
Link doesn't work. And I now despise her more than I did
Wouldn't want to ruin that meal ticket/inheritance, eh Mary?

The Cheneys are all slime.
Well, at least nobody can accuse her of thinking about anything more than party affiliation. Clears up a lot about who she is politically.
Self-hatred is an evil, evil thing.

Then again, when you're the daughter of an unindicted Interanational War Criminal like Cheney, I guess it's understandable.

Sad, but understandable.
Nice to see where everyone's allegiances lie when it all shakes out.

Looks like she made a conscious decision to support a political candidate based upon their entire body of politics, and not 1 narrow special interest group.

Now you all take her to task for what? Selling out?

Talk about hypocrites.

I guess the Democratic party grudgingly accepts your support of their politics.

Even if your newly crowned leader has also turned his back on you, after promising change in your area of special interest.

The "Worst Person in the World" Dan? Seriously?

Maybe you should start at the top. Ohhh wait.. he has already been voted an enemy of SLOG.

Maybe all of this is the beginning of a wakeup call, that the GLBT's doesn't swing as heavy a club as their inflated egos believe they do?

Words to chew on...
Perhaps it was an oversight and she wasn't aware of the candidate's positions.
Did it ever occur to you folks that she refuses to be defined solely by her sexuality?
@ 7 FTW
@ 5 & 7, that doesn't make any sense. Do you give money to candidates who mostly fall in line with your values but will vote against your family in one particular instance?
She should have Sam taken from her for being unfit. Then she should be arrested for performing sodomy.

Then she should be beaten.
@7 She has an adopted child. Unless, as #6 suggests, she was unaware of this vote, she is suggesting that she either is unconcerned with the policy choices of the candidates she supports or that she refuses to extend the right she enjoys to others. You have to ask why she would give money to someone who has, through policy, asserted that she's not fit to be a mother.
@ 11 exactly. This isn't about narrow interest groups or putting politics ahead of sexuality. This is about her supporting someone who would vote against her 17-year-long relationship and her relationship with her son. That's the worst kind of hypocrisy and self-hatred.
@5: In what reality does someone say "well, his vote would take away my child and strip me and my partner of our rights, but other than that he's a pretty okay guy"?

Oh, right.
@5 and @7 for the America-hating loss.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster sees your self-hatred.

And raises you.
Hey, she got hers. Fuck the rest of you.

It's the Republican way.

Don't know why anyone expects anything different.
This candidate wouldn't take away HER rights (if she has any where she lives), he would take away the rights of people he isn't elected to represent and who don't have any representation of their own to balance out his hatred. The politicians who INSIST on dictating what the District's residents can do are the classiest of the classy, imposing their will not just on behalf of the people they're supposedly elected to represent, but on people who never cast a vote in their elections and whose local government policies have ABSOLUTELY NO IMPACT ON THEIR CONSTITUENTS WHATSOEVER!
Oh, there it is...she lives in Virgina. So, she doesn't really have any rights there, but is supporting a candidate who would take away the rights of her neighbors, even though they don't impact her or the nation at large one iota. Keep it classy, Mary.
you girls miss the point.
Mary is The Worst Person In The World because she disagrees with Dan's opinion.
in Dan's world that is The Unpardonable Sin.
@19 Bitter troll is bitter.
Do you give money to candidates who mostly fall in line with your values but will vote against your family in one particular instance?

You don't understand how republicans think. The law is for little people. The rich and powerful get to live however they want.

Of course Mary Cheney gave a grand to a fellow republican. Of course that republican is an anti-gay bigot. Of course they want to use the power of the state to persecute homosexuals. What you have to understand is that Mary Cheney isn't a homosexual.

Think of the line Tony Kushner gives Roy Cohen in Angels In America: "A homosexual is somebody who knows nobody and who nobody knows. Who has zero clout. Does this sound like me Henry?" Think of Mary Cheney telling you this right now. Because if she could, she would.

Republican morality: If I hand a thug an axe to smash my neighbors head in it's not my fault if they do it because the thug is responsible for their own actions and I am not my brother's keeper and I really don't have to worry about getting my own head smashed in too because after all I own the axe...

All you needed to do was listen to her on any Sunday as "commentator-cum-daddy-apologist" on This Week (w/ Stephanopolus) to know that she was already a WPitW contender.
@22: Sorry, come to think of it that's Liz not Mary.
(Is there a category for "Overall Worst Family in the World?")
There's a line in the movie "Prizzi's Honor", Kathleen Turner talking to Jack Nicholson about the mafia, "They would rather eat their children, then part with their money - and you know how they feel about their children!"

Very republican. I don't know why anybody was surprised by this, the most important issue in the world to the wealthy republicans is lower taxes. To get that you have to elect more republicans. Every other issue is subordinate to that.
Hmmmmm. Mary's bad, but can she really compare to Monica Hesse, the bisexual woman who wrote Washington Post's Friday love letter to antigay hate group leader Brian Brown?
au contraire, mon frere
the troll is happy.
and enjoying Obama's (only) term a lot.
and looking forward to 2010 midterms and 2012.
and can't wait to fire the iMac up each morning.
the troll is not bitter.
And there's the other daughter who shills for her father's good name on the Sunday morning news show circuit. What a lovely family.
@ 26, you would post that pipe dream unregistered, wouldn't you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...
@26 Your comment is kind of pointless, as we're talking about Mary Cheney, not Barack Obama. But your comment, while off point and without intellectual value, did have an almost musical quality. Not good music, but sort of musical never the less. Go you.
Dan might take a lesson from Mary.

