
Please tell me they're using Maxwell House haggadahs.
Zionist puppet government
This is one of those things that surprises me that other people are surprised by it. I'm not Jewish and I didn't grow up going to a seder, but I was introduced to the concept fairly early for a gentile, I guess. I was really surprised last year when they announced that it was the first seder to be held in the White House. And I'm very happy they are continuing with the tradition. I hope subsequent presidents continue it.
So adorable. I want to attend that seder :)
My president, my hero.
So long as you can still eat chocolate bunny ears later, sounds fine.
@2 Funny since the most outspoken and active Zionists are conservative evangelical fundies. Happy Passover!
Loved the bit about Sasha and Malia re-hidding the afikomen (hidden matzo) so well that it took the "former advance man 45 minutes to locate it".

Glad that they are continuing this as a tradition among "family" (mit mishpokhe).
while i admire the generosity of spirit involved in recognizing the tradition of the ritual, judiasm is just as much fantasy bullshit as catholicism or islam or any other "magic man in the sky" or life-after-death con game.
Michelle using a pillow is kinda tacky. So is the "luggage" on the floor on the left.
@10, it's not the State Dining Room, raindrip.
I'm kind of wondering when we'll finally have a Wiccan ceremony in the White House.

On the other hand, I'd much rather there be a good spaghetti dinner, to respect those Americans who accept the Flying Spaghetti Monster, in whose image we were not made (both because the FSM has no image, being invisible, and obviously humans are inferior beings, except for pirates)
I knew it! Not only is he a Nazi, Socialist and Muslim---he's a Jew too!

Macaroons and wine? Sounds pretty breath-takingly bad unless you are talking about a sec champagne. But I presume we are talking about Mogan David which I hesitate to call wine. It's more like an alcoholic fruit syrup. Chag Pesach Sameach to all our Jewish friends.

I'm Joey Nickels! Nickels, see? Nickels, see? Nickels, see?

Whenever you can't remember my name, just think Joey Five Cents!
@8, a shaggy-hunt story for you (in Yiddish first, then English).
I've always wanted to attend a seder - or at least attend one where I was not part of the hired help.
@8, maybe so, but I can respect peoples' rights to their religion as much as I can respect your right to be atheist. Just because I chose to be Jewish doesn't make me stupid. We all find peace in what we can. It's when we force others to agree with us that we become intolerable, whether you are atheist, Jewish, Muslim, or anything. I will not subject others to my Judaism and expect a similar respect. Shalom aleichem, mry.
10 - I think Michelle is further down, on the other side of Malia in white. Oh, and lighten up.
What's with all the anti-semitism among the hipsters here? Sheesh. These folks are our friends, guys.
@10, it's traditional to lean against a pillow during the Seder as we're commanded to recline during the meal (on this night, we eat like royalty). You can actually buy a special embroidered Pesach Pillow just for this purpose. The Obama Seder is a wonderful teaching moment, and perhaps the most important lesson is, don't make snarky comments about cultural traditions you don't know anything about!
Isn't this a photo from last year? It appears so..,…

I think it is so cool that they host one.
Isn't it weird that Bush, eternally the friend of Netanyahoo (sorry, couldn't help myself), never did this? Or wait, that was so much more about oligarchy than cultural alliance. I love Obama, because he's smart about what matters and what's practical.
@12 "I'm kind of wondering when we'll finally have a Wiccan ceremony in the White House."

Uh, when a significant percentage of the electorate is Wiccan? But more power to ya.
Here's a photo from this year's sedar:…
@9: all 3 are the same religion. they're just too stupid to know it. judaism is definitely the funniest monotheism.

i salute michelle again - she's got the touch. by 2016 she'll be the most loved woman on the planet.
@10 Well you're never invited to my seder! We sit on pillows in our pjs, drink non-kosher wine, purposely butcher the hebrew, and read from an lgbt haggadah.
If you'd ever sat through a 3.5-hour seder, sometimes twice in two days, you'd know why you need a pillow.
@28 FTW.

I couldn't go home for my Seder this year, so my (Catholic-ish) husband and I had a mini-Seder at 10 PM last night.

It's really not the same. :(
that lady 3rd from the left is HOT, nice cleavage. my type. i like jewish women. love this whitehouse
3rd from right, my blood is stirring
What do you mean, it's full? There's an empty chair right there!

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