
More PC-ness

As well as the Spring Egg Hunt around Easter, Seattle Parks brings you the Winter Holiday party with Santa and presents. {Montlake got extra points years ago for having a female Santa).

As I recall Parks do in fact have a Halloween Party, as opposed to Leshi School, which used to have a Harvest Festival Party that one was invited to attend in costume.
Tasteful hipsters hate Comic Sans, yes. But if one cent of taxpayer money was spent on answering your pointless inquiry about the font, I will personally lay some cable outside of the Stranger offices to express my displeasure.
Seattle Children's used to use Comic Sans for everything, but around the time that they adopted their new fetus (actually, baby and mama whale) logo they switched to something else. Which is good because everyone who deals with children in some sort of professional capacity, or is perhaps a child themselves, uses Comic Sans.
I for one welcome our new pagan lepus sylvaticus overlords.
Are they going to have any hippie zombies with bloody appendages? I'd like to see that.
Edmonds used to send out subpoenas in comic sans. Now that was pretty hard-core awful placement of the worst font.
Jesus wrote the Bible in Comic Sans, you know. In longhand. On the backs of cancelled checks.
This Jew loves easter egg hunts and cadbury eggs. Awesome holiday.
I would really like to know what Mary Traverse thinks is an equinoctially friendly font. (You know, for tasteful invitations to rites-of-spring soirees and whatnot.) She seems to have been veering away from the graphic-design topic since the fonts-for-lawyers tastiness.
Ugh I cant wait til our generation's in charge. Overly-PC aging hippies are the most joyless people and they run everythinggggggggg.

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