
So sweet, this happy ending, and a very nice balancer for the big suicide cover story this week. She made it. So glad your thoughtful authority could be a part of it. Whew.
Hell, that made my day too. Three cheers for a world with JTTHIC/STIC, his girlfriend, and Dan Savage in it!
I don't like transsexuals, it annoys me that gay people get involved so much in transsexual stuff...
@3 Are you sarcastically referencing something I am not catching, or is this really your point of view? If it is the latter, wow dude. Just... wow. Please go live all by yourself in a cave.
Pix or it didn't happen.
@3 Gender identity acceptance is intricately linked to gay rights..

It's GLBT, you hateful motherfucker.
also, what #6 said. I was too appalled and angry to come out with anything logical.
Who appointed IgorM the spokesman for all things gay-ness? Because, fuck that dude.
Don't feed the troll, folks. Some of the unregistered have been forced to get accounts, but that doesn't mean we have to give them any respect for it.

This is a great email exchange. Thanks for sharing it.
This made my day, too. Go Dan, and STIC, I'm so happy for both you and your girlfriend. It's a hard road, but keep at it, and congratulations!
Transsexuals and faggy gays(feminine) are the main reasons why homophobia exists, and we normal, "str8 acting" gays constantly have to combat the nonsensical prejudices these people produce.

And faggy gays never made any sense to me, they act artificially, not even like women, they are like some kind of weird hybrids that just annoy normal gays and str8 people...
Thank you! This made me day and has put a huge smile on my face.

And, I hope that was an attempt at humor or you're having a rough day, IgorM @ 3. At its heart this is a human story and it concerns us all. Peace begets peace, when we each find peace in our own skin we all find a little peace.
@12 - if "normal, st8 acting" means being a dicktard like you... bring on the glitter.
@10 Ah, you're so right. It's really clear now.
Effeminate men in a super macho society creates a dissonance in our perceptions. And what we don't understand we feel hostility toward. But if you understand that people are people, and the things that shape us are varied and complex, it's easy to understand how we don't always behave in a cookie cutter fashion. And the differences between male and female stop at what makes us all human.
IgorM is either a straight homophobe troll or just a demonstration that being gay does not absolve you from the possiblity of being an ignorant hateful douchebag not worth his weight in Santorum. Either way, a troll, worth ridiculing at most.

Dan, that's an awesome story, thanks for sharing it with us.
@1 caused me to pop over to the digital version of tomorrow's mag for the cover story, and I got light-headed as I always do when this stuff comes up, since a good friend of mine killed himself when we both were 17 in SLC and he was struggling with his sexual identity as a member of a mormon familiy (his friends finally figured this out too late - idiot teens that we all were). Thank you for a more positive ending, here. I will go back to the cover story when I can....
It is important to understand that gay parades, flamboyant circus-like feminine gays, transsexuals are great obstacles in achieving gay rights.

Even Bill Maher once said on his show that when people see a regular gay Joe getting married, only then perceptions change, not with extremely faggy gays that act like clowns.
You leave Teatro ZinZanni out of this, Igor!
Dan and Partner and STIC - bless all of your hearts. I'm thrilled to read a happy progress report!
All I'm saying is you should get out of fringe clowny groups and that whole LGBT nonsense(lesbians are not gay?) and focus on the normal G.

As a normal str8 acting teen it confused me greatly that my whole media exposure of the "gay" were some weird people on parades wearing dresses. WTF?

Why the fuck would you feel the need to get into faggy transsexual stuff, it has nothing to do with gays...

It's like rich people getting into hobos begging on the street, it never made any sense.
@21 Kevin Kent is the shining goddess of my universe.
@#3 Yes.

Being transgender is not the same as being Gay, Queer, Bi-sexual or Lesbian...

GQBL people (tend to be) happy with who they are and happy with the genitals they are born with. Gender questioning and/or transgender peeps have something going on akin to a mental disorder called body dysmorphic disorder- gender identity disorder being a spin off of the former.

Transgender peeps may face the same "types" of discrimination but it is NOT the same thing... Not. Not. Not.

Cool. And it's good to know that we can all ignore anything that ol' Igor writes from here on out. Go fuck yourself, asshat.

I'm a little confused. I see so many of your posts about obesity and I tend to get the impression that you don't approve of the "health at any size" idea. I'm sure you wouldn't just be saying that this girl should accept herself at any weight and that thin does not equal beautiful without actually believing it. I mean, what do you have to lose if you tell the truth?

I am not a MTF, but I can relate to the feeling she is having. Almost all girls can. I don't always feel beautiful in my own skin, but I'm lucky enough to have a supportive boyfriend who tells me he loves me and that I'm beautiful and he wishes that I could see what he sees.

(I hate that I have to use this as a disclaimer...but) I exercise at the gym 4 times a week, eat very healthy, hike on the weekends, my boyfriend and I live a very active lifestyle and yet...I'm still chubby. Seeing as I yo yo dieted in my youth until I was able to finally understand what good nutrition was with the help of personal trainers and a nutritionist I probably will always carry weight because I basically have to count every single calorie that goes in my mouth. Life is too short for that .

