
Men fucking little boys is a "homosexual" crisis??? It's child rape, you stupid piece of shit.
If I tell Donohue he can suck my dick, does that make me gay?
Bill Donohue is the headline-crazy asshole who pops his mouth off anytime anyone says something negative about his beloved Church. He called the creators of South Park "little whores," if I remember right. He's a hypocritical, homophobic, hate-filled loudmouth. There's a special room in Hell waiting for him.
I'm convinced!
Shocking statements from a professional liar. If these priests were/are homosexuals, they are a thoroughly different breed from OUT homosexuals, and also from NON-PEDOPHILE homosexuals. Which is one of the most obvious lessons of this church crisis: it's the radical anti-homosexual gays, closeted in their medieval mental dungeons, who commit abuses, not ordinary gay men. And not just Catholics, either; Ted Haggard and Larry Craig were not out gay men. To be fair, they weren't pedophiles, either.

A closeted homosexual who sexually abuses children is no more similar to an ordinary homosexual than a heterosexual child molester is to an ordinary heterosexual.

And it is the church's archaic and abusive policy of celibacy that both attracts the mentally twisted -- indeed, recruits for them -- and twists the minds of the unstable. The Catholic Church is a powerful machine for manufacturing pedophiles.
I love Fnarf.
The fact that The Times ran that ad says everything that needs to be said about BD's attack specific to The Times and weakens substantially his entire argument.
I like the casual reference to "most gay priests." Really? I mean, we all know there're plenty, but I'd be curious to see this guy's estimates of just how many priests are gay, and what the church should do about it.
Fifty-Two-Eighty, I'd buy you Jäger shots all day long. Glad you're in our corner.

Regarding Donohue, this is really pathological over-reaching. If he and the church weren't wrong on the facts, morally bereft, and batshit crazy, they'd still lose on massive PR missteps alone. They're standing on the edge of a gravelly cliff throwing grenades as hard as they can.
Ditto for Fnarf, although you'd probably choose a tastier libation :)
So, Bill, it's this bogeyman Jeffrey Anderson who is "weakening the moral authority of the Church" and not the hundreds of pedophile priests around the world and their Vatican protectors? I get it now.
Imagine it was some other major institution that was engaged in systemic child rape. Like the Kiwanis or Little League or something. Law enforcement would be all over them and many people would be in prison.
The double standard is obvious here. Jesus is the ultimate "get out of jail free" card.
If they went to the trouble of having the Pope acknowledge this on PALM SUNDAY, and did this advertisement, they're in serious shit this time and know it.
I like how he turns it around and throws in a little dig at how "therapy is still popular in many quarters." He's trying to reinforce the conservative line that it's bleeding-heart liberals who are soft on crime, when obviously "a more hard-line approach is necessary." A little misdirection to turn the focus to on those terrible permissive secular forces that are undermining our values, hoping to distract attention from the Church's obvious systematic attempts to soft-pedal abuse charges every time they were leveled against one of their own.

There is absolutely no crime that weasels like this won't blame on either the victim or the whistle-blower rather than accept responsibility for creating an environment that fosters widespread abuse.
Also, Exhibit A of how the Church is more interested in preserving their status and position rather than the idea and the faith. The actual excommunication of those advocating liberation theology is Exhibit B.
If he prefers the term "offender" why doesn't he just use it?
"The solution is clear: we prevent gay marriage so that an institution that disallows gays AND marriage will stop filling up with homosexuals."
I think we're mistaken to focus on the doctrines, practices, and teachings of the church. Yes, they're evil, but religious freedom means being free, sometimes to be evil.

Except, that is, when the evil is actually a felony like child rape. Or a felony such as the aiding and abetting of child rape in a systematic cover-up. Once these things happen, the very concept of an internal investigation is a farce. Everyone's duty at that point is to support a real criminal investigation by real police, not bishops and cardinals.

But that doesn't seem to be possible where the Vatican, a quasi-independent medieval nation, is concerned. Nobody has jurisdiction over the Vatican except for the people allegedly perpetrating the alleged cover-up.

