Blogs Apr 16, 2010 at 12:24 pm


Hmmm.... weren't there some commenters a few weeks ago defending bestiality? The article says that some of these animals had to be put down.
Thank god I hate Madonna's music, Charles.
Zoo is a terrible movie. I don't know how you take such a fantastic subject and make it so unbelievably boring.
I think I obliterated my chances with Schmader with my @2 comment. Took them from 0.001% to 0.000%. Weep.
Stranger staff, please don't let Charles have this story like he had the Amanda Knox story. I really dont want to see what happens when he runs with something like this.
@5 - oh, come on, that would be way more interesting.
Aaah, Washington State.

Gave birth to Glenn Beck.

A leader in a new kind of action vacation -- bestiality tourism.

And soon to be home of Aryan Nations.
Why kill them? That's just stupid. And why involve the law? Haven't we gotten over our heads already with an expensive law enforcement telling people how to live their lives? We can't even keep track of child molestors let alone afford to lock them all up. And you want to lock up animal molestors too? Just foolish.
@ 9, please tell me you're joking. Because if you're serious...
Let it never be said that Washington isn't full of animal lovers.
"After" or "Because of"?

I liked Zoo, but have always believed that it will lead to more people wanting to give that sort of thing a try.
People fuck things. Get over it.
Oh yeah, and the definition of a hypocrite is any meat eater who has the gall to call THIS abusive. That we're more shocked by a few people screwing animals than we are about the wholesale slaughter of animals says a lot about our prudishness.
It's disappointing to read that this happened in a 'crudely built compound'.

I was sure it would be a classy operation.
@8 If you think Washington is "soon to be" the home of the Aryan Nations you have been living in a cave.
@2: I only liked earlier selected Madonna — mostly anything songwriter-drummer-producer Stephen Bray and/or songwriter-pianist-producer Patrick Leonard created for her.

After that, forget it.
There are a ton of idiots commenting here, aren't there? READ THE FUCKING ARTICLE. It's clear that these people were going beyond "just fucking."

@ 14, eating animals is natural and right, which you'll find out after you become so ill and malnourished that you have to go back to meat.
@18 I "read the fucking article" which is, in fact, quite vague about why the animals were euthanized. Actually, as the film Zoo makes clear, in many cases, when bestiality rings are busted, the animals are then subject to castration or euthanization for no other reason than hysteria on the part of vets and law enforcement. It is as though these institutions supposedly concerned for the well-being of animals can only see these animals as "tainted" or "ruined." Again, what purports to be a concern for humane treatment of animals is really little more than phobia about a non-normative sexual practice. And ironically, this phobia then leads to the maiming and killing of these animals.

But why am I even attempting to address a reasonable argument to you when you insist on deploying tautological concepts of "natural" and "right" which, incidentally, are the SAME concepts used to justify homophobia. And when you insist of making the absolutely idiotic and false claim that the consumption of meat is necessary for a proper diet. For the most part, I only see one idiot sounding off here, and that's you.
"That we're more shocked by a few people screwing animals than we are about the wholesale slaughter of animals says a lot about our prudishness.

So let me get this straight, when my 6 yr ol enjoys a hot dog, in your mind, that's the same than a grown man fucking a horse?

You must have a hard time in restaurants if all you can 'see' are is the equivalent of people blowing horses.

". It is as though these institutions supposedly concerned for the well-being of animals can only see these animals as "tainted" or "ruined."

Well, I don't wanna eat a horse steak that you may have fucked.
"than phobia about a non-normative sexual practice"

There's an Evergreen State college run amok.

Seriously, it's horse fucking, not 'non-normative sexual practice".

What's next, are you gonna call baby raping 'non-normative sexual practice'?

Moral relativism run amok....totally amok.
"I even attempting to address a reasonable argument to you when you insist on deploying tautological concepts of "natural" and "right" which, incidentally, are the SAME concepts used to justify homophobia."