Your column contributes to my self doubts because although I still eat healthy and exercise and live actively, I'm not in the correct BMI standard for you to think I'm not obese. You are constantly judging people by the way they look, instead of realizing there are people of different sizes that are just as healthy, if not more so, than some of those people that fall within what I've seen you mention as normal.

If you really did mean what you said about this girl, then I'm glad to know that there is a bit of you that realizes that women come in all shapes and sizes. We are not all the same, and we shouldn't have to conform to those who think we are.

I shudder to think of all the "fatty" comments I'm going to get after this...but I really just wanted to know if you really meant what you said.
I think we can see here one of the reasons why the suicide rate of transgender is so high. Be rejected by some members of the small GLBT community doesn't seem an easy thing to go through for a confuse teenager.
You're right, Igor. Only "normal" people should have rights.

The problem is that clowny flamboyancy of faggy gays and transsexuals clouds normal gays which are the majority.

It does not make sense for the fringe to obfuscate the reality of gay population so they have to combat non-pertinent prejudices and avoid the gay word.

And it is getting increasingly annoying for you to get involved with tranny/transsex/faggy nonsense that has nothing to do with normal gays.
Well that story made this mega-faggy, super-femmy queer guy extremely happy.

Keep up the great work Dan.

"He who saves a single life, saves the world entire..."

@ 30

Nice use of the word "obfuscate."

I hereby grant you a Golden Troll Award!

(Patent pending)
Glad to know IgorM has taken the proper steps to insure that he is the certified "Arbiter of the Normal Gays."
It's a shame you dare not address the actual content of my posts, you are so predictable...
So glad that I was never into "normal gays" like Igor. I never realized that "normal gays" were all asshole bigots.

But who the fuck cares what the Normals and Mediocretans think, anyway?
@34 Predict this.
Bravo 27!! My story is very similar--I was an athlete in high school and was and remain an avid dancer (hip hop troupe, salsa dancing, etc.). I exercise regularly, I gave up fast food and soda years ago, and yet I always was and still stubbornly remain chubby. I look at pictures of my great grandmother, my grandmothers, my mother, my aunts and my younger female cousins, and, yep... all chubby. And I've been on countless diets since I was 12 (I'm now 34) and have probably yo-yoed more than 20 times, and I still regularly get insulted by people who claim to be liberal who insist that if I just tried harder, or loved myself more, or saw a therapist, or ate less, blah blah blah, that I too could be thin like them. It's been the singular preoccupation and pain of my life. Whether on the wagon or off, I cannot not think about it, and when I finally get beyond exhausted and just want to be free of all of it, I'll have some thin jackass come up to me on a dance floor (!) and say how surprising it is that someone "like me" is such a good dancer, or, worse, a stranger approach me to offer me unsolicited dieting tips or pseudo-spiritual advice. As a fat girl, you are an open target for people's hatefulness, fears, unchecked assumptions, and bigotry--so it's especially hurtful when our fucking political allies don't get it.

So, Dan Savage, I love you, I love you, I love you, but I too have to say that you get this wrong. Often.
What's normal??

And who cares? If you're happy being "abnormal" go for it!
Oh, and in response to IgorM: there's a patently obvious reason why no one is sincerely addressing your self-hating bullshit. It's because it's self-hating bullshit. If you weren't consumed with your own fears of how straights may see you, you wouldn't need to designate yourself the faggy police.
thank you for writing, maddy. you made me smile.
It's true, Igor. You're providing a very handy example of a young person going through self-hatery and shame on the way to full acceptance of who he is (hopefully). Acting straight isn't your magic exception card for homophobia.
Okay, Igor, I'll bite: no one respects the content of your posts because it is a direct line from "the agenda of 'faggy gays' shouldn't interfere with the majority of 'str8 acting gays'" to "the agenda of homosexuals shouldn't interfere with the agenda of straight people." DIRECT FUCKING LINE. I really hope you aren't so totally fucking retarded as to figure that out--although that pretty much leaves Slog troll.
IgorM, that is because you posts have no content. It just a bunch of gas.
"acting str8" is an unfortunate descriptive term, it does not imply any acting, it is simply a default state of being for most gays...saying that I hate myself because I am repulsed by weird faggy gays and trannies and transsexuals is idiotic.

We all know what the score is, you just keep ignoring it to your detriment.
Oh, Igor.

You know, a lot of us homos go through a stage when we are first coming out where we loath the girly gays. But we usually realize that is our own fear talking. And we get over it, and except them like we should.

I really strongly urge you to shut up now, for your own sake. In a few years you're gonna look back at this stage of your comming out process and realize what a complete douchebag you were, and you're gonna be really embarrassed. And now your embarrassment is going to be preserved for all time on SLOG.
You don't make any sense...
STIC - What a sweetheart. I'm so glad he's been there for her through everything, and equally glad that she decided to be "there" for him by getting help.
@44: I'll start out gently with you: die in a fire.

