
Good god. Does this mean Freud was right?
The story resonates, Charles. On many levels. Thank you.
Charles, I thought you said you were done reporting on the gum wall. Good grief.
Ahhh... So this is all really just about Chuck's mommy issues.
Maybe Amanda Knox and the gum wall can start a support group together
To the those giving Charles shit for this, even for this-- you have a hard heart & I hope something happens to you, someday, to soften it.

I thought your story was beautiful, Charles. Thank you for sharing it.
Great story. You's a bunch of meanie heads @4, 3, 1.
its amazing how well one remembers the first time they hurt their mom's feelings.
That was beautiful & sad. Lovely, thanks.
I hear you, bro. Well described.
I agree with 6.
I wonder how the horse that Charles killed would have pronounced it.

Neigh, neigh, neigh.
Beautiful. My adopted sister, whom we just lost, could never learn to pronounce "burp." (She said "bulp," which is actually pretty hard to say.) My kids would laugh and laugh. She was a good sport about it. I would love to be able to hear her mispronounce that again.
An interesting anecdote that I suspect most of us can relate to. I certainly can. If Mudede had led his gum wall diatribe with this, rather than his half-baked abstractions about race and privilege, I think the point might have been better taken.
This is so sad and beautiful. What an important lesson for us all-- perceived imperfections aren't imperfections at all, but little variances with history and feeling behind them. Language constantly changes and evolves and that doesn't necessarily mean it degrades or is "wrong." Thank you for sharing. A lovely reminder.

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