
Wait... Blood comes from where to where? and how often? I don't think i got that part.
So weird... the repetition ("blood comes from inside my body through a hole between my legs", "every four weeks for three or four days!" "it's blue on one side, white on the other!"), the strange, giant yellow bathroom, the bloody pad(!), the looking into the camera by the sister, the dad.... And why does she have downs? Is another actress doing her voice?

Oh, it's not a good day to be named Jill. (I'm named Jill.)
Sweet? I would go along the lines of "creepy". I never knew the joys of menstruation could be a family event.
I think they showed this at my sister's school (she has an intellectual disability, ie is 'tarded.) As I recall, anything puberty-related is/was very scary for her and her classmates. I'm not sure this video would help with the scariness, but the repetition would help with comprehension.
Aw, that little girl is so cute! But this is begging for a parody where the dad tells her "That's right honey, only women get their periods, because women are cursed and defiled".
Re: 4 and 5: I guess I always thought the "family discussion" aspect was there to highlight how normal and shame-free the topic is, or should be. It may come off as creepy to average folks (as does the repetition) but I bet it communicates something concrete to the intended audience.
(There's a reason they showed these types of films only to gender-segregated audiences in darkened lunchrooms.)

Yeah to avoid infantile comments like 1 and 2.
um, LC? they were commenting on how the film repeats those phrases OVER AND OVER, which is completely absurd no matter WHAT you're talking about.

I'm guessing you didn't actually watch before commenting.
"Yes, all women have periods."
The "now you try it" part is what is creepiest to me. How old is she, 7????
@11, Downs kids are naturally small. She was probably around 11-12.
From an opening between your legs?!!!
The vomit comes from a hole in my face
I realize this is a serious topic, but honestly, I expected to see Divine or Mink Stole pop out at any moment, during the video.

The video just had that Pink Flamingos/John Waters feel to it.
That was very sweet indeed. It makes me aware that I am never that patient with anyone, ever.
This whole set of films is great in showing how to teach folks with Down Syndrome about stuff that parents had a hard time even talking about with their "normal" kids. Calm, repetitious, factual-very high quality for the intended audience. Given how strange menstruation is to DS kids, starting young and talking often will make puberty much easier to cope with for them. The girl asked a simple question and got a good answer. I wonder if these are still in use.
I work with people with developmental disabilities. Some have DS and many have a variety of other conditions that result in cognitive impairments that make repetition of very exacting phrases a necessity. One woman I work with has brain damage caused by an illness when she was a toddler. One of the many resulting changes to her brain caused her to start her period at 4 years old. The world is full of people with really wacky sets of strengths and weakness and abilities and some of them would benefit from the calm, straight forward, and yes, repeated information this film presents. If you are able to figure out how to use a menstrual pad on your own then count your lucky stars.
I love all the posing the woman does in the mirror after she washes her hands. Totally upped the camp value.

@18 beautifully said.
"I'm having my period now." ahahahahhaha omg AHHHHH THEY SHOW THE BLOOODY PAD. AHHAHAHAHAHA
@14, That was totally immature but... I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!! I sincerely thank you. I REALLY needed that.
21: you are so very welcome!
i now know how to use a pad. at 27 years you'd think i had an idea. but really, i didn't. girls go through so much shit!
"i don't need this." awesome.
It occurred to me while watching this video that I've never seen an actual bloody pad shown on film, only pads soaked with blue liquid.

I do think this video is sweet. I wish I had a trusted female relative to teach me about menstruation, instead of having to listen to vague, shame-inducing metaphors from some teacher in a dark classroom with every other girl I knew.
But what will happen if Little Down Syndrome girl encounters a different brand of pad that's not blue on one side, white on the other? The Always Thins that are in my bathroom right now are PINK on one side. Uh oh.

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