Translation: your own hang-ups as a macho-faux-swaggery homo little twat, against what you register as "men being effeminate" β€” do confirm whether I'm not getting your context, please β€” concerns nothing of transsexuals. Respek to my gay pals β€” macho to swishy and points in between β€” is where it is always due: good folks to have a beer with, but we have about nothing in common. Well, like other people, we're all mostly made of water.

[oh, and what a shock that you aren't mentioning transgenders in the same breath β€” I must applaud you there on that one, but don't let it go to your head. I'm not through with you.]

It makes zero sense and zero logic why and how you want to toss cissexual gay men and transsexual women into the same salad bowl. WTFF. You're effectively trying to call tofu "ice cream": these aren't anywhere in the same league, so don't start saying that Tofutti is ice cream and then declare a hate-on for all ice cream. Different creatures, different ingredients, different nutritive values. Ya get it?

All said, there is a word for your twisted hang-up, Igor, even if I'm not necessarily on board with its use: effemimania (take your issue up with that author, not me).

In the meantime, dip yourself in napalm, use a strike-anywhere match, and have as nice a day as a self-torching can provide.
ok asshat i'll feed u a little bit, the reason why know one is taking issue with the meat of your complaint is because you sound like a self hating, internalized homophobic hypocrite. The only thing one can do for the unintelligent like you is hope that you come to realize what a fucktwit you really are before you're dead by some unsuspecting str8 homophobe who is surprised to learn you smoke pole. Especially after they were pictured w/u on facebook drunk, sharing a hug, while simultaneously holding each of your drunk asses up. Looking to the media (tv,web,nwspapers) for some sort of identity is a fools errand and assigning sterotypes to a (sub) group of people is oppression. Continuing to spread hate and being a separatist isnt a voice of reason, its a recipe for a lonely life filled with sorrow. Good luck with that, hope i didnt use to many big words.
sweet story, i love hearing when people become happy with themselves.
Telsa, the more you write, the more I get to like you. Too bad you're one of those dreaded faggoty faggots. :D
ok asshat i'll feed u a little bit, the reason why know one is taking issue with the meat of your complaint is because you sound like a self hating, internalized homophobic hypocrite. The only thing one can do for the unintelligent like you is hope that you come to realize what a fucktwit you really are before you're dead by some unsuspecting str8 homophobe who is surprised to learn you smoke pole. Especially after they were pictured w/u on facebook drunk, sharing a hug, while simultaneously holding each of your drunk asses up. Looking to the media (tv,web,nwspapers) for some sort of identity is a fools errand and assigning sterotypes to a (sub) group of people is oppression. Continuing to spread hate and being a separatist isnt a voice of reason, its a recipe for a lonely life filled with sorrow. Good luck with that, hope i didnt use to many big words.
To all my gay pals out there regarding @30:

I know he doesn't speak for you. I think that much is clear to most of us. Nevertheless, it seems that no one from his own peer group has ever given Igor a good, hard truth-out on his own hang-ups (which sound very latter-day Stonewall faggish*). So can you keep your dog on a leash so that it doesn't start snapping at the rest of us? Cheers, and the next one's on me.


* "Stonewall fag", as in the elder guard gays who resented (rightfully) seeing some of their peers "becoming women" as a way out of escaping gay oppression (until about the mid 1973) and now blanket-detests anyone who has a transsexual life experience.
@51: And the thing is, you'd never even know it should we ever go out for pints.

I think the Doc Martens, butch swagger, and stubborn refusal to look like I'll ever again put on makeup have something to do with that. Notice how Igor doesn't mix in us dykey-dyke dykes into his fucked, false equation (which carried out in a proof is false, QED). But that I'm also transsexual somehow does.

Straightforward as a pretzel, that Igor.
Dear STiC:

You're alright. There aren't many good men out there who'll stick by their woman like that β€” that is, in a world where a cissexual woman is market-valued at a higher rate than a transsexual woman (see last week's SL LotD regarding the woman whose boyfriend was being a flake-head and lording over her head her inability to bear children β€” whereas a theoretical cissexual woman might).

See ya, and keep it up.

-Telsa O. Grills
As a out loud and proud fag-hag, I have to say that the femmy fags make my life worth living. Why would I want to hang out with guys who act just like the jerky straight boys I date, but won't even fuck me to make up for it? Seriously... bring on the glitter!
Sorry, I'm not familiar with you fringe ghetto lingo...
I watched all 5 seasons of that TV show Queer as Folk and most of the time I was disgusted by behavior, appearances and complete moral bankruptcy portrayed there.

This is what you get when you let the fringe loose and put it into a ghetto.
You are not serious people, you even lack proper education from what I've read so far..
For what it's worth, I've spent 35 years on Capitol Hill in Denver. I don't believe than anybody, anywhere, is 100% straight. I'm not even sure such a thing exists. But I'm 99.9% straight pretty easily.

