
in the skanky phases of my life i have been pretty appalled at how many of my partners would have been perfectly happy not using protection if i hadn't made it the condition upon which we would be having sex. Only one of them was resistant to using protection (that one didn't last long) but i was still amazed at how nonchalant these grown men were to exposing themselves to the risk of disease/knocking up a casual partner.
glad to hear that young men these days are looking proactive about keeping themselves healthy and not having kids until they want to.
good news for once. yay!
It's not just being on the hook for eighteen years. They really need to consider the kind of life they want their children to have. That's what is most important, the children.
More likely it's just that boys continue to think girls who will have sex with them are dirty.
@4: Well, I certainly hope so. ;-)
@5: Hehe.

It's still the case with guys in my age range (late 20s-early 30s). I've never had to argue, but I've always had to insist with a new partner.
Being on the hook for the next 18 years assumes the kid does not live in your basement well into their 30s.
I'm curious about the last statistic. If 79% of girls use contraceptives (assuming condoms count for them) and 86% of boys use them, what accounts for the difference? Does it mean that the other 7% of women who are not having sex with the boys who are using condoms are having sex with older men who don't use condoms? Or are those 7% of boys accounted for by homosexuals who are using condoms with each other? Or am I missing something else here?
@9: You're assuming that protection users and non-users have sex with roughly the same number of partners. If women who use condoms have sex, on average, with more partners than those who do not, you'd very easily see such a discrepancy as you pointed out.
It's statistics.
@8: Yeah, most of my friends are still living at home -- culture shift, ethnic background, bad economy, university debts, whatever reason. 25 -- maybe as an outer limit -- is more like it.

@9: I think you're missing something. If 79% of girls used contraceptives and 0% boys did, the girls could still be having sex with them BUT only one party is using a contraceptive.

You're getting mixed up because you're presuming this sex happens when both parties are using protection or birth control. That's a nice thought, though, isn't it?
@11: Right, thinking of birth control, obviously, for girls.
Also, how *do* we define condom use? Obviously, maybe it should lean towards the male party, since they're the ones that can wear it (unless we're talking the female condom, which is probably rare). But what if it's the girl who insists on them, maybe even brings them, so he's just consenting to their use? Does the consent count as "use"?

I'm pondering because I get that the condom benefits both parties, but so does the pill in terms of pregnancy. So, can guys "use" the pill?

Man, I'm getting confused.
That last paragraph hit on something that really needs to be addressed, "his future is in her hands". There's a certain inequality in that scenario. After consentual sex, only the female has the choice to make the male a father or not. The male can't (and shouldn't) decide for the female if she should be a mother or not.

Is there some way to make the "parent or not" choice more egalitarian without taking away a woman's right to decide what happens to her body? Why can't a man choose what happens to his finances (and life, for that matter)? Doesn't the current situation penalize people for consentual sex?
It smacks more of Affirmative Action, where we are trying to correct historical wrongs, rather than a solution that is fair & just to all parties.

I don't have an answer. I just raise the question, hoping that someone else does.
"Why can't a man choose what happens to his finances (and life, for that matter)?"

he can, dumbass.
by keeping it in his pants.
another milestone on our skip to gommorrah.

zero percent of unmarried teenagers are qualified; emotionally, financially, educationally, etc; to be a parent.

but two thirds of them think it is "OK"

I wonder how the children of unmarried teenagers would poll on the same question....
14, Isn't using a condom essentially a man's chance to retain that control?

Once the woman is impregnated, there is no way to allow men that control without impugning her body's sovereignty. It's not an egalitarian situation because she is the one carrying the fetus.

It does suck for men who use birth control that fails, but it's one of the risks a man must assume having sex with a woman.

We really need more birth control options for men.
@1 That's been my experience (with the genders reversed of course). I've always taken it as "no condom = no sex" and I was with the woman who eventually became my wife for 3 1/2 years before I ever had sex without a condom but before that I was shocked at the nonchalant attitude of the women I'd been with towards protection. I've only had one woman request a condom be used before we got started and I had two practically beg to NOT use a condom.

@14 Men do have a choice and that choice is when you decide to have sex with a condom or not. If she tells you that you don't have to b/c she's on the pill and you believe her then that's yer ass (or more accurately you're putting yer ass in her hands.) Even if she is, there's no guarantee that she's using it correctly (something that almost bit one of my friends in the ass.) Tell your friends, tell your brothers, tell your sons, you do have a choice about whether or not you become a father and that choice is whether or not you're going to wear a condom.
What the liberal media outlet that reported this story didn't tell you (surprise) is that the majority of this condom use is by homosexuals.

