
This is heartbreaking, but all too common for LGBT kids.

Commenters on Towleroad are asking about setting up a fund to help Derrick. Please keep us posted if you hear of any way we can make a donation to help this young man who is a straight A student and volunteer tutor. He needs and deserves our support.
Wow, my heart really goes out to this kid. Not having your family behind you really screws with you. Martin's got my respect, for what it's worth.
Maybe some whoop ass needs to be brought down on his parents. If they thought the media attention was too much before, we can show them how much worse it can get for them. Any contact info for them?

And yeah, a fund set up for Derrick would be nice.
This is every gay or lesbian kid's worst nightmare!

how about some links so we can help the kid out?
I wonder if there is some way to get this young man some support right now. Something like the Facebook page for Constance would help, but also some financial support (Ellen?) It must be devestating to have such hate filled parents.

Hang in there, Derrick. Millions of us support you.
Why can't parents be glad they have a son with great grades who makes it a point to help others. Lots of parents would love to have such a great son. But hey, that is South Georgia. I am sure he will finish school and move on with or without his parents.
It's a good thing this kid isn't transgendered or he'd probably be used as a punch line by Dan.
And Loves- er I mean Hateschild will be posting it/her/his schadenfreude and bible molesting opinion in 3-2-1...
So do this kid's parents have any facebook pages or email addresses that are public information? Just sayin' ...
It's nice and all to offer a Tux and a limo, and all, but considering his situation, I think a college fund is more in order, given that his parents are inhuman to whom their bigotry is more important than their own son
Excuse me, I meant to say that they are inhuman bastards. Too fast on the clicky.

While I'm at it I'd love to ask the parents if they think that Jesus would approve of them shunning and abandoning their own son...
Please let us know if we can contribute to a fund to keep the kid afloat and get him through to college.
Well, it says "because of the media attention" and then paraphrases rather than quotes that he has been 'kicked out'. Maybe his parents just sent him to a friend's house (address unknown to the media) to protect him from having cameras shoved in his face all day.
I've always wondered if its really legal for parents to kick out a minor child. Wouldn't they have to legally give him up into the foster care system, or else its abandonment?
@15, I think he's 18, he may not be old enough by law to drink, but he sure as hell can live on the street.
I had a few friends in high school who would get kicked out by their parents. The parents would usually relent after a few days, and as long as the kid in question had some place to go the authorities didn't get involved. I guess the fact that no one felt a need to call the authorities may also have had something to do with that.

And it doesn't make this particular situation any less upsetting. I hope his parents come around and realize that he's their son and not something they can just cast off at will.
#6: Ellen's website is
I was disowned by my parents after I came out to them in college. I haven't spoken to them in over 15 years and frankly, haven't looked back. My life has been happy and wonderful with my new "adoptive family" of friends.

Though in high school things would have been much much worse. Glad they didn't find out then.

Instead of Ellen, or some other explicitly gay person/organization helping him, how about "normal" people stepping up? By "normal", I mean someone who's life isn't publicly defined by their sexual orientation.

(ex.) It would be nice if Rachel Maddow made a public show of support, but it would be far more meaningful if Chris Matthews stood up for the kid. This shouldn't be a "gay" issue: it should be a "decent human being" issue.
@19: Oh, Cato, I'm so sorry to hear that.

My first serious boyfriend was kicked out and disowned (and beaten up and tossed out of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back *and* a broken arm). And 15 years later, when I was sitting in his living room, his dad called to apologize and ask him to forgive them.

Don't want to hold out any false hopes, but... even the worst can come around. I'm glad you found a family of choice that gives you joy.
I have a friend (met him when I was six) whose dad tried to run over him in his truck when he found out he was gay. And another I've known almost as long whose dad is a Deacon in the Catholic church but who welcomes my friend's longtime partner to family events as he would any other son-in-law. It really does seem to be the luck of the draw.

If Dan reads this, Dan, on your radio show years ago, you mentioned that at dinner at Chutney's you'd seen four teenagers nearby and realized that they were a straight couple and gay couple, all on the way to Prom. You told us how you'd gone to the table to tell all four how proud you were of them. This must have been at least 15 years ago.

(BTW Slog readership, later in the show, one of the gay boys phoned in with the rest of that story; when they got up to leave, they discovered that Dan had already settled their whole bill).