I don't think drawing parallels between horse fuckers and homosexuality is a path you want to go down. If you think accepting homosexuality means society has to accept horse fuckers, you'll put the gay movement back about 10,000 years. Just a word to the wise there.
@20-21. That's cute. I'm simply suggesting that our notions of "harm" are effected, in this case, by our notions of "normal" sexuality. That you use the example of your 6 yr old is telling because you want to present eating meat as an innocent and harmless activity. Okay, fine. Let me use a different example: the process by which veal is produced. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look it up; it's not so innocent and harmless.

Look, these sensationalized stories of bestiality are dangerous to anyone who practices non-normative sexuality in any form. I would direct you to the comment section of this article where I believe someone inevitably suggests that this is another sign, along with gay marriage, that our culture is going down the toilet. The point is that most of this moral outrage and supposed concern for the well being of animals reflects general fear about sexuality, fear that only ever works to incarcerate people and impose heternormative standards on everyone.

Finally, no, I don't see your 6 yr old eating a hot dog as the same thing as fucking a horse, but I don't see it as innocent either. Nor, for that matter, do I see it as very healthy or appetizing.
and why resort to the tired anti-intellectualism apparent in your crack about "evergreen college." Morality is relative. Indeed. So the question becomes what are certain moral agendas accomplishing. IF bestiality rings are being broken up only to euthanize or castrate the animals involved, I don't see the point. The only thing this seems to accomplish is the production of a sensational story around which we can all preform our self-righteous indignation.
Finally, I find your equation of bestiality with baby raping very curious as it ignores an entire history of legal, scientific and anthropological discourse through which the category of the human was constructed. By definition, animals do not enjoy the same rights as do humans. They can be legally subjected to all manner of exploitation. Humans, of course, are subject to a different set of rights. Legally speaking, animals are more on the order of objects, with the tricky distinction that they've been afforded certain rights. It is this undefined area of animal rights where moral battles are fought. It's my position that if these animals are being otherwise treated humanely -i.e. fed, properly taken care of, etc. - then CERTAIN sexual practices are no more harmful than milking or certainly than butchering. Note, by the way, that I never claimed to be a vegetarian. That said, there are certainly reasons to be a vegetarian that have nothing to do with certainly hazy notions of compassion for animals.
hey MPF

lemme guess, you are a 21 year old junior @ the UW with a major in womyn studies and a minor in psychology. Right? Well, you suck...

animals taste good. Cock and pussy (from what I hear) tastes good. Horse ass doesn't, unless your a fucknut.

oh, and they killed those cute mice cause theyed been mutilated and stuffed up some freaks ass. Your post modern gobbilty gook might piss off your parents, but it really doesn't work as a life affirming ethos.

if you want to piss off your daddy, go fuck a black guy and spare us your retardation.
@ MPF, LOL! Try studying evolutionary theory sometime and see how animal husbandry plays into it. You might be shocked to find out how it has benefited the very species we eat. That's true reason.

Try reading the article again. If an international sex-tourist bestiality destination is even a little bit like the sex-tourist destinations that specialize in keeping the sex to people, the mind reels at just how terrible these animals must have been treated. You think veal calfs and circus animals have it bad...

Speaking of reason... point out where I condemned bestiality. You're leaping to conclusions. I do not believe there is any moral justification for having sex with an animal, but at least I'm open to the idea that some of you at least think you're being gentle and loving, and your "partners" are at least cared for. You're fucking deluded if you think all your fellow animal screwers feel the same way.

Oh, and Ecce... we didn't miss you at all. Go crawl back under your rock.
hey Matt,

still have the taste of Dans cock in your mouth....

nice to see you too.
"why resort to the tired anti-intellectualism"

Because it's horse fucking, not time for Roland Barthes and a semiotics debate.

" Let me use a different example: the process by which veal is produced."

Dude, when I tenderize a couple of organic, artisanal veal cutlets and cook them up for côtes de veau for the family, it is not the equivalent of horse fucking. It's not the same ballpark. In fact, its not even the same game.
@28: I've always posited that Ecce is the registered manifestation of Alleged. Thoughts?

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