Blogs Apr 9, 2010 at 9:19 am


I'm stupefied.

Do straight guys like this get laid? Ever?

That's my new credo:
"May your fantasies of today be your realities of tomorrow."

Tha's perfect!
@1 - yes because some women like jerks. if we could make them stop sleeping with guys like this, they would die out by natural selection.

Maybe I've been in a committed relationship too long, but these things wouldn't make me jealous. I'd just consider it a bad date with a jerk and move on.
This should be Dan's guide for his next videos- a smoking jacket, wine, and lots of maroon. Maybe a few sex toys on the table behind him.
Thanks Dominic. Now I can never, ever, ever speak to my dad again. Never again will Victor and I be able to enjoy a trip to Costco where he buys me a lovely bargen Shiraz. Too real!!!!
"Do it well-Do it right"

He is like the Captain Kangaroo of smarmy bad dating advice.
Was this made by Tim and Eric?
That video was total diamonds and pearls for my soul.

What century/zip code/planet is this guy from? It's so self-indulgently awful it's embarrassing to watch.
You mean that's not supposed to be a parody? My radar must be malfunctioning.
I don't see what is surprising about this. He points out that if you REALLY need to have your ego stroked you can flat out insult her to her face. He also warns you that you cannot channel the anger that will come from this.

How is this bad advice? This is advice for assholes that intend to make a woman feel jealous put in a way that is actually a warning to the listening. In fact through use of neuro-linguistic programming he is making the stronger point to not make her jealous.

Also his other videos are good, go watch some.
Is that the guy from the Onion's morning show videos?
Is that the guy from the Onion's morning show videos?
i thought the guy was making fun of the guy who wants to make his date jealous, or the guy who does this stuff without thinking of the effect it will have on his date.
gonna sip a few martinis with this guy after work.

They pick up exactly the type and quality of women you would expect them to pick up with this kind of... thing.

I mean, when you forage like a bottom-feeder, you eat mud and shit, you know?
You people are just jealous of my technique.
Why would you really want to make a woman jealous, that will just make her insecure. Why not attract a girl by having real value?

Learn how to text a girl you like

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