I've known countless "faggotty fags," "dykey dykes," and just about everybody and everything in between in my life. I've been privileged to call a great many of them friends, even though I've never had sex with any of them.

People are people. Lots of them are good people. Get past the labels. Get past your preconceptions. Fuck, go watch Avatar or something if it helps.

All I know is that you're in for a long, hopeless, heartless, loveless life if you somehow try to go through it with that set of blinders on.
IgorM, trannies and drag queens and gay hustlers were (at Stonewall) the first people to physically retaliate against homophobia in the U.S. They started the modern gay liberation movement. They started a process that led, a few years later, to the APA declassifying homosexuality as a mental disorder. Without them, you'd have no claim to human rights. You'd be treated like a dog standing on two legs. Your lack of gratitude is unmanly.
@57: We see you know the ghetto well. And that you did yourself up some proper learnin' with Queer As Folk (which I admit I've never watched before, should I?).

Your swing at education in @58 just makes you look slower, simpler, and dimmer than that which I first gave you credit (which means it would have been easy for you to impress me with the expectations bar being set so low). The "fringe ghetto lingo" to which you speak isn't. It is, however, a reflection of your intellectual laziness (or limitation, flip a coin) to not even try to grasp at an idea that isn't instantly relevant to your self-centred, deep as puddle, igortistic world.

You're not a pussy. Pussy is power. You're not a dick. Dick is virility. No, you're a fucking eunuch crotch: there's just nothing there.
I'm glad those two men are happy together but the letter writer's partner will never be a real woman anymore than a blow up doll is a real woman.

So called transsexualism is a modern day version of the Emperor has No Clothes fable, the GID suffered is demanding everyone's participation in his playing pretend and silence on the GID sufferer's mental illness but all it takes is one individual like me to point out the truth and this wall of deceit about 'passing' comes crashing down.
Igor, you are basing your "ideas" on a TV show? Seriously? (just so you know I'm not biased, I base my world view (and religious practices) on the Carebears). Sheesh.

p.s. β€” Take 5280's nod: rent Avatar and watch it. Saw it already? Watch it again, if but for the visual work. There are definitely no femmy fags or transgenders in there, so you won't feel threatened by it.
There is room for only one troll in this discussion.
Are you guys sure Igor isn't LovesChild posing as a "fag-hating" homo? I call BS on him he's a facade for Loveschild shitting with you guys again.
Maybe you're right. But since I said what I did more for the pure joy of saying it than anything else, I don't suppose it matters.
Thank you for sharing this.

After a shitty, shitty day I can only hope I get a happy ending too.
I love #57 - he was so disgusted by 'Queer Eye' that he watched all five seasons!
@67: Who were you speaking to? And on what again?
Maybe the "Loveschild" troll identity got retired (anyone seen "her" lately?) and replaced by this new "IgorM" persona. You gotta admit LC's shtick was getting kind of played out and it's time for a new repertoire.
Nice to see a story with a happy ending. Really.

And I know it can be really, really difficult to resist tearing down new(?) idiots, but please don't feed the troll, guys. I understand - this stuff is published on the internet, and you want a rebuttal of this hateful garbage written down for the record. But you know you're just feeding the troll.
@72, maybe not. We're also sharing moral viewpoints, rationale, and cultural identities.

But the hater's position is inherently self-contradicting--if he weren't afraid of mainstream gender-cliche'd bullies, he wouldn't have any reason to be annoyed/threatened by queens.

It doesn't matter who he happens to fuck--in his mind, he's afraid someone will mistake him for a fag, and beat him up for it. If there were no violence, it wouldn't matter how people act in a parade.
So, thanks, Dan, for the happy ending. (Never thought I'd get to say that!)
I think it's good enough to make your whole week, but maybe that's just me.
@ 71, if anything, IgorM reminds me of Ecce Homo, but that insect occasionally crawls out of its cave to rant here. I think it posted something just a couple of weeks ago.
@72: When it's a matter on which I am intimately most qualified to say something, taking what a troll excretes and shoving it right into their mouth with a dollop of sugar to sweeten things slightly is kind of cathartic.

Speaking instead of saying nothing feels better than letting some incompetent, faggy Clayton Williams* tell me to lie back and enjoy what he wants to say about my kind (to which he knows fuck-all). A brief cathexis of a tear-down on a wuss like Igor is good times, since his entire pre-feminist case is premised on this core myth that femininity is subservient and weaker than him, especially when manifest in men (that is, cissexual gay men). Lumping chicks (i.e., transsexual, cissexual, or both β€” doesn't matter, as it's one in the same) into his shtick makes even less sense and it pretty much disqualifies him.

Of course, maybe he detests transsexual men, especially the gay boys, only because they came equipped into the world with unusable junk that they knew had to get a reno β€” a reno that Igor, who just wants the man-beef on an open-faced macho sandwich, dismisses as unmanly. He wasn't really clear about that. He doesn't have to be.

Igor can rationalize and equivocate all he wants. He will lose his case. Every time.

* Baconcat knows.

