
We wile the days away mocking the Teabaggers.
You can't beat something with nothing.
We prefer sitting on our asses making sport rather than getting out there and advancing our own agenda.

Hey, did you see the latest youtube of Palin.....
@1, I'd say passing health care reform is advancing our own agenda. Or did you sleep through that?
It feels good to come into Slog
and post self-righteous crap
formatting it
so it looks like some sort of pretentious poetry

they have nothing else to do
pathetic trolls
@1, I wonder how different history would be if earlier generations had had the means to see violent fringe minority political groups for what they were.

What if everyone had know that the term "Bolshevik" was a lie and that the movement was made up of deeply-invested politicos manipulating a relatively small community of radicals? Would there ever have been a Soviet Union?
#2 seconded, not to mention electing a competent president. but hey #1 you keep spinnin' your wheels over there.

i love the phrase, "the only difference between obama and hitler is obama hasn't killed 20 million jews." aside from the historical inaccuracy (it was around 6 million jews, the other 30 odd million was made up of a variety of groups including homosexuals and socialists. there's some irony in there somewhere.), it's fucking astounding to me that someone could barf out such awesome hyperbole with a straight face. it's so childish it's sad.
@1, yeah, taking trollish potshots at people from the internet. How's that not hipocrisy?

I honestly think these Teabaggers are aiming their anger in the wrong directions. The system that's been in place for a long time has finally fallen down around our ears. It had to at some point. Now they're all playing the blame game, and that's not a game anyone can win. Be angry at the superrich bastards that brought this down on us. Be angry at the banks who got government handouts, took the money and went on spa vacations with it. Don't be angry at minorities. If you've got to blame anyone, BLAME YOURSELVES for buying into this brainless nonsense lock, stock and barrel.
That yarmulke is either the silhouette of the person she is looking at in the photo, or the effect of water blurring the ink of the print out.

How's that Single Payer working for you?

If you want to call passing RomneyCare-Lite
"advancing your agenda" who are we to argue?

(if you keep your expectations low enough
Obama will seem a fine President...)

36 million killed?
That's a lot of homosexuals and socialists...
(you may want to double check that figure on dickopedia)
This is so fucking depressing. Know what? I'm going to ignore all Tea Bag stories until a time at which I can be confident about the future of man.

perhaps they just look scary from under your bed...

Fringe? Minority?
Demographically they match America-
Polls show more people identify with these guys
than with Obama.
And they are within the margin of error
of equaling the number of self identified Democrats.

you may be looking through the wrong end of your binoculars...
It feels good to come into Slog
and post self-righteous crap
formatting it
so it looks like some sort of pretentious poetry

they have nothing else to do
pathetic trolls
By the standards of this guy, every successful nation on earth, and most of the unsuccessful ones too, is "just like Hitler".
Oh, and: downward spiral? Dude, you ARE the downward spiral. Everything about you is defective: your clothes are ugly, your haircut is ugly, you are fat and out of shape, you watch the wrong TV shows and read the wrong books. You work hard at your shitty job but your entire universe has no future in it.

That doesn't mean there's no future. Just none for the likes of you.

This is nothing but sad boomer entitlement. The country's not going downhill; it's your ability to maintain an erection that's going downhill. This guy was raised in a world in which having a clue is considered to be a contemptible thing.

I feel sorry for them.
@9: I think he meant 3 odd million. The 0 key is right next to the o key, you know. And don't criticize for typos until you learn to spell properly. Hell, you couldn't even spell "Dickipedia" properly.

So, in the Slog world view, a person who talks about Hitler is a Nazi...

Will you be indicting the UW department of European History next?

The Hitler comparison, if I can understand the logic, is because the implementation of healthcare will result in inconveniently old or ill people being killed through denial of care by the government.

As opposed to what passed, which forces private insurance to cover more people, cover them without imposing lifetime limits on care, disallows many kinds of insurance coverage rejections, and disallows considering of most pre-existing conditions (all?).

So as passed, the only party that would deny care would be private insurers, with the government vastly expanding those covered and the kind of coverage insurance offers.

Which is in contrast to the present system, in which you are allowed substandard care and to die from a lack of preventative care and timely treatment, but on your own terms. When you die this way, you beat Hitler, apparently. When you go bankrupt because of healthcare bills, Hitler dies a little bit more?
"As opposed to what passed, which forces private insurance to cover more people, cover them without imposing lifetime limits on care, disallows many kinds of insurance coverage rejections, and disallows considering of most pre-existing conditions (all?). "

Who, exactly, is going to pay for all these wonderful new goodies?
"Who, exactly, is going to pay for all these wonderful new goodies?"

It can be done, easily. Just like Europe, and Canada, and our new owner China. Don't be so retarded.
That is approximately what it sounds like when the entire argument goes over your head.

@18: The American taxpayer, of course. But hey; now we'll have to pay for a lot fewer emergency-room visits for the uninsured, since people will now be required and able to get insurance. Let's see how that balances out.
FAT and DUMB. Amurka at its best.


oh good....


of course

(although your boy did swear he wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000.....)
And so "the only difference between Obama and Adolph Hitler is that he didn't kill 20 million Jews."

Isn't that kind of a big difference?

That's like "the only difference between a cell phone and a nuclear bomb is that it won't explode and kill thousands of people."

But anyway, Obama's not a vegetarian.

So not the only difference.
salute to the larouchies for infecting the tea party with the "obama = hitler" crazy. that will play well with soccer moms in 2012.

Sure is full of trolls in here.

Must have been nice outside today. Trolls are repelled by sunlight, donchaknow?
@22: Oh big whoop, he's raised taxes on tanning salons, not having insurance, and cigarettes. Big fucking whoop. Personally, I don't give a flying rat's ass, since all three of those are pretty damn unhealthy.

It feels good to come into Slog
and post self-righteous crap
formatting it
so it looks like some sort of pretentious poetry

they have nothing else to do
pathetic trolls
@23: Haha, you beat me to it. It's a huge difference. Additionally, though, the problem actually is not that this guy disagrees with modern liberal policy positions, that would be excellent if he did that. Our country badly needs that debate.

It's that he doesn't seem to know what modern liberal policy positions are. Almost everything he says I heard earlier on Glenn Beck, and his critique is leveled at some policy position that "took over the car companies, took over the banking systems, took over the health care systems." Such a critique does nothing to advance the debate for a really obvious reason: it's leveled at a fictitious position that is not the modern liberal policy position.

I'm just worried to see so much of this in our country, you know, disagreement with policies as described and informed by the voices in Glenn Beck's head. But to be fair, history tells us this has happened with every major reform: hyperbole and exaggeration voiced by cowards fearful of change and special interests who are outright lying to them...
I wish the government had taken over the health care systems. Single payer would be rad. I wish the government had taken over the banking systems temporarily and broken up the too-big-to-fail banks into smaller pieces, instead of just giving them assloads of cash. But those things didn't actually happen. This guy is an idiot.
and since you are among the 47% of Americans who pay zero income taxes....
@31: Two out of the three of those are sales tax, not income tax, you fuckwit. And the third wouldn't apply to me even if I was making six figures, as I'm still covered by my parents' insurance. And you know what? I don't ever plan to make it applicable to me, as health insurance is just plain sensible to have.
My impression of you, Alleged: BAWWWWWWWWWWWW

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