
wonder if it was her kink, or his?

regardless, gun negligence. man 2.

They always forget about the one in the chamber, always.

But damn man, WHY EVEN LOAD THE GUN? You can still cock it and all that stuff to make the role play realistic.

Welcome to Florida.
Isn't this the "Phil Spector Defense"?
But!! If she herself had had a gun, she would have been able to protect herself!
Holy shit no no no no no. I am a bleeding-heart cosmopolitan coast-dwelling Jewish liberal who hasn't touched a firearm since boy scout camp and even I know that you always clear the chamber and you fucking never point even a gun you think is "definitely" unloaded at the head of someone you don't intend to kill.
Hollow bullet, like the ones that are on some key chains. Drill out the primer pocket so it won't even hold a primer. Blow across the end and it'll whistle, so you know which one you have even in the dark. You can play "Russian" Roulette with that 'til the cows come home and there's no way it'll fire. The bottom never has to know.
Well, I'm glad they waited until the second day of their relationship before getting into rape-at-gunpoint-scenario role play. I mean, you wouldn't want to rush into anything like that!
@9 I think you underestimate the vast stupidity of our nation.

Pretty sure it'd be a heckuva lot easier to just intend to kill most people you meet.
Well he said it was an accident, and I'm sure that he's suffered enough and been traumatized already, so give him back his gun and let him go. That's the American way.
Jesus Christ. Take the fucking bullets out, how stupid are you?

But I guess he was just too Florida for that.
@10: plus, Florida. It's like they took all the nation's stupid, distilled it, and then put it in Florida's tap water.
@2, presumably, the gun was around as, you know, a gun (this was Florida), and stored in Condition 1 (round in chamber, safety on), not Condition 3 (no round in chamber). While stupid, negligent and several other things, I can totally see someone with little training (and we let those people own firearms) not cycle the action to clear the chamber.

@9: not "accidental" because he meant to scare her, without her consent? Or he meant to shoot her? If he meant to shoot her, yeah, maybe do it in a motel, but then just LEAVE, don't call 911.

Black male perp. White female victim. I predict his court case isn't going to go well.
@7: That you're even offering this "advice" is stupid and fucking irresponsible.
@15: cf Bradley Barton (white man) and Cindy Gladue (native woman).…

She bled to death from her vagina in a hotel bathroom. Barton explained that it happened as a result of consensual fisting, so even though he fled the scene and did not call 911 it was ok, he wasn't guilty of anything.
@7: I'm genuinely asking because I don't know: how is what you're describing different than a blank? Actor Jon-Erik Hexum was killed from "pretending" to shoot himself with a blank.
Fuck sake, get a realistic fake. Well, too late now I guess.
Treat ALL guns as loaded. When your blood is rushing to the other end of you, do NOT trust your brain to keep track of gun safety.
@19: A blank is propellant with no projectile; it can go off and cause severe burns. A hollow bullet is a projectile with no propellant; it cannot react in any way.
With either, being ABSOLUTELY SURE of what you are holding is key.
Yet more evidence of all the careless/negligent/stupid gun owners out there. Take them out of the picture and there would be a lot fewer dead Americans.
If you kill someone while you're fucking them, you're doing it wrong.
Well there's edge plan, and then there's over the edge play.
Doctor Memory @6, agreed.

Don't point a gun at someone unless you intend to kill them.
Nature weeding out the stupid. Play with guns. Get shot. It's pretty simple.
@9 We've had stories of gun safety trainers forgetting to take out the single round. These kinds of mistakes are an everyday occurrence. Everyone of us has forgotten something people would say is impossible to forget. With thousands and thousands of gun handling acts everyday, there is nothing statistically odd about this action being an accident.

There is no way to stop these kinds of accidents from happening because they are proportional to the number of guns and gun handling events, which aren't going down in number based on the current patterns of gun ownership and use.

Couple of days ago I remembered how a couple of times when I was younger I left cups of coffee on the roof of the car and drove away, once a glass bottle of water. I can't imagine doing that now, but I'm sure I felt the same way then. Is there anything easier to pay attention to than a ceramic cup sitting on the roof of the car you are getting in to, filled with the hot liquid drug you are addicted to and counting on to get you through the day?

@19: @21 has it mostly right. But a blank (a cartridge with a primer and gunpowder but no bullet), sometimes has cardboard wadding where the bullet would go to keep the powder in (while in other styles the cartridge is crimped closed without wadding). The wadding, being very light, slows in just a few feet, but does leave the barrel above the speed of sound (hence the "crack" of calibers above .22 and .25 pistols). The deaths from blank use that I recall have been at very close range (like this), in a larger caliber gun (like this 9 mm), aimed at the head (like this). Actor Jon-Erik Hexum fired a .44 magnum revolver filled with stage blank cartridges at his temple in 1984 and died from some combination of wadding and high velocity gases fracturing his skull and pushing a piece of skull into his brain.

Vemonlash is right that any blank produces very hot, high pressure gases from the barrel.

Also, with or without wadding, a 9 mm blank will make a literally deafening sound if discharged close to anyone's ear. Reagan's hearing loss was due to firing blanks from a .38 pistol during his movie days in the 1930's.
Military training 101: NEVER mix blank ammo with live (when in doubt treat as live) and again, don't point a weapon at anyone you don't want to kill.

Exactly. But I am shocked, based on commentary I have seen in the comment section of numerous stories about gun deaths about people's ... ignorance! There was that bruhaha over whether Cruz showed appropriate gun carry for a breached shotgun. Gun types swarmed the site "reasoning" why pointing a unloaded gun at a group of houses wasn't dangerous.

well, in this case, it wasn't, because Cruz had the shotgun broken, However, what happens the day he just absently slings it over his shoulder when it isn't. Then there were people arguing that there was "no way" the shot would reach the house. Really? I am supposed to rely on your estimation of physics?
The point is that you always treat a gun as loaded, even if you think it isn't, because one day you forget to pull that bullet out of the chamber. It's happened to me.
That shit is about as stupid as handing an uzi to a 9-year-old.
Arrested for a little thing like this? Ah, but for the good old days when sitting US Vice Presidents were allowed to shoot former Secretaries of the Treasury (1804) and lawyers (2006) without consequences. Our freedoms are being diminished so quickly.
Does no one remember John Eric Hexum? The soap-opera hunk killed himself with a blank cartridge. At contact, or near contact, distance, the propellant was powerful enough to blow a chunk of skull into his brain.

A few modern 'automatic' pistols are made NOT to fire when the magazine is removed. Because....dropping the magazine and forgetting the live round in the chamber is an error that costs how many lives a year? Are we even allowed to TRY to find out?
I mentioned this story to a classmate who's a former Army medic. As soon as I said "pulled the magazine out", he was like "left a round chambered?"
How long are people going to be this stupid around guns?
@ 34 - See comments 19 and 28.
I actually wonder how experienced either of these two were in exploring their kinks. There's something about his saying they were engaged in "freaky sex" that makes him seem like an inexperienced BDSM player.
@ 37 - "Freaky" is a pretty popular synonym of kinky nowadays, at least outside of the kink community. You haven't been watching much porn of late, I'd say.

But you have a valid point nonetheless: the guy is 21 and the girl was 18. I don't think they had much experience in anything (especially not in gun safety).
@27: Life lesson for you:

If you have something you need to put down to open your car (coffee, soda, baby, whatever) put it on the hood of your car rather than the roof.

Then it's right in front of you when you forget about it before driving off.
@39, where were you when I put my tablet on the roof of my car? That fucking sucked.

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