I love those rare moments when you let out your sweet side. It helps me laugh it off when you refer to me as nuts (in a group collective sense). Anyway, it made me smile.

Take care,
Which doesn't make you any less nuts, Kimmie. Seriously, I love you to death, but I'd flush your religion down the toilet the first chance I got. It stinks.
Seeking advice for moving people like igor onto the next level of maturity... I've recently struck up a romance up with someone in Brazil, who's great and sweet and terrific, but I made him watch "Hedwig...." recently and he showed me a big red flag: "I hate trannies!" Then he referred to effeminate gays as "faggots". Is there any hope?

I'm guessing not, but... he is young...
This story seriously made me tear up.

@79, I would start with saying that if they didn't at least stop using that language around me ("I hate ___," "faggots" in a hateful way, etc.), that they would be kicked to the curb. And mean it. Then, once you get them to reign in the outright hate, have some good meaningful conversation about the relationship between different members and sub-groups of the LGBT umbrella - how we've had to be there for one another, the tizzies that have risen up over the years, but in the end how we're nothing without one another. There are few enough of us that we can't afford to throw anyone under the bus. And as an earlier commenter pointed out, in many ways it was the trannies and drag queens that got the gay liberation ball rolling, because they had the courage to fight instead of sinking in to that safe, deadening closet. Then, if possible (and if you think he'll behave himself), introduce him to a transgendered person so he knows who he's talking about.
@79: He's young. And he's in a place where transsexuals are still "transvestites" and are, in people's eyes, good for little more than selling their bodies or modelling. So long as your Igor is in that milieu β€” the only he's ever known β€” then it'll be hard to do much. You can't tell so much as show β€” in person. Get him out of Brazil for a year. Get to work on him. :)

Also, if I saw Hedwig, I'd hate trannies, too. That whole Angry Inch phenomenon that swooned the gay world about a decade ago just smacked as blackface for someone like me, even if Hedwig's minstrel songs were endearing to many.

If asked (which I haven't), I've yet to run into a single film anywhere which comes close to narrating a transsexual life experience with which I can personally relate. Not by a miracle mile. Nearly all I have seen appeal to the transgenders or to the gay boys who contextualize transsexuals in their own confined little way, as the story lines are always framed from the world view of someone who personally understands manhood on some level (i.e., "Transamerica", "Different for Girls", "Priscilla", "Normal", "Hedwig", or whatever).

For me and the women I know well who share a transsexual history (since before the start of adulthood), we have no concept of that beyond the abstract idea that one gleans from popular culture. That's why it doesn't bother us to say, "Hey dude, check this out," to one another, while saying that to a transgender will make them nearly apoplectic.
@80 Thanks. The biggest red flag is that he isn't self-aware enough to see that there's a flaw in his logic. I asked if he'd ever met a "trannie". He admitted that he hadn't. So... upon what was his hatred based, I asked? "Common sense," he said.

But he has such a nice dick.
@80: In this case, and given his young age, I wouldn't call it "hate" so much as "bad cultural programming". This doesn't make it "better", but it's important to distinguish how the latter imputes the possibility for growth.

And as to the LGBT thing, transsexuals aren't part of that equation. We got the "T" boosted from us by the transgenders in the early/mid '90s. So, to @79, she needs to be clear with him on the difference between each (quite fundamental, really). She might not be able to introduce him to a transsexual the way she might to a transgender, but problems begin big time when the "umbrella maxim" is parried by transgenders. Transsexuals have their own "umbrella", thank you, within which only transsexuals of different cultural experiences are found.
@ 83 - Obviously, you know way more about this than I do (while I know a few transsexuals, most of my knowledge about transsexuality is awfully clinical), but I pose this question anyway:

It's totally fair to explain that transsexuals have their own umbrella - it really makes no sense to suggest otherwise. But sex, sexual identity, and sexual orientation all seem to be culturally--and politically--wrapped up in one another. Not saying that society views them all as the same thing - well-meaning but ignorant people seem to have a much easier time wrapping their heads around homosexuality than transsexuality, for instance.

In the civil rights context, at least, doesn't it make sense to include transsexuality under the GLBT umbrella? Because it seems to me that hostility toward homosexuality and transgendered individuals stems from an awfully similar place as hostility toward transsexuals.

(Please feel free to tell me I'm off base here, seriously. But I think this is a legitimate question.)
@84: No, they're legit.

In the civil rights context, at least, doesn't it make sense to include transsexuality under the GLBT umbrella? Because it seems to me that hostility toward homosexuality and transgendered individuals stems from an awfully similar place as hostility toward transsexuals.

Does it make sense? It would, if transsexuals were recognized as transsexuals, full-stop, and recognized that a great number of us β€” myself included β€” are not out publicly as transsexual. In other words, we are socialized and engaged by other people as cissexual like themselves. Even though we aren't cissexual, it's just a lot easier to say nothing and keep the peace.