Did you ever hear from them again? Their story stuck with me over the years and I've been thinking about them a lot during these few weeks of Constance. Wondering if they were around/speaking up about this, etc.
This is a gutsy, high stakes, risky strategy for Martin.
He has seen how things worked out for Constance and is pushing all his chips into the middle of the table.
He has decided to forgo the usual 'don't out to the folks until they have paid for college' strategy in favor of the 'grab some prom date attention and hope to score $30,000 from Ellen' gambit.
How will it pan out?
Are there another 400,000 close and personal friends to be harvested?
Is America going to OD on fresh rosy cheeked teen homo martyrs ?
Think hard, fanboys- which does Martin need most, a Tea Rose pink coursage or a lab notebook?
Not to worry, the gentle gays always take care of their own: If all else fails, Martin can catch a bus to Atlanta and wait for a chicken hawk to take him underwing.
Fuck. Parents like this make my blood boil.

I wish I believed in heaven/hell, because really, there aught to be a special place in hell for his parents.
#24 Martin came out during his sophomore year, according to the original article. This was not news to his parents nor the school.…

what is this world in which people are required to get permission for their choice of prom date? is this a new concept or a regional variation in tradition? it seems insane, regardless of the orientation of the couples.
Fuck that scene, can we PayPal this kid some money? 1,000 people all sending $5-10 should get him his own incredibly gay apartment for a while.
Period Hive Drone @24, Fuck Off. This shit is not a joke. Derrick Martin is a thinking breathing human being and your are speaking of him as if he is less than that. He is not looking for handouts, but simple tolerance and human decency. He is doing what he's doing because it is his right and that he will not be cowed by hate. He is not doing this for the material support people happen to be offering him.

28: if you're so inclined you could probably open an account at a national bank in his name into which people can deposit their donations. But unless you know all his information and can actually reach him, the intervention of someone famous (like Ellen) will probably be more helpful.
My heart goes out to him. I'm sorry I ever dissed the puka shell necklace. In fact, I'm going to buy one and wear it for solidarity. I'm sure I can't be too old for it quite yet...
Sadly, patrick66 has a point. Were this kid transgendered and looking to Dan's words for support, he might be jusssst a little disappointed by the way that identity had been used as a joke.

Sure, sure, a joke's a joke. Some aren't very funny.
Well for starters, I'd send an inquiry to the IRS asking whether, if the parents kick their kid out of the house for being gay, can they still claim him as a dependent for tax purposes?

Nothing like having the IRS breathing down your neck to get the flop-sweat started...
We need to find out where Martin's creep parents work and get them fired.

"Martin’s parents have kicked him out..."

Even with "journalism" being what it is, I don't think that a writer would characterize a loving, protecting parent's having sent their child to stay at a friend's house in response to media attention as their having kicked his ass out of their house.
"Martin’s parents have kicked him out and the teen is staying with a friend"

What the hell is wrong with these idiots?

Some schools have policies about clearing dates who are from a different school/locality. My friend's school had one due to someone bringing a date with a few convictions/outstanding warrents who got high and attacked the DJ. They say it's so they can run checks on non-students, but I don't think they ever have, it's just a deterrent to stop anyone trying to bring someone dodgey.

They've never said no to any date under 21 as of yet. No idea why other schools do it.
@27, at my high school we had to get permission for a prom date if he/she wasn't a student at the school. That was well over 20 years ago.
No, 34, you obvious troll, trying to get the kid's parents fired would not be a good thing to do.
No, 34, you obvious troll, trying to get the kid's parents fired would not be a good thing to do.
@22, Dan, I hope your friend told his father that he was grateful for his contrition and that he would get back to him with an answer in 15 years.
Indeed Alleged @34, that would be an egregious invasion of privacy (Mr. Hood gave that up when he mixed business and public work) and, laws aside, would horrendously damage the possibility of reconciliation for Derrick and his parents.

Please excuse me for confronting your rhetorical point, and join the Period Hive Drone outside the venue on the sidewalk; please no smoking within ten feet of the doors.

The deepest wounds come from people that we have loved and trusted the most.

I was seventeen, and it was the start of my senior year. My parents kicked me out, my friends and family turned their backs, and my community shunned fucked me up; it almost killed me.

Let it go, or like a cancer it will kill you.

Letting it go doesn't mean that you forgive and forget. Letting go means that you no longer bind yourself to them or the experience; free yourself from the past.

The pain and scars will still be there even as they change and, hopefully, diminish over time. Don't ignore them completely unless you want to be tripped up by them, but don't focus and obsess on them either. Own them, change them and use them...don't be owned, changed and used by them.

