
That morose, bug-eyed comic book geek is getting pretty tiresome.
Wow, what.
Um... there's a resounding "WTF" coming from the jury in my brain.
So he eats whales, is that what he's saying?
@1- Aww, come on! Nicky was pretty cute when Cher slapped his mug lo those many years ago.
But choosing one's diet based on how the food reproduces?!!? Geez.
Is pollination considered dignified? I mean think about it? All of those bees raping those poor plants. Or is he saying there's dignity in being the victim?
Am I the only one who immediately googled "pig sex"?
Just because it's not funny doesn't mean he wasn't joking.
Just don't burn his food... he'll ask you how it got burned...
Wow. Just how much time has he devoted to watching animals have sex? Bedause I have never seen a fish have sex. I honestly have no idea how they do it.
@12: Three different ways (maybe more):
-The female releases eggs into the water and the male releases sperm into the water. (Mostly ocean fish do this.)
-The female lays eggs into a little nest (built by either parent) and the male comes by and deposits sperm over them. (Mainly fish in sluggish rivers.)
-The female and male swim close together while simultaneously releasing eggs and sperm into the water.

Short answer: fish don't really have sex. Physical sex is an adaptation that life on land required, since gametes need water (or some fluid) to swim/drift in.
@8 - nope, not the only one. Mostly because my high school biology radar went WTF? Fish don't have sex - you eejit. Then I thought, how do chicken's fertilize eggs and found this site… and the last paragraph made me laugh out loud.

"If you are going to have a rooster then I would suggest a quantity of one. Farmers have always known that over time roosters grow less interested in mating repeatedly with same hen. Hens also grow bored with mating the same male. By counting semen, the researchers discovered that roosters also reduce the sperm progressively as they continue to mate with the same female. But when a new female is introduced, the rooster wants to copulate and secretes more sperm to his new mate. Hens are not large enough to fight off a sexual advance, but they are able to squirt semen back on a rooster after copulating, which lasts about a second."

Cuz squirting semen back on a rooster who just forced you into taking it is ever so dignified. I wonder if Nick thinks that Praying Mantis sex is dignified enough for the little bugs to become chow?

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