
did you mean to post this in the future since it's a post about time? that "some thoughts on time and the 19th century" will be the first thing we see on the blog until the afternoon of Oct 5, 2019? if so, then well played.
Charles Mudede: My mind is basically organized around three great books: Capital Volume One, Bleak House, and Origins of Species. Let's have a quick look at something in the third book, Origins.

Later: ...and Origins of Species with the discovery of deep time.

Um, Charles, if Origin of Species had made such a great impression on you, you at least could have gotten the title right.*

* I'm a firm believer that natural selection reserves its greatest wrath for anyone nerdy enough to point out the correct title of Darwin's seminal work.
There are signs of life in rocks three and a half billion years old. It's impossible for me to comprehend that much time. But when I look at the life around me, and I contemplate how life has changed as it moved through this much time, I get a deep sense of something immense.
hells yeah, let's stop reckoning time from the life/death of some Jew boy from ‎Ha-Galil...
*masturbatory hand gesture*
bad spinoza
It never ceases to amaze me when an erudite shows his utter ignorance --- it's always coupled to his arrogance --- and just like the right wing ignorants who confuse Love and Hate the Atheist ignorants confuse fact with fiction, among other confusing concepts such as Love and Hate, Truth and lies, Justice and injustice.

Only a male would overlook the truth in scriptures and fail to understand the reckoning of time according to it's center of orbit, like a earth-year is one full orbiting revolution around the sun, and it's full day divided into light and dark hours by the duration taken to spin all the way around as it orbits, dipshit must have overlooked the fact that our sun --- the center of our orbit --- itself is in an orbit around a greater center and that it also spins as it travels in orbit. This fact is often substituted for the complete bullshit theory of the big bang and it's nonsense measurements that claim our solar system is traveling away from one point in THE STUPIDEST theory ever which is the claim the path is a straight line.

Stupid is as stupid does, and no scientist worth the lead to blow to hell ever incorporates the shit science of needing to prove the existence of God nor does she bend to the weasels of human males who pacifier or binky/security blanket lies in God not being able to exist

One has to respect the truth if they are to ever be hopeful of knowing it, hence the reason so few know of it
This is Bad..


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