working class Americans who are just trying to make a living in the same community the poor young man was murdered in. Grow up and get your head out of your asses. Community means that we are in this together... We protect our own, including those who own businesses.
This is the worst, blatantly inaccurate article yet. Complete rubbish. I support our community, with no regard of race. This young man's death was used as an excuse by criminals to loot and terrorize. Explain how that has anything to do with white people...
I wish we could all live in a bubble with fellow like-minded out of touch entitled douche-bags that believe "racist" people do unspeakably horrible things like complain when black people destroy their own neighborhoods... "oh my god Chip did you see that? Molly didn't say thank you to that black man who held the door for her?" "Oh I know Blaine.She's such a racist bitch!" "Oh yeah Chippy, I also heard she said that it was a shame the Ferguson rioters where burning their black neighbors property" "uh uh bitch did not!" "oh it's true, bitch is never getting an invite for Sunday mimosas again!"

I have the unfortunate privilege of working in an industry with real racists wandering around... here is the horrible real life conversation I overheard today... "Holy shit dude, did you see the nigs rioting last night"... "hahaha I know... dumb asses destroying their own neighborhoods"... "Hahahah it was awesome!...the cops and the national guard should just pull out and let the stupid nigs burn the place to the ground"... "hahahahhahahahah"

So to recap:

Racists; White Americans that are happy when black people riot and destroy their own neighborhoods and wish it would happen more often.

Not-Racists; White Americans that care about the damage being done to the property of the black property owners in the black neighborhood.

You mean some people are more upset about what is clearly documented destruction and theft, of businesses that played no role in the grand jury's decision, than a loss of life with plenty of conflicting testimony and evidence that no sane person would draw absolute conclusions from? Sound like logical people
So let me get this straight you argument is that all the white people are only concerned about the loss of businesses that serve the black community currently in the process of destroying them and not the fact that all rioting ever does is create more segregation and weath drain in the affected neighborhood. What's your next solution only black cops can patrol black areas? How early mid-century of you.
Firing 100's of bullets into the air without regard to knowing if they will kill anyone when they land doesn't fight the system. Shutting down highways, where now emergency personnel cannot get to "emergency situations" that may be life saving does not say, "take that white people"! Burning down establishments which the very same people that did so, will depend on for food and medical services is like shooting themself in their own foot (who will want to open business in areas that are aubject to destruction to proove a point).

These actions color omitted instead of respecting life, show no regard for life.
Actions have consequences. Michael Brown chose to attack Wilson in his car. That escalated the situation. And led to his death. It was a poor choice and had nothing to do with black or white. However, the police acted improperly with their response to the initial protest and that escalated the situation. Further, for thie author of this article to say that white people don't care is racist and judgemental. One, white, black, Asian, and Hispanic businesses were attacked too, why does this author only attack whites? Two, the incident happened thousands of miles away and has gotten the attention it deserves, these riots are not to get attention, but to destroy. Think of the riots after The Rodney King Verdict. In contrast, did white people riot after the OJ verdict? No. Third, you can care about the death of a young man while also caring about your personal property. I ask, what is the point of this article except to promote a vile opinion about race?

@33: "If we stopped blaming the government for our issues and made ourselves better people, this would all change."

you are very naïve.

@53 Love Smoked Salmon,
Spot on. Well written.

I believe the rioting accomplishes nothing except destruction and more anger. It is absolutely counter constructive.

As I mentioned on another posting, a "teachable moment" is being squandered. I have no problem with civil engagement of all the viewpoints regarding the announcement of the Grand Jury's findings. But, wanton destruction is absolutely unnecessary and criminal. Indeed, some of the businesses destroyed were minority owned.

All lives matter, all businesses matter and justice matters especially. Let's calm down and engage constructively not destructively.
@53, I'll take other real life conversations that never happened for 1000, Alex.
Lets get some things straight. For one Micheal Brown went into that store to rob it. He assaulted people. He wasn't just some innocent kid hanging around. This young man had a record a mile long and was no stranger to the cops. So the verdict came down and what did the black americans do? They rioted like a bunch of assholes, and solidifying the negative image people have of their race. We don't get our way so lets go break a few things and steal. which is stupid because that is the exact reason Micheal was gunned down. Also, just as a FYI if the cops say stand still, get down or stay down, its best that you comply and not go charging after one. When OJ killed a white woman and a white man and got off scott free you didn't see white people riot. When was the last time white people rioted ? Its time every one to become thoughtful civilized human beings. Stop the rioting. Its just ignorant.
The premise of this article is ridiculous. No clear thinking person who examines the evidence in this case can argue that this was a murder. Poor police work and an inability to diffuse a situation, sure, but murder, no way. There is no doubt that Brown strong arm robbed a convenience store, escalated the situation by acting belligerently and assaulted Officer Wilson. Race has absolutely nothing to do with this, had it been a black cop and a white perp this would never have made the news. The fact that this author justifies rioting speaks volumes about his credibility. Do some blacks get an unfair shake? Absolutely. But that has more to do with economics and poverty than inherent racism.
This doesn't explain the riots in Oakland last night when the roving mobs were breaking the windows of mom & pop stores and minority owned stores. Many of the rioters weren't people of color either. They were just usurping the true cause of the protest to cause havoc for fun. That I can't support.
Paul is THE BEST. Thank you for these posts, Paul. Now, for something that probably won't really get heard but makes me feel better to say:

@62: Economics and poverty in this country are inseparable from racism.

