Originally posted on December 24, 2014.
My last relationship—abusive—ended 13 years ago. I've been single for the last 10. I enjoy my life! And I get to wake up in the morning happy, not afraid! However, I would like to share my life with someone. I have not been asked on a date in years—sad—but I go out to movies, dinner, etc., on my own. Do I have a list? Yes! My love should be happy, be self-actualized, be capable of communicating without violence, and have a sense of humor. I am physically fit, and although I'm not a beauty, I'm pretty enough! I snowboard and ride horses—I have lots of energy for 52.5! But is this it? Am I to be alone now?
Lonely And Seeking Someone
My response after the jump...
You may very well be alone for the rest of your life, LASS, but you're already doing everything I urge lonely people to do: You're getting out there and living your life, you're being yourself, you're doing shit, you're going places. Happy, active, and self-actualized people are more attractive and likelier to attract mates—so put up a few personal ads and see if there's anyone in your area who wants to join you for dinner, snowboarding, horseback riding, whatever. But more importantly, LASS, always remember this: It's better to be a happy, active, and self-actualized single person than a miserable, sedentary, and the-opposite-of-self-actualized-whatever-that-is partnered person.