Thank you for reminding us that creatures were injured and killed in this accident. Bees are now captives of humans, trucked all over the country to serve our purposes.
Humans do indeed suck, but thankfully we have corporations like Dreamworks, McDonald's, and Seinfeld to help save society.…
I like the nice corporate cover-up, "won't impact the food crop." Gee, if it didn't have any impact, why were the bees being transported in the first place? Why is there a large company providing the bees? Maybe because bees actually do have an impact?
Fuck the driver. He's incapable of pollinating trees for our fruit. The bees, otoh, we depend on.
I'll be the voice of optimism. I doubt ALL the bees will die. My guess is that the surviving ousted queen from each hive took off looking for a new home and her bees followed her and created a swarm. They traveled until they found a tree or eve or something and then the queen landed and her bees landed with her, creating a big bunch of grapes looking clump. Then an observant citizen called the authorities who called the bee rescuers who took a hive over and got them into the hive. My parents kept bees when I was in high school. I can remember them out growing their hive or whatever and swarming. My dad would go find the clump in a tree or down the road or wherever and put them into a new hive. You're welcome.
Poor bees. We ask so much of them, and all they seek in return is to be left alone to do their thing. With all this colony collapse signalling, perhaps, the extinction of the noble honey bee, I'm glad I won't be around to see it and the effects therein. Not taking up beekeeping is one of my deepest regrets.
Humans do indeed suck, but thankfully we have corporations like Dreamworks, McDonald's, and Seinfeld to help save society.…
Fuck the driver. He's incapable of pollinating trees for our fruit. The bees, otoh, we depend on.
I thought the melting icebergs raised sea level 200 ft and washed away all the daffodils.
Or was that last decade's thing to worry about...
ask at your local McDonald's if the still have a Dreamworks Happy Meal. That'll cheer you up.