Blogs Mar 10, 2010 at 8:12 am


Gay should be defined as someone who sees having sex with their own sex as enjoyable and nothing to be ashamed of. Massa is more closet case. In denial about his sexuality and denying he enjoys sexuality with the same sex. But he just can't resist it.
Yeah, and the Pope's not really Catholic.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

He's Your's....
"Served with", Dan. No need to hang him any higher than he's hung himself.
This guy is drifting right? Why is he doing this? Because the political right appeals to hypocrites who believe they should be held to a double standard. He knows if he wants to keep up his secret life and still get all the perks of his friends and family and neighbors considering him a good christian man he has to publicly deny being gay.
Amazingly, the NY Daily News offers the far more staid:

"Ex-Rep. Massa admits he sent 'inappropriate' texts to staff"

And the NY Post is all but demure in that there are no "Massa" headlines at all on Page One!

Then again, January was the "hottest month ever" ...

I just bust a nut from laughing. That's normal, right?
So he uses inappropriate language and gets physical with the staff. Quite honestly, I'm willing to believe him that he's not gay. I mean, I saw "Jarhead." And I've seen a lot of straight guys do a lot of gay-looking things as a joke.

Now, I do realize that it's ridiculously unprofessional to play grabass with your employees, that if I did that I'd be fired immediately, and that a national elected official should really fucking know better, but still, I find this story not very interesting.
Sorry, Dan, he's one of yours. We sure as hell don't want him on our team.
@6 I believe Massa was a Republican until the Iraq War, so he's returning to his true roots--a closeted GOPer.

I don't know if he likes the cock, but he sure seems like a creep in his interviews.

Who cares, by the way? He'll put his name on the cover of a bad book, very few people will buy it, and he'll disappear.

The Dems have disowned him and I don't think the Repubs want anything to do with him.

Good riddance.
ew I hadn't heard about the tickling yet. Why hasn't this guy earned himself a solid kick in the balls yet? He seems much overdue.
Gay Massa, Roy Ashburn and down the list goes ... what's wrong with these clowns ? It's incredible that dummies like these knowing that they're dealing with such things still decide to get into politics. It's as if they don't know that it will end up bringing them down in disgrace.
Gay or straight shouldn't (and in my mind doesn't) matter. Being a douchebag does, and he pole-vaulted over that line.
Who is Glen Beck?

Is he anything like Glenn Beck?

"admitted to groping staffers on Glen Beck and then denied it on Larry King"

I read that like he gropped Beck's staffers and denied it to King.
He's not gay -- he's just getting ready to join the clergy.
It's always the freakazoid closet-cases who do the most awful things. Ashburn and Massa are both clearly deeply damaged by their exposure to certain anti-gay social elements and they've created elaborate personae around their own mental damage.

It's like the Ted Haggards of the world, who will claim to be compassionate and yet go to great lengths to create this persona of being this vanguard of social rightness and morality, cloaking their true selves to hide a deeper mental damage. Humorously enough, this type of person when I've encountered them online frequently presents themselves as a woman to gird themselves against any kind of accusations from those who disagree.

You can usually tell any of the sort is a major homo by their lies or inability to stick to a personal story. For example, Loveschild, who wasn't married, is married, isn't married, is married, has kids with her husband, had kids with another man, is for domestic partnerships, isn't for them, etcetera., and is likely a deeply closeted gay white male, but presents as a straight black female to deflect criticism by playing the racism or sexism card. Massa presents himself as a reasonable and open moderate, so he couldn't possibly be a homosexual just based on these acts, but wait he is, but tickling guys is totally straight if you say "no homo". Ashburn is gay, but his voters didn't want him to be, so he will totally vote against the gays.

All troubled people, all gay men damaged by social pressures they're too mentally weak to challenge by coming out* and confronting the lies social conservatives lob about.

So sad!

*Ashburn is "out", but not politically and socially, just on a personal level. It's like perpetual non-monogamists saying "I hate cheating" while still banging anything with a pulse.

Marines tickle each other?
I am starting to think all politicians are closet cases.
@ Baconcat - LC is a closeted gay man with a serious boner for Dan.
Stephen Foster's premonition: "Massa's in de cold, cold ground." Or maybe something that rhymes with 'ground'?

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