So what recourse does the US, or Ireland, or Germany, or nation X have? If the Vatican's status as a nation makes ordinary law enforcement impossible, then It seems to me the only solution is in the realm of international relations. We should urge our governments to freeze the Vatican's assets, expel its diplomats, restrict the travel of its representatives, and impose economic sanctions. We should take steps to revoke the Vatican's "nation" status and reduce it to an ordinary organization subject to the ordinary laws of Italy and the European Union.

Which is to say: we need to take steps to make sure the leaders of the Vatican are subject to the same laws that the leaders of every other church in the world must obey.
Point #6 is the winner. He really tortures logic and credulity on that one. What are these other organizations that respond to child-rape w/ therapy for the rapist? They're quite common, apparently.

He also infers that the Catholic Church has been, and still continues to be, a liberal love-in where "offenders" are termed "patients." If only the Catholic Church would become "hard-line," then all will be well!

His previous points are just trite defense arguments. The last point is something he cal sell because most people are stupid when it comes to issues of homosexuality and don't have Fnarf to set them straight.

But point #6 is when he shows how insane & warped from reality he is.
@2: It apparently makes you angry about women not being priests or something.
@7.. i love that they had to pay for that ad..probably a drop in the abyss for them but they still had to pay
muddy the waters, attack the messenger, etc. SOP.

the catholic church is the goldman sachs of human history.
The continued conflating of homosexuality and pedophilia makes me furious. Any individual with a little bit of education on the subject of pedophilia understands that most pedophiles are heterosexuals, because a.) heterosexuals out number homosexuals and b.) pedophiles are less interested in the gender of their victim but that their victim is pre-pubescent. A pre-pubescent boy has qualities that make him physically more feminine than masculine. Making a boy just as likely to be a target as a pre-pubescent girl is.

A. Nicholas Groth is a pioneer in the scientific study of sexual offenders against women and children, who has treated over 3000 child molesters over the course of two decades.12 A former director of the Sex Offender Program at the Connecticut Department of Corrections, Groth is the author of Men Who Rape: Psychology of the Offender,13 a work widely regarded as a classic textbook on the psychology of sexual violence.

"Homosexuality and homosexual pedophilia are not synonymous. In fact, it may be that these two orientations are mutually exclusive, the reason being that the homosexual male is sexually attracted to masculine qualities whereas the heterosexual male is sexually attracted to feminine characteristics, and the sexually immature child’s qualities are more feminine than masculine. . . . The child offender who is attracted to and engaged in adult sexual relationships is heterosexual. It appears, therefore, that the adult heterosexual male constitutes a greater sexual risk to underage children than does the adult homosexual male."

The Roman Catholic Church seems to be just digging deeper and it's pathetic.
Donohue need to come to grips with that fact that the Pope is a pig.

To hell with papist rapists.
It's the same shrill whine from all religions when they get caught doing shit they shouldn't be, "Why are you attacking us?" Maybe it's because you believe you have the authority to speak and act for God? The curtain has been pulled away over and over. Why anyone takes these frauds seriously is beyond me. The only power they have is a fallacy. Down with the Great Satan of Rome!
To make a geographical point: The "crisis" is only in Europe and the USA, where most liberal Catholics live. The majority of Catholics are in Latin- & South-America, and Africa, (also, some in SE Asia)... so this news is less likely to reach them (and easier to control).

The Church is riding an interesting line between the vast majority of their flock, and the tiny (and dwindling) segment of their flock that happens to be rich .

They only really have to do serious damage control here in the West. In places like the Phillipines there are 18 year old Catholics who still think KISSING will get them pregnant.
The Catholic League and the Vatican have less concern for the victims of child rape than they do for a little piece of unleavened bread at which a priest says some magic words.

I still have a half of a consecrated communion host (I traded the other half to a friend for some coffee beans) Maybe I'll hide it someplace in public site or send it off as chain mail. What would other people do with that thing?
Time to do a recall petition on the Pope.
A Roman Catholic response:

@26. Ironic if the church slowly withered in the wealthy countries. In a few decades we could have a Church of Rome headquarted amid a sea of atheists and apostates, with almost no serious adherents in its home continent. Maybe they could pack up and move to Uganda.
Religion perverts the mind. Come on world! Wake the fuck up!

