
Ah ha! Another cowardly weakling too pathetic to be a man and run on his own. Pathetic!
Oh shit, that takes half the fun out of this election cycle.
I think he should run as a carrot.
...a flabby, pompous carrot.
Terry Gross is gonna have someone from the New Yorker on this afternoon talking about how much support the Don has generated amongst the good folks within the white nationalist movement. May be worth a listen.
Is it just me or is Trump starting to look more and more like an old-school Dick Tracy comic villian? Maybe we need to provide him with a suitably descriptive nick-name, like, "The Hairpiece" or "Crazy-Face".
Speaking of people who won't be president, look at Hillary's numbers. PPP national match ups has Carson matching Hilltanic. Tick tock tick tock.…

@7 LOL Carson LOL
How can this *Pledge* possibly be legally enforceable? Running for office has got to be the most protected of free speech activities, and no court will enforce "contract" (dubious mutual consideration notwithstanding) when it runs so counter to public policy.

Cheesy-ass grandstanding all around.
why not "The Ginger Whinger" as a moniker Donald Steaming Dump Trump?
Oh noes, he signed a non-binding contract. He's screwed now.
But seriously, asking Trump to sign a "non-compete agreement" with the expectation it would be so iron-clad his army of lawyers couldn't find a suitable loophole to let him shred it into a fine, cocaine-like powder he could snort through a tube of rolled up AT&T stock certificates shows just how desperate the national GOP is these days.
Did Fuckface McClownstick sign that pledge in...Sharpie??? WTF MAN
The man is a f8ckin liar. All the time. About everything.

F.U. Stranger for airing his every anal queef.
Why would anyone expect Trump to abide by this? If he loses the primary, why on earth wouldn't he just claim (perhaps accurately!) that a ton of people begged him to run as an independent, and ~I didn't betray the GOP: the GOP betrayed America!~. It's the simplest move in the world, and the people who love Trump for being brash and tactless will love him EVEN MORE for it.

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