Exactly one week after writing about this whole debacle, there's this:
Another questionable @SeattleTimes headline: @MoneyLynch's retirement announcement "wasn't classy." pic.twitter.com/BseVPPSEWj
— Ansel (@Ansel) February 8, 2016
Really? Because a) "classy" is a bullshit word predicated on the existence of an aristocracy to begin with—one that was hurled against Richard Sherman last year, and b) if you are going to use the word, well, his announcement was nothing if not elegant. Or poignant.
Because calling @wongweezy Macklemore's sidekick wasn't gross enough, @seattletimes question's Lynch's "classiness" https://t.co/HicdC85nSp
— Ijeoma Oluo (@IjeomaOluo) February 9, 2016
How many more times do I have to read the word "classy" in reference to a black athlete?? Positive or negative, it all says the same thing.
— Ahamefule J. Oluo (@ahamefulejoluo) February 9, 2016
"classy" is one of those magic words that only reveals things (bigotry, lack of imagination, serflike aspriationalism) about the speaker.
— Sean Nelson (@seantroversy) February 9, 2016
The Seattle Times: Invested in Coded Racism Since For-Fucking-Ever
— Seattlish (@seattlish) February 9, 2016
One imagines that multiple editors were involved in editing of the column, the writing of the headline, and the decision to place it in the biggest story slot on the homepage. Just one week ago, the Times publicly shared editor Kathy Best's apology for the non-apologies that were made by various writers and editors to musician Hollis Wong-Wear for calling her a "sidekick."
"I wish I could be of more help, but we will have to go with no comment from the Times," said spokesperson Lauri Hennessey today.