
"Up to ten other states are said to be considering similar laws"

I don't get it, Grant.

You pull-quote from a London newspaper of record and then proceed to do something utterly inane by challenging "licence" when, hi there, that is the correct spelling for the entire English speaking world exclusive of the U.S., while in Canada, it's a wild-card.

Were this the NY Times, you'd have a proofreader's case. Here, you don't.
Question! What constitutes "proof of legal residence?" Do legal immigrants have a card they`re supposed to carry at all times? And what would be proof of legal residence for a citizen? Plenty of American citizens walk around without any kind of ID on them - could such a person get carted off by the INS for suspicion of being an illegal immigrant?
Well, this is the same legislature that passed a law requiring political candidates to provide their birth certificate if they want to campaign in Arizona. It's really in the same "you are not white so naturally I am suspicious of you" vein. The Archbishop is 100% correct: it's not just a license for racial profiling, it's a mandate.

To be fair, in the absence of federal immigration reform, it's not surprising that border states are taking up the issue on their own. But this law isn't a serious effort at state-level reform, it's just political grandstanding to court votes from the far right.
Telsa, jeez, give Grant a break - "sic" signaled correctly that the news source was from a "licence"-spelling country. While on the internets "sic" is often used to poke fun at misspellings, it really, truly only means "this wasn't a transcription error".
I can't wait to see what all you Seattleites who probably have never seen an illegal immigrant in your lives have to say on this subject.

@6, what's the matter, switch too suddenly to Lights? You gotta taper, man.
liberals are experts about negroes and mexicans.
especially hipster liberals from lilly white seattle.
@6 not everyone on slog has spent their entire lives in seattle. or is there currently. In point of fact, I'm commenting all the way from the *ahem* denver metro area myself.
Every American, especially Hispanics who have lived in that state for longer than there WAS a USA, should say "I'm an American, go to hell!" to the cops.

And file a class action suit to have the legislators who passed that unconstitutional laws shipped to GITMO to be tortured.
@3, legal immigrants who are not citizens are supposed to carry their green card with them at all times. Legal immigrants who ARE citizens are, like all citizens, not required to carry anything at all. This, I'm sure, has already been addressed by the US Supremes; you are not required to carry ID unless you're doing something that requires a license (like driving on a public street), buying alcohol or cigarettes, etc. And the only possible grounds for asking the question in the first place is ethnic features. This law stands a zero percent chance of being upheld in courts.
Ich bin kein Amerikaner. Ich komme aus Deutschland. Deporte mich bitte.
@5: You are correct, and thank you.

You apparently have no concept of how many Seattlites come from someplace else, especially California.
As somebody who was born in Arizona (and escaped as quickly as I could), I'd just like to say, "Fuck Jan Brewer. Fuck the Arizona Legislature. Fuck the Minute Men"

Oh, yeah, and fuck #6 too.

I'm confused. I don't know if I've seen an illegal immigrant. What should I be on the look out for in order to distinguish the citizenship and immigration status of an individual by mere appearance?
@5: The Times link was โ€” how shall we put it? โ€” QED. As a copy editor (yes, that was once a chunk of my career before moving on to other stuff), I would not stet the sic in a hypertext setting, as it is grammatically superfluous.

@14: You're learning on the job, pumpkin.
@11: Explain how allowing police to arrest people based only on the suspicion that they may be illegals (in effect, racial profiling) is going to help anything.

@18: You can't call a 45-year-old pumpkin.

Oh, the suspense! I love these dilemmas of personal integrity. The governor clearly knows this is a bogus law. But will she veto it, or will she let it stand just to get reelected? I think I'll pop some popcorn.

No surprise, though, that McCain endorsed it. His integrity is long gone.

ваши документы!


Ihre Papiere, Bitte!

Decisions, decisions...
@18, for the link's QED-iness to be effective for all Slog readers this would have to be a Savage-style "you must click the link to understand at all" post.

This was a summary post, written to be useful for readers who may or may not click the link. For this purpose, the utility of "sic" outweighs the small danger someone might mistake it for a diss.
@20: I just did.

And I can, pumpkin.
Ai, guey, si, queiro que otros estados pasen leyes come esta, para que todos los latinos y hispanos nunca voten mas por el partido republicano.

So podemos ganar en Tejas y Arizona tambien si nos den tan regalo electoral.

I was called "pumpkin" the other day, but I'm only 44, plus the person who called me that was 60.
@25: Uno sรณlo puede esperar para la casi imposible, Jaime.
@26: I think the only person here with whom I cannot use a pet name is I'm 85 Years Old.

Except perhaps for "gran'papa."
@12 Exactly what I was going to say. I don't have to give ID when asked for it. That is my fucking right.
Republicans are often quick to quote Leviticus when explaining why teh gheys shouldn't...well, shouldn't anything (have sex, get married, raise kids, breathe). I think in this instance it would do well to quote Leviticus right back at them:

"The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the LORD your God."

Leviticus 19:34

your stupid bible shit does not work on me. I'm an atheist and not a republican. I have, however, seen with my own eye how illegal mexicans have ruined entire sections of LA, Phoenix, Tuscon, Dallas, Houston, Austin, and many other smaller places that you NAIVE Seattle gayboys have never heard about.
@31: You're awful. I am a Mexican-American from Arizona (though I now live in Seattle because of my chosen profession) and you and those like you are the problem with that area, not the Mexicans who live and work there.

Focus on what's wrong with yourself.

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