
well, one would hope. don't count those chickens just yet, Daniel.

I wouldn't be surprised if Francis came out with a "do as thou wilt" position on the vote.

Not that it has to be an either/or... but I have to wonder why this is coming before legislation to legalize (or legalise) life-saving abortions.
Can we press Australia and Tony Abbott on this issue too, please, acknowledging that Tori Johnson died a "second-class" citizen in the Sydney siege.
Meh, Irish Catholics (at least the ones I've known in this country) have always been pretty much "Eff you, Vatican!" when it came to matters like this, choosing to patently ignore Papal Bulls when they conflicted with personal beliefs.
I'll believe the Catholic Church has lost its authority in Ireland when they legalize abortion.
@4: Savita's next-of-kin will be happy but probably surprised to learn that Ireland is no longer under the sway of the Vatican. (Yeah, I know you said "this country." But as for Ireland itself, this was not very long ago.)…
I actively pray for the day when no church, mosque, temple or the like holds sway over the temporal affairs of any jurisdiction.

One man's religion should not be another man's oppression.
When I studied abroad in Ireland in 1983, you (ahem) had to go to a Protestant chemist to purchase condoms. And while divorce was illegal, separated couples lived with what my best pal in Dublin (also my mom's best childhood friend) called "Distended families." The Ex, the Ex's new partner, their kids, your kids, all the kids. The Irish love children. Complex arrangements like that open the road towards marriage equality, even while many will resist legalizing abortion.
@3. Yes. Sad loss, eh? Brave young Man.
Tony Abbott et al will never pass gay marriage laws( even though his sister is a lesbian).
These fossils, however, are so on the nose here- that a one term govt may, just may happen. Aust usually likes to give the govt two terms, at least.
How exactly would you propose to push Mr Abbott? A Shameless Catholic Narcissist? Good luck , there..
@9, I don't know, but I was struck by Abbott's visiting the memorial site and mouthing platitudes (partial credit for that, at least) while still being part of a political/religious machine that denies Johnson's full humanity. Made me want to do something—so far, nothing less impotent than a tweet, but if anything better comes to my attention, I'll do it.

Did you see the item in Slog Morning News post today about Tori Johnson's connection to Washington? He did part of his studies at Washington State University in the far-eastern part of the state (town of Pullman, WA).
The Catholic Church, if it was any other type of organization, would have been RICOed and broken up with a massive federal investigation and manhunt and numerous convictions.

And still deserves to be.
@1 - is that a Thelema reference? Pope Francis, an undercover agent of the Golden Dawn? Oh the conspiracies! True Will under Nuit! Ordo Templi Orientalis!

Ahem. Never mind..
@11: Yup. I came here to say the exact same damn thing.

Q: What's the difference between the Catholic church and the Mafia?

A: Your children are safer with the Mafia.

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