Extending the point, many of us are also heterosexual men and women who have no connection with a "GLBT" political construct and express tremendous offence if asked whether we're OK with being corralled in with transgenders. For transsexual men and women who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual, "GLBT" is only as politically useful to our lives as gay, lesbian, or bisexual people. The "T" is another matter entirely, though in one sense, you're right: to many dickweed haters, "It's all the same." Still, if only they knew how frequently they've spoken to a transsexual person who to them was cissexual, it might cause them to soil themselves.

Alternately, "T" expresses political inclusiveness for transgenders. That's why it's there. I know it's hard for most to de-link transsexual and transgender from one another β€” the shared prefix fucks it up a lot, since in English, speakers are used to looking to that prefix as a modifier (e.g., homo-/bi-/hetero- sexual), not the root word. The non-consensual pathologization and lumping together in that realm hardly helps, just as it didn't help homosexuality before '73. But transsexual people have about as much in common with transgenders as heterosexual people have in common with homosexual people.

The problem with, for example, advancing a "GLBTT" agenda is it starts pissing a lot of people off for a lot of valid reasons, including the perception of the "me too" syndrome of appending endless letters to an already unwieldy acronym (see "GLBTTQQIA2SRTFM"). More importantly, that GLBT political group would need to comprehend backwards and forwards why there must be two Ts. Assuming you got them to understand what that means at a practical level, then you would have to see whether straight transsexuals would want any part in that. The Magic 8-Ball says "Don't count on it."

This became a problem when transgenders politically appropriated transsexual people by sticking us into their umbrella. We weren't asked. We offered no consent. We weren't given an opt-out clause. In so doing, we were politically (and socially) associated with a group whose interests are not our own. It has made for some cranky folks, unswerving tensions, and has indisputably hurt a few people badly. (Incidentally, the political appending of "T" to "GLB" happened around the same time as when transsexual people were appropriated by transgenders.)

I'm not sure whether this was helpful to your question. I should have condensed.
@ 85 - No, that does help, in that it explains some of the schisms here.

I guess part of the issue is that appending the T to LGB links, in a very explicit way, gender identity with sexual orientation. While the two aren't unrelated, they're also not the same thing. Don't get me wrong, it makes sense - sexual minorities are marginalized, so there is some utility in uniting under one acronym. Still, when that is done, a little nuance and a little understanding is probably lost. But I'd argue that the benefits outweigh the costs.

I'll admit that my perceptions are colored by my own experiences. As a woman who's not only cisgender and rather stereotypically feminine (short, thin build, big fan of those medieval torture devices known as high heels), but largely into that subset of slim, long-haired, artsy-fartsy dykes, I've found myself flustered when dealing with the intersection of gender identity politics and sexual orientation. Please don't take this as oh-woe-is-me-I-am-a-poor-little-lipstick-lesbian-and-all-the-butch-girls-are-MEAN rant. That hasn't been my experience at all - and, in my estimation, butch lesbians get WAY more shit from society than "femme" ones. (Seriously - while frat boys hollering at me when I'm out with a girl might be obnoxious, I recognize that it's nothing compared to the kind of harassment a lot of butch girls face.) I just mean that, as someone who generally falls into society's expectations of a "typical" woman, with the exception of my sexual orientation, the gender-identity politics that so often attend the politics of sexual orientation leave me a little lost. Not because these issues aren't legitimate, but because I'm limited in how far I can relate.

The problem with, for example, advancing a "GLBTT" agenda is it starts pissing a lot of people off for a lot of valid reasons, including the perception of the "me too" syndrome of appending endless letters to an already unwieldy acronym (see "GLBTTQQIA2SRTFM").

The LGTBTQQIA acronym frustrates the hell out of me, but really only because it's so unwieldy. It's almost enough to make me want to go pray the gay away with Dr. Rekers. (Seriously, allies? I mean, don't get me wrong, having straight allies is a fundamental part of obtaining legal and social equality--and it's always encouraging to see people stick up for rights that, at least in the short term, don't directly affect them. But still. Oy.)

This became a problem when transgenders politically appropriated transsexual people by sticking us into their umbrella. We weren't asked. We offered no consent. We weren't given an opt-out clause. In so doing, we were politically (and socially) associated with a group whose interests are not our own. It has made for some cranky folks, unswerving tensions, and has indisputably hurt a few people badly.

I swear I'm not being snarky, though upon typing this out I realize it will probably sound that way - how would the transgender community have gone about obtaining the consent of the transsexual community? And, perhaps more importantly, where to go from here?
We're back to whether or not to put the T in GLBT? For fucks sake, no. T's aren't GLB. Some G's and L's apparently don't like B's, so why not kick them out too? And of course L's are just a female G, so why not make it a G movement?

Or we could get the fuck over it and accept that the community grouped largely based on the fact of common enemies. The Asian community is made out of many different races and cultural origins, it's not a unique phenomenon.

I'm not a G, L, B, T or even Q for that matter, just a lowly A, but the infighting seems entirely counterproductive.

