
Don't overfeed them. That's how I ultimately killed my sea monkeys. The instructions say to start feeding them with the large scoop after x number of days, but the fine print says to do that only if you have a lot of sea monkeys who reached maturity.
Sea kittens are more fun... they're also more tasty!
You wanna give the monkey some beer? Get it all messed up?

I'll go put some beer in a bucket.
You should get the Brookstone frogs they are much cooler if less retro.…
ITT: lukeiscool says awful things about Grant.
I had sea monkeys as a kid, I left the container on the windowsill and the water evaporated, drying up my first pets. My sister did the same thing with a beta fish, the water got so hot it jumped out and dried up on the windowsill in one afternoon. It gets hot in Walla Walla...
You seriously fell for that load of hooey? You can go to any aquarium shop and buy brine shrimp (which is what they are) for next to nothing. I used to feed them to my fish.
Search google for "triops kit" Triops eat sea monkeys (and each other) ALIVE!
The inventory of Sea-Monkeys, Harold Nathan Braunhut, was a Jewish-born, anti-semitic, white-supremacist. Growing up we were never allowed to purchase them for fear the money he was making would be funneled to the KKK.…
On the same note as @4 - I got my husband an ecosphere (…|C4CategoryProdList1FDT|7114753) for his birthday a few years ago. It's a sealed self-contained ecosystem with a couple little red shrimp. It was pretty cool but the shrimp only last a couple years.

On the other hand, he & I had tried the Sea Monkeys a couple years prior to that (My mom wouldn't let me have them as a kid - she said they're just brine shrimp. So what?!?) and they were fun. They even reproduced. Eventually, for no apparent reason, they all died off.
I agree with @8 - triops are easier to raise than sea monkeys. They look prehistoric, get pretty big, and they -horrifyingly! wonderfully! - eat each other. Very entertaining.
About 10 years ago, I had a saltwater aquarium, which I kept and raised live seahorses. About the only thing they will eat are live brine shrimp (sea monkeys). Adult seahorses need larger brine shrimp and the baby seahorses need newly hatched brine shrimp. So you always have to have several different setups of brine shrimp going to feed the seahorses.

Needless to say, you can imagine how it made going on vacation almost impossible.

Oh, and sea monkeys (brine shrimp) become really boring to watch, really fast. I imagine you'll tire of them within 2 months (or less). Keep us posted.
I think I read somewhere that a sea monkey's preferred diet is rotting pumpkin. But nobody ever has one of those lying around.
@13: You obviously haven't watched "Hoarders."
Boooooooo on sea monkeys. I think my cat Captain Jack should be the Slog mascot!
@ 15) There's surely plenty of room for Captain Jack to share the Magicquarium™.
@16 He will certainly enjoy that... he prefers seafood to beef or poultry.
I grew these once, and they all died except for one. So I had one lonely sea monkey that lived for 6 or 8 months.
sea monkeys arent brine shrimp, they are a hybrid.
How are Sea-Monkeys different from brine shrimp?
There are several differences. Sea-Monkeys grow much larger (up to .5" long) and live longer than ordinary brine shrimp. They are also a lot more active and can be taught to perform "tricks", unlike ordinary brine shrimp.
Sea-Monkeys are a hybrid species of brine shrimp called "Artemia NYOS". "Artemia" is the genus they belong to, which includes Fairy and Brine shrimp. NYOS is the acronym for the New York Ocean Science Laboratories where they were created.
brine shrimp live in salt waters and oceans, sea monkeys cant, they can only survive in the tank.
sea monkeys arent brine shrimp, they are a hybrid.
How are Sea-Monkeys different from brine shrimp?
There are several differences. Sea-Monkeys grow much larger (up to .5" long) and live longer than ordinary brine shrimp. They are also a lot more active and can be taught to perform "tricks", unlike ordinary brine shrimp.
Sea-Monkeys are a hybrid species of brine shrimp called "Artemia NYOS". "Artemia" is the genus they belong to, which includes Fairy and Brine shrimp. NYOS is the acronym for the New York Ocean Science Laboratories where they were created.
brine shrimp live in salt waters and oceans, sea monkeys cant, they can only survive in the tank.

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