Unlike, Dan, I encourage you not to hold on to the hope that any who have harmed you will ever apologize and reconcile. Hope can turn to rot over time.

Be free; let them go.

Huh, it looks like LC is staying away from this one. There's no angle in the story to spew the narrative that all gays are child molesters and all child molesters are gay.

What a coward. Not like Derrick. May the wound from this fade and the strength gained last forever.
I'm torn: like 14, I don't want to condemn the parents if they really did sent him to a friend's place because they didn't want the local paparazzi hanging about their home.

If they kicked an honor student on the curb for being out and gay, that's a different story.
The kid has a full ride, so a scholarship isn't necessary. What he really needs is a place to live through the summer and funds to cover living expenses while he goes to school. His parents need to be shamed by their friends and family, not complete strangers.


The parents are Homophobic Bigots
who Hate their own son.
They deserve to be DESTROYED.

Don't be a pussy.
@47: Wow, pissy much? It says that they kicked him out because of the media attention. There is nothing there to say that they are homophobic or that they hate their son.
And even if they did deserve extreme treatment, I don't know how many of us here work in law enforcement. Vigilante "justice", the kind advocated for by the Out-of-Their-Ever-Lovin'-Tea-Baggin'-Minds Right, is a sign of anarchic society.
It's when you say things like this, Alleged, that I start thinking that when you go to the zoo, you must buy two tickets: one to get in and one to get out.
Oh! Period Drone @47, how flattering! A poem, for me! And you're familiar with my favorite aphorism, you echo it in your latest name!

You know as well as I do that screwing with these people (like getting them fired, or as you suggest, killing them) is the wrong move.

Anyway, next time you kiss my ass, please a better rim job. Can't you do better than histrionic sarcasm?
@27 - You are usually supposed to fill out a form if you bring anyone not already in your junior or senior class. The idea is that the school should know who's there and their emergency info in case there's a disaster and they have to contact parents.

(Some schools also have policies against bringing dates above a certain age, I think.)

Even if your school doesn't require bringing a form for a date, its not a bad idea to check ahead of time so you can get legal support, instead of just showing up and hoping you don't get kicked out and beat up.

I wonder if some of these kids want to make a statement, instead of pretending they are just friends. If so, good for them.
@34 & 47 (who I assume are the same): I really don't see any difference between what you're advocating and the actions of those Christians in the small town in Texas that Dan posted about not long ago (sorry can't remember the name, they were the Christian Army fucks who got swingers fired).

Trying to fuck up someone's life because you morally disagree with them is heinous and despicable, no matter which end of the political spectrum may motivate you. If you disagree with that statement you are a moral relativist, which is the worst kind of intellectual laziness.
As Lily Allen said:

So you say it's not okay to be gay
Well, I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you, fuck you very, very much
'Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
“My parents did kick me out,” Martin told LGBTQ Nation on Wednesday night.

“They never supported my lifestyle, and with all of this attention they thought it best for us to separate, so they told me to leave. It’s OK though. It’s their house. It was mainly because I went public.”

So sorry, so very sorry. I'm glad that you have found family and are happy.

And, poor Martin. I can't imagine telling either of my children to leave. I can imagine entrusting them into the care of others to protect them, but to tell them to leave because I don't wish for the attention is unthinkable. Then again I can't imagine not supporting my children. Martin is welcome to come live with me.
You know all people have faults regardless of their sexual preference. Sometimes teenagers, gay or striaght, are disrespectful, refuse to obey rules and generally disregard the adive and guidance that loving parents offer. SOmetimes parents have to take a stand and allow their children to make mistakes on their own. Parenting does not mean allowing your children to run over you.
Someone needs to send an anonymous mail to his parents with the movie "Bobby" in it. It explains in full detail how a mother is religiously devout and turned her back on her gay son as well, in turn, the son killed himself and she regretted what she had done by turning her back on him. All along, all he ever wanted was to be accepted by the ones he loved the most, and since he couldn't have that mixed with all the hate in the world, he felt eliminating himself from the world, was the only choice. In the end of the movie, the mother becomes a GLBT's just sad she had to learn the hard way. I've heard this was a true story, and trust me, being the mother of a gay son WHO I LOVE AND ADORE, I cried my eyes out from the movie for the pain of the son and the mother. I will follow my son anywhere he needs to go to be happy and accepted....and for those who get in my way....hell hath no fury by a mother scorned!

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