@59: No one is saying "woo hoo more rioting please!" What is at issue is that the same people who leap to justify the utterly unnecessary destruction of a black life at the hands of a white powerful establishment are suddenly full of righteous outrage when it's the destruction of property at the hands of powerless black folks. If that sounds like you, then you might want to take a look at yourself.

@53: (See @59 above)

@ 50, 51 and 52: Yes, be horrified by both. By both the murder and the destroyed buildings. But you have to know which is worse, and that it is racism that caused both. If you aren't clear on that, you need to do some more research and educate yourself.

@COMTE: Love you on this thread
"White Americans"?!?! Go fuck yourself Paul Constant. Way to fight racism with racism. Go ahead and lump in every white person with every ignorant person in general. Also, is your race listed when you post things on the internet? Why are you assuming all these posts are only by white people? Oh, thats right because only white people can be racist according to all of you ignorant, racist, bigots.
@49: Um, you've got some of the worst reading comprehension imaginable.
I never said anything about whether the legal right of self-defense or "stand your ground" laws came first. By attacking me for allegedly making that claim, you've resorted to beating a strawman. Good job.
I spoke not of "stand your ground" laws in general but of "permissive stand-your-ground law[s]" which place fewer restrictions on the use of deadly force. For the record, Washington does not actually have a "stand your ground" law on the books; the lack of duty to retreat in public is based in court precedent. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one, seeing as you just misread the CNN article.
As for "beat[ing] the shit out of anyone trying to steal your stuff", the instant you escalate force you become the aggressor. If someone grabs your wallet and tries to run off, you're perfectly welcome to tackle them and hold them down. Beating the shit out of them is illegal unless they proceed to attack you, in which case you're no longer simply defending your property but also defending your person with proportional force. Like my ENTIRE POST was about, self-defense doesn't give you carte blanche to inflict violence on another; AS SOON AS you escalate force (except with certain exemptions related to defending one's home), you become the aggressor.

Just to really piss you off, I'm going to remind you of the time you falsely claimed that President Obama appointed a former Monsanto CEO to run the USDA, and then when I corrected you and showed my supporting evidence, you insisted that you'd been correct in the first place.
@64 Emmaz,
Um. "No one is saying "woo hoo more rioting please!". Huh? Try Michael Brown's stepfather:
" Burn this bitch down!"…

Note that one of the businesses burned down was owned by an African-American woman. This is criminal and uncivilized.

I stand by what I said in @59. I don't need to look in the mirror. I'm asking for constructive engagement. I want a discussion. Is that so evil?
Thank you for writing this!
There are plenty of historical examples of White folks burning, looting, murdering en masse: shall I give you some? Or would you rather stay in you Klanazi Bubble? ( where you get to show off your comparatively narrow range of emotional comfort. -- & & ). Shock and Awe,anybody?
Well I'm not racist... but this article sure is! It implies that white people don't care about Michael Brown or worse, that "property damage" isn't actual damage to human's lives, their income, their life savings, their next meal and their homes. Not to mention actual lives of all colors, on the weekend of August 9th a reporter friend interviewed Mike Thornbrugh the spokesperson for QuikTrip who said,

"Rioters robbed the store then set it on fire. He said company leaders are more concerned about their employees who huddled in the back room before running out.

One employee said, "If we wouldn't have stayed put we most likely would have died."

"Came up so fast, so quick, I mean, that they got out through one of the back doors and we just literally abandoned the store,” Thornbrugh said. (KOTV-6, Tulsa)