Telsa, I'm really curious, how would an accurate portrayal of an adult MTF go? Could the status be approached without making the film just a tragedy-drama about discrimination? I would expect that a happy MTF (or FTM) has a life essentially indistinguishable from a non-fertile non transgendered person. Am I way off base?
@ 87 - This isn't so much about whether the "T" makes sense - overall, it does. But there's a difference between groups with related, but varied, interests allying, and lumping every one of those groups together for the sake of ease of conversation.

This isn't about exclusion. It's about conscientious inclusion. To use your example, a person does not cease to be Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. simply because they are a member of the Asian community.
Chiming in very late here, but I want to say that this story was one of the best things I could read first thing in the morning. I've had too many friends in similar circumstances and it's always nice to hear a happy ending.

Anne@88: Thank you for the Asian community analogy. I work at a university that has a center that specifically describes itself as serving "the LGBTQI community and its allies". When I hear people ask why the "community" needs to many letters I've tried to explain that "It's about conscientious inclusion", but I've never been able to put it so clearly or so succinctly.
@88 absolutely, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I guess this thread's pet troll just reminded me of another thread where the place of Ts in the unpronouncable acronym was questioned. Yes of course Trans folks have unique issues to the community, just as all the other letters do as well (for instance Gs can't make their own babies). I guess its just that I get the impression that there are people in every community willing to cut out X Y and Z group for not meeting some arbitrary definition of who does belong (which invariably happens to coincide exactly with the speakers description).

Glad we cleared that up. By the way, you've always been free to flush, in my opinion.

Take care.
Igor states he's a teenage gay boy. I think that makes it clear why he's being a giant douche. It seems like anytime Dan gets a letter from some "str8 acting" gay man who doesn't like "swishy gays" or anyone else effeminate, it's inevitable that they're not actually men, but teenage boys who only just barely came out to themselves. I'd be willing to bet that Igor's still closeted, or mostly closeted, because he's "str8 acting" so no one needs to know about something so unimportant as his sexual preferences. Either he'll end up getting over himself, or he'll become the next George Rekers.

Clearly Igor, conflicted about how his own sexuality has effected his delicate teenage ego and sense of belonging, feels the need to lash out at people who can't comfortably hide what they are under the veil of normalcy. What Igor is saying is essentially the same as the racist who says that he's not racist because he has no problem with African Americans that have embraced white cultural norms. He's not racist, but why do some black people have to ruin it by acting so black? It's their own fault for not being accepted!

Clearly that kind of thinking would be seen as racist by most, but when it comes to sexuality and gender identity, suddenly it's cool. Hey Igor, suck on this - scientific research has demonstrated that transexual feelings are largely biologically based, just like homosexuality. So, how is it okay to discriminate if those people are born that way? And just wait until you graduate from high school and start existing in the real world, among people who may have long since given up the need for holding to rigid gender roles in order to deflect the pain of their peers possibly thinking their a fag - one day, you will run into some effeminate "str8 guy" - they call them Metrosexuals now. Trust me, it exists. Should they too be discriminated against, or is it okay to act effeminate as long as you stick your penis in a woman?

Last but not least, you, Igor, are a fag. You're a faggot. Accept it. "Acting str8" does not keep you from being a faggot. As long as people know you're attracted to other males, they will know you're a fag. If anything, there is more honesty in the queens who can't hide it - when people find out about you, they'll feel more betrayed. And rest assured that even if a huge movement of upright, totally normal homosexuals such as yourself publically divorced themselves from the swishy boys and trannies, the straight world wouldn't care. Learn how the media works, and stop letting it send you on the path of hatred. If only a single gay man was effeminate, it would be that one in the parade that recieved all the publicity. And you know what? It's those enthusiastic, visible, different people who do most of the fighting for GLBT rights, because they're the ones that can't hide behind the veil of "str8 acting" and get by in society with nominal comfort. So learn to love those people instead of hating them, or else get yourself to a Christian reprogramming facility and out of our faggy, dykey, tranny, swishy community.
Now I have to go back and read what I wrote last night. I was pretty drunk; hope it wasn't too nasty.
Dan, that story is as sweet as thick chocolate brownies. :) Well done to you. & bravo for the pretty DNE thin & vice-versa.

I swear I'm not being snarky, though upon typing this out I realize it will probably sound that way - how would the transgender community have gone about obtaining the consent of the transsexual community? And, perhaps more importantly, where to go from here?

They could have asked us what we consider important to and necessary for us. They could have asked how they could help us on our terms and on our specific needs without feeling urged to either co-opt or render them invisible as it best suits their world view. They could have left the door open to coalition-building with transsexual people rather than presuming that this was ever some kind of given. In short, the difference would have merely been a matter of conferring with us always and never acting on our behalf unless we asked them for help. This did not happen. I don't see this happening, either.