On thriving in the real world
being a miserable
eternally disappointed
eternally whining
politically impotent bitch.

Dan endorsed Obama.
But Obama didn't seem to bring Dan much happiness.

We voted against Obama.
We donated to his opponents.
We scream Obama's plan down at Town Hall meetings and call Obama a Socialist (all in good clean fun...)

But so far Obama has been a pretty good President.
For us.
Thanks Dan!

Constantly being outraged when your side disappoints you gives you ulcers.
And makes your friends weary.
And makes your friends hate your guts.
And makes it less likely you'll ever get your way.
And entertains your foes to no end.

Dan is Pissing Himself about Obama!
Wait- I'll go make popcorn!!!

Thanks Dan, for everthing!
She isn't voting against her values. When you have truck loads of cash at your disposal marriage is just a piece of paper. Her values are to protect every cent of that river of cash coming in her door. If we wound up like Brazil, where the wealthy ride by helicopter from one oasis to another that would probably be just fine to her.

Marriage mostly means something to middle class gays who need the protections and equal rights that come with it and can’t just go buy them.
@31 agreed... $1,000 is pocket change for her, probably a token donation.
Mary knows that supporting someone who agrees with you 90% is a pretty good deal, as is getting 90% of what you want.

Someone who agrees with Dan only 90% is an ASSHOLE.
Dan winds up getting NOTHING.
@30, Michelle Malkin, is that you? You silly goose, get back to your crazy-town blog!
It's not news that Republicans, especially gay Republicans, are hypocrites. The REAL story is that so are the Democrats. Remember Kerry/Edwards in 2004? Dick Cheney's position on gay marriage was MORE PROGRESSIVE than that of Edwards. What about "I supported gay marriage when I was nobody, but now that I'm the most powerful man in the world I'm a good old gay basher" Barack Obama? Half the story is half the truth, Dan Savage.
You'll get nowhere pointing that out here.
Dan has acquired a taste for having Obama's dick shoved up his ass.
He's beginning to enjoy the abuse.
Mary Cheney's politics seem like a good preview of how many wealthier gays would vote if they didn't think the Democratic party were the more likely party to extend marriage rights and legal protections to them personally.

Wealthy people vote their wallets most of the time.
The troll(s?) are in rare form today! I am having a bad day today too....any anonymous republican trolls in the seattle area want to meet at a bar, i will buy you & me a whiskey and we can take it outside.....any takers?
Given it's Mary Cheney I'm shocked it wasn't $10K or $20K; sorry this ain't news Dan, not at all. Nor at all surprising except that it wasn't a larger amount.
@ 38, it's singular.
@38 - you can't take an open container of whiskey outside ...
Just FYI, her child wasn't adopted, she birthed him in `07:…
(Can you say "Turkey Baster" class?)
u gurlz r precious
u make the troll(z) day for sure!
"Words to chew on..."

Words to chew on are generally ones with depth and thought behind them. Of course there are gay/black conservatives that support gay/black hating conservative policy and politicians. Most of the GOP acts out of their own interest, so why should any specific minority group be an exception? Being a minority *should* make one more conscious of the issues around them, but it doesn't prevent one from being outright stupid, or in this specific case calculating.
I generally vote for Democrats even though I dislike big government, like to shoot guns and think people that believe in a god are fucking morons. Sadly as Americans we have to cave on a few issues and vote for the lesser of two evils.
@42 I would imagine that her partner adopted their child, though I'm not sure of that. At any rate, I think the point still stands, but thanks for the info!
You'll get nowhere pointing that out here.
Dan has acquired a taste for having Obama's dick shoved up his ass.
He's beginning to enjoy the abuse. "

Oh, you trolls are such fairweather friends of liberty, truth, family values, and tolerance.
49 depends on where they make their permanent residence. Virginia's laws are unclear as to whether the second parent in a gay relationship can adopt the child. Because of this ambiguity in the law, and the unlikeliness of a custody battle upon one's death for them, it's possible they went for it and it would go unchallenged if something were to happen. That's REAL hypocrisy, since VA allows, at least, single gay adoptions, and she was donating to a candidate who wanted to quash the allowance of even that in DC. It matters not what this dude's views on national laws like DADT and DOMA are, it DOES matter that he was after DC's laws. That's REALLY bad...taking advantage of every opportunity to deny ANYONE, regardless of whether he PERSONALLY REPRESENTS THEM, the right to govern themselves how they see fit. Aren't repugnants always about state's rights? Oh, except when it comes to DC!
There are no trolls when you turn the unregistered comments off.
And how about her sister who espouses the far-right rhetoric on Sunday's news' hours. I have to hit the mute button because she infuriates me so much. What hard karma did we collectively deserve to have this horrendous family pontificate about this glorious country and have so many idiots believe them?!
I think the whole damned family should be in therapy. Don't have much respect for either Cheney daughter, but who knows what influences they're operating under. Creepiest father figure in America.
I hope her child grows up to hate her guts.
The hypocrisy and avarice of these people are despicable. The father should be in jail. The daughters should keep their damn fool mouths shut. The mother should be humiliated beyond words. But none of these things area bout to happen.
"I hope her child grows up to hate her guts."

She'd have to be gay for that....

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