I live in a small town with a Main Street and many friends who own their Mom 'n' Pop shops. I will say we care more about LIVING people than property, that should be universal. The people who don't care about property don't care about anybody. Ever been robbed, a home invasion? (I have, both.) They don't care about lives, property or anything living people have worked hard for or they'd never do what they do. Respect for property and lives are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I suggest that black police officers be assigned to black neighborhoods but black police officers might object.
What puzzles me is why blacks don't just go back to Africa and see how a society supersaturated with black mentality operates? Rwanda, anyone? Sudan? Nigeria? Nope, we are disinterested in those nations because there aren't any white people to blame. Just look at the title of this article, "White Americans Care More About Property Damage Than They Do About Dead People" That isn't a racist comment? I thought the rioting was about the heinous crime (in your blind eyes) of a cop shooting a charging black male whose hand was reaching into his belt and the other hand a fist. Why don't you protest Brown's mother who was arrested for armed robbery a few days ago? WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO BE RACISTS WHO BLAME WHITE AMERICANS FOR EVERYTHING?????? YOU'RE RACIST TOO, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT? Nope, didn't think so. No guilt for the liberal, ever.
The way I see it not matter what the color of your skin you should not commit a crime or crimes to avenge another act no matter how much you believe that Justice has not been served. Everyone that has been looting and causing property damage should be brought up on charges.
I am white and am ashamed to admit it. I believe mike brown was innocent and the cop was racist. Nothing can change my mind about that. Its a sad state to know its true deep down. I am truely sorry america has failed. And the only way to get the point across is to become fed up and destroy things , i understand that on a very deep level. #Fixamerica
I'd say overall most law-abiding, decent people--regardless of race--would care more about property damage, riots, looting, arsons and the like than some thug who got what was coming to him after assaulting a police officer.
I'd say that most law-abiding Americans--regardless of race/color/blah-blah-blah--would care more about riots, arsons, looting, traffic disruption, property damage than some punk who got what was coming to him after he assaulted a police officer.
What's the big deal anyway? A 6'4" 300lbs criminal attacked a police officer. We need more good men in blue who can work under that kind of pressure.
Oh what a crock.This reeks of minority entitlement and racial privilege.Sorry but rational people of the world see through this politically correct bias BS.Sure lets just ignore forensic science and a democratic judicial system to have racially biased justice with special privileges.One thing to expose racism,another to use it as an excuse for disagreeing with others and especially rioting,looting,carjacking,arson and vandalism.If this was a 350 lb white boy with a black police officer the results would have been the same.This is all about black racism and black privilege.Black privilege thats says it always others who are racist because we are minorities and can't be racist.Black privilege that means being able to commit violent crimes against another race without fear being labeled racist.Black privilege that means having the politically correct media blame the shortcoming of the black community alway on racism.Black racism that means not being fearful of offending other minorities or races.Black privilege that means it was always police harrassment because you weren't obeying the law.People are sick of it and sick of the race baiters like Sharpton,Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Rev.Jackson egging it on.Congratulation black America you far outstripped the worst KKK and neo nazis of the era.Black America has a huge racism problem and the politically correct powers that be have brought race relations in this country back decades.
The writers for The Stranger these days are idiots just trying to prime themselves to sell out to big media (and obviously racist against 'white people'). This definitely isn't the first article that I've seen recently that is totally biased in a way that will only hurt everyone. It use to be a paper that represented the actual thoughts of the people of Seattle. Now the writers are just trolls paid by the rich to deter real progress.
My mom was just telling me about an African American woman who scrapped and saved and finally (at great cost and personal risk), was able to open a business in Ferguson. This woman was weeping, because her building was burned down by the rioters, there goes her livelihood, there goes her money, their goes her dreams. Yet people are praising the ones who set it on fire and somehow think it is wrong when people like me point out. Somehow the only one who care about the poor black woman are the "evil and oh so racist" conservatives. Ironic to say the least.
have to call bulls**t on you, I was around in the SF Rodney King riots. A couple of weeks later I had a woman actually say to me "I got these great boots during the riots". Martin Luther King knew about protests, this is just a excuse for smashing stuff and stealing material goods.
Sorry, but I have to respectfully call bulls**t on you, I was around in the SF Rodney King riots. A couple of weeks later I had a woman actually say to me "I got these great boots during the riots". Martin Luther King knew about protests, and I'm confident some of the protesters are following his wisdom. Mostly the destruction is just a excuse for smashing stuff and stealing material goods, there is not a 'higher' goal to it.
Another piece that attempts to excuse vandalism, blocking freeways and the like by claiming "white America does not care if a police officer murders a young man in broad daylight, but white America howls with outrage if you interfere with the lifeblood of commerce." First of all, no sane person is happy that Michael Brown died. Second, Brown was not murdered by a police officer, according to the evidence as decided by a grand jury, with lots of protesters seemingly blissfully ignorant of Brown's strong arm robbery, assaulting a police officer and attempting to get his gun, and Brown's fatal decision to charge the officer. Third, the author of this piece acts as if there are no options between ineffective candlelight vigils/forgotten speeches and property destruction. But why do the hard work of actually getting involved in the system to effect real change when it's so much more emotionally satisfying to play the perpetual victim and engage in nihilistic behavior in front of the cameras?
Very well said Paul.
The main issues that the white community has with these riots, are 1) riots are acts of crime, not protest 2) the black community in the projects is plagued by gang violence everyday, where black gangbangers kill other black gangbangers every day, and don't react half as much to that as they do when a white police officer shoots a criminal who just so happens to be black. Its like this: Black gangster murders another black person because of gang affiliation= little to no resistance from the black community. A white police officer shoots a black person breaking the law= major outrage internationally from the black community. That is what the white community is shaking their heads at. You might be wise to not let the news channels do all your thinking for you and to think for your self and rationalize things.
The main problem that whites have with this is 1) rioting is not a protest, it is a crime. 2) black gangbangers shoot and murder other blacks everyday and it is not opposed by the black community half as much as this.

Its like a black thug kills another black person every day= another day in the hood and people just turn a blind eye to it mostly. A white police officer shoots a black criminal every once in a while = major national outrage. It makes no sense. And also people need to stop letting the media tell them how to think. Its sad that he died. It's tragic, but if he had not given the police any reason to mess with him, then he would still be alive to this day.
sorry didn't realize that #84 was posted before posting #85

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