Where to go from here? Awfully good question. Our needs remain just as distinct as they were before. We could start with the most basic: for transsexual people, it's not a matter of "gender identity". It's about access to the means to control and own our bodies. It's also about, for many of us, getting this over with and moving on to an otherwise undistinguished life without being derided as assimilationist; without being pathologized by an institution which many transgenders still turn to for certifying (for want of a better word) their gender expression; or without being chidingly reassured that "sexual orientation and gender identity" in legislative language will cover transsexual people when we know it won't ever cover "change of sex" (which is a loophole defendants have successfully used in court defences to deny transsexuals of basic human rights).

The LGTBTQQIA acronym frustrates the hell out of me, but really only because it's so unwieldy.

And then some. Step back and look at what it is meant to encompass, and it's very easy for a remote vantage perspective to deduce that the alphabet community conclusively doesn't know what it wants: full civil rights irrespective of sexual orientation (n.b., this has changed over the years as the battles changed); respect from all communities for a sexual orientation that doesn't pick favourites in their partner's sex; the right to articulate one's dialect of gender however they wish without being ridiculed; the right to not be boxed into any category (except queer, since that isn't a box somehow); the "I'm not sure" crowd who aren't sure what they want for themselves yet and whose concerns aren't articulated as the others are; and the allies (they're allies, not necessarily oppressed, but now part of the soup with an unclear desired ends that negatively impacts them).

With all that going on, I think it totally is understandable when a cissexual gay man doesn't see the logic in anything more than "GL", because they know what matters to them. Alas, transgenders can be gay, too, so they have their overlap on that matter.

I left out intersex for a reason. That's another hot, nasty topic that disgusts the handful of congenitally intersex people I've known and met over the years (for virtually the same reasons transsexual people have with transgenders, except that a few transgenders decided on their own that they were intersexed β€” invariably during their adulthood). In short, bona fide people with an intersex body pretty much have walked hell on earth in varying degrees before they hit the age of high school β€” in terms of medical complications (some life threatening); in terms of non-consensual mutilation; and in terms of being stuck in all early socializing activities due to indeterminate, outward-appearing reproductive organs. The "adult self-discovered" people calling themselves intersexed as an identity are using another pathologization route instead of the transgender route. But from what my intersex counterparts indicate, those people are transgenders, inside and out.

I guess part of the issue is that appending the T to LGB links, in a very explicit way, gender identity with sexual orientation.

"Gender identity", to be honest, doesn't register with me. A dialect is not an identity. But whatever. This comes back to the core problem many transsexual people find themselves running into: an external group who is not only presuming we are part of their group, but that we also have this shared need (sorry, this is obviously a sore point for me) to have a "gender identity" affirmed. What in the fork (tine)? Absolutely not!

So this goes back to whether a second, distinct "T" would have a lot of utility for transsexual people. Since "gender identity" is not part of the equation, and for (let say for sake of simplicity) half of the transsexual population, a heterosexual sexual orientation doesn't really have a place in a "GLBT". There really is only place where I think all transsexual people could mobilize in a way that is comprehensible to GLBT political people: by including "change of sex" alongside "sexual orientation and gender identity" in the human rights language being advanced at local and national levels, it would acknowledge a good faith gesture that all parties are not going to be loopholed out of the latest era of fundamental human rights in North America. Thing is, while many straight transsexual people have been able to marry, some have been denied, while a few have had their marriage licence rudely nullified years later. Some transsexual people might not feel an imperative to support this initiative (i.e., wanting no part of any other transsexual person out there), but the implication is this is where they could face backlash at the most unexpected, inopportune moment.

Again, not a short way to put this, Anne, and not sure if it's useful.
@93: No, it was just drunken and confused. :)
how would an accurate portrayal of an adult MTF go?

I'm not sure what you're asking. I don't know how I'd portray what you call an adult MTF. I was not interested in portrayals of adult MTFs, which is what all those cited films narrate. Those films also inform the cultural discourse, which is why it's troublesome.

As to something I could relate to, I was referring to a filmic narrative upon which I can look and go, "Hey, that resonates with what I know." I'm speaking as someone whose later teenage and entire adult life experiences entirely lack knowledge of what would be expected of the sex I was assigned back at birth. Maybe Pixar could do an animated film. Or better yet, maybe Sofia Coppola or Kenneth Branagh.
They could have asked us what we consider important to and necessary for us. They could have asked how they could help us on our terms and on our specific needs without feeling urged to either co-opt or render them invisible as it best suits their world view. They could have left the door open to coalition-building with transsexual people rather than presuming that this was ever some kind of given. . . .

I was actually being rather more literal here. Who speaks for the transgendered community? Who speaks for transsexuals? How could they have asked? (Again, I'm not trying to be difficult, this seems like a real issue.)
I think Anne's saying a lot of really valid things here. It's a lot like herding cats.
@ 95 - Also, I didn't mean to imply that gender identity and transsexuality are the same thing. Sorry if that was unclear.

With all that going on, I think it totally is understandable when a cissexual gay man doesn't see the logic in anything more than "GL", because they know what matters to them.

Ok, I understand that the "T" brings in a whole host of new issues, but does the "B," really? (I anticipate the responses to this question will be oodles of fun.)

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