I'm not sure where you get your facts. The most liberal Catholic priests are in Central & South America.The vast majority of conservative Catholics live in Europe & US. Yes, there are some liberal Catholics there as well, but they are are not as well organized as the institutional groups.

Remember, folks, we're talking about the wealthiest, most powerful organization on earth, here. Most of the conspiracies I've heard about would get chewed up by the Catholics. There's no "secret societies" we have to worry about-- they're all in the open. This scandal is BIG, and it's shaking the foundations of the temple.
What the fuck is bullet point 6 even talking about? And that last sentence? Jesus, you're flailing Donohue.
Perhaps the reason why most of the victims are male is that priests have more access to males. Altar Servers (formerly called Altar Boys) were required to be male until canonical law changed in 1983 to allow girls.

@26 - It's only a matter of time before a pedophile crisis is exposed in Latin America. Look how long it took to surface in Europe after it's premier in the US. It's not like the ingredients are any different - celibate men in charge of little boys.
@36: Thanks for posting that. I wasn't bothered by O'Connor tearing up that picture of the Pope, but I didn't really respect her for it either. Now I do.
A good PR defense seeks to shape the accusation as well as the response. Donohue's attempt to absolve the chuch of responsibility relies on, among other things, blaming the cultural norms pevailing at the time of the crime which he argues emphasized treatment over punishment. The church did follow through on the complaints of victims, when therapy for the perpertraters is seen as an appropriate response.

What is avoided, of course, is why the church continued to permit the priests access to children, after it became clear that the treatment had not ended the abuse.

There are cultural issues at play here all right: those within the RC hierarchy which likely minimized the harm to the children as but a variety of earthly evil to which the church saw itself alone as offering an ultimate respite. And, if it alone could ultimately save its flock from evil, then it alone could also police itself when temptation took the inevitable toll within its own ranks as well.

I think finally, for the church, earthly justice is of secondary concern. It's a lesser form, dirtied with craven motives like vengence and too short of forgiveness, which finally will yield before the high courts of heaven. If you believe in heaven, that is.
@38 the main problem i see with your point is that for the church to truly view earthly justice as secondary, those in charge would have to have genuine faith. having genuine faith would drive those at the core of this mess to acts of penitence and an honest accounting of what has occurred. the fact that catholic authorities are tap dancing around trying to find technicalities and dismissing abuse claims as "petty gossip" and shit pretty clearly shows that the church doesn't think too much about god playing in on this one.

@23 good comment. cited sources and everything. well played.

what boggles my mind about this whole thing is why the church would keep these creeps around after complaints were made against them? that murphy guy was obviously a predator, why wouldn't the church quietly tuck him away some where, without access to scandal causing behavior, instead of putting right back with the kids?
Satan, gossips, the victims families, Jeffery Anderson, anything but the church is responsible for this scandal. These guys are completely incapable of taking personal responsibility for themselves. No wonder they have been picking on the rights of the world's women for so many decades. Keep others down to deflect responsibility from oneself. They are appalling.
To clear up weather the times was accurate in labeling Lawrence C. Murphy a pedophile, and the issue as a whole as a "pedophilia crisis", we must look at the definition of the term. Someone who has a sexual preference for prepubescent children is a pedophile. Pedophilia is a psychological disorder, not a description of a series of crimes. Being a pedophile isn't a crime, but acting on it is. Sure, Murphy also molested post-pubescent boys, but this doesn't get him off the hook for the worst of his crimes: sex acts with children. NYT may have jumped the gun, or misused the term pedophilia (these days, misuse of the term to define actions is commonplace, so it's hardly slanderous), but It is pretty obvious that Donahue has no idea what he is talking about: Labeling someone's behavior as Homosexual isn't at all addressing the actual crisis at hand, which is the criminal negligence of the church in dealing with the actions of a mentally ill individual.

In conclusion, to call this a "pedophilia crisis" is at best slightly misleading, yet if anything an understatement: I'd call it a "serial child molestation and child rape crisis", but if I were the Pope, I'd be concerned about these monsters BEFORE they acted, screening priests for attraction to youngsters.

Meanwhile, in study after study, child molestation and homosexuality continue to have no clinical scientific connection.

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