The introduction of condoms into public schools was a nefarious plot to encourage kids to convert to homosexuality, thus increasing their numbers and political power, which is why certain un-American states like the People's Republic of Taxachussets have made gay marriage legal.

And is there any coincidence at all that Taxachussets is the most socialist of all the states? This is a perfect example how of homosexuality leads to socialism.
@19, so how old were you when you first put a condom in your pocket and had that sudden burning desire to smoke a pole and file for foodstamps?

You're assuming of course that our dear Lord Basil has ever actually had sex - of any kind.

Well masturbation is KIND of sex. Actually now that I think about it, I wouldn't be surprised if his hand turned him down.
Do you guys think Basil is for real? I always assumed he was some form of satire.

@23: I just tell him "COOL STORY, BRO!" and leave it at that. The ultimate shutdown to Internet f@gg0try.
@23, my present theory is that he is Charles Mudede.
@23, Basil's no more "real" than Loveschild. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if they were the same person.
#16" I wonder how the children of unmarried teenagers would poll on the same question...."

I imagine my 24 year old college graduate daughter that was born 4 weeks to the day after my 16th birthday would answer that she is extremely HAPPY her parents didn't use birth control.

I understand that teenage pregnancy/parenthood is not the ideal, but it's not always poverty and more unwed mothers, neither of my daughters, born when I was 16 and 20, have made me a grandma yet and they have both succeeded in ways that is a huge percentage above dual sex/legal age parents of many of their peers. Both of my girls have their own homes and careers. Not jobs, careers.

Maybe I'm just a damn good mom ;)

But...I would ALWAYS advise a teenager to use protection. Always.

BTW: girls, you're not teenagers anymore...Mom would really LOVE grand-babies anytime now....Just sayin'.
@26, man, I'm glad someone else noticed that Loveschild is a classical troll, in the sense of being a persona invented to provoke a community. It always weirds me out when people argue with "her" as though they were trying to engage another person.
14: Pseudonyms. Learn to love 'em.

Although I'm amused at the outrage any time the man draws up a "if you get knocked up, my liability is limited to the cost of an abortion" contract. Man has made his terms and conditions explicitly clear, woman has accepted them while retaining control over her body. Simple.
Hey Unregistered! Posts 14 and 15? Not even in the top 10? What? Were you napping?

Oh Lord Basil is most definitely a character poster.
27 well congratulations!

Boys raised by single mothers are Twice as likely to end up in prison by age 32.

Girls born outside of marriage are Three times as likely to have teenage pregnancies (maybe your darlings are lesbians?)

Teens born outside of marriage are Twice as likely to drop out of high school.

Hopefully your family will turn out fine.

But you and Murphy Brown are the exception, and the children victims featured in Dan's "Every Child Deserves..." are much more typical of children raised by unwed teens....


Violet Blue just happened to have a condom post on her site the video, but not at work, unless you work at home.
A large percentage of teens thinking it's okay for an unmarried woman to have a child is not quite the same thing as a large percentage of teens thinking it's okay for an unmarried TEEN to have a child. Either the survey question was badly worded, or the article wasn't reporting it correctly. And thinking it's okay (as in, "I'm not going to judge people like my mom, or my sister, or my friend") is different from thinking it's a terrific idea.

@18, on your @14 comment: If I were a guy, I'd seriously consider putting some of my swimmers on ice if I think I'll want them later, then getting a vasectomy. And I'd use condoms on top of that. But then again, I've had my tubes tied and I'm also on the pill, and I use condoms with any new guy, so my level of paranoia is higher than most.
Not only am I real, I have a real blog:…

I urge you liberals to read it, and to read Andrew Breitbart, RedState, Michelle Malkin, and Gateway Pundit. Also take time to listen to Rush, Hannity, and Beck, and I am certain you'll be cured of the most insidious social diseases of them all...


Wow, Basil, you ARE a real person! Just looked at your website, and have a couple of questions:

How would the views of Thomas Jefferson fit with your premise that the US was created "in the image of God", in light of his declaration below? (I assume you include Jefferson with the founding fathers?)

"Early in his first presidential term, (Thomas) Jefferson declared his firm belief in the separation of church and state in a letter to the Danbury (Connecticut) Baptists "Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should `make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

Also, I'm confused about your assertion that homosexuality is a "foreign" import, do you mean like from the middle east, since it's mentioned in the bible? I'm guessing you're against it, in part, because the bible calls it an abomination (Lev 18:22, 20:13), but Leviticus also calls the consumption of shellfish an abomination, but I didn't see anything on your bio about might want to remedy that, because Leviticus doesn't quantify degrees of abomination, so it might be really bad for you and your followers to be hitting up Red Lobster, just sayin'.

Finally, as an old English major, I should let you know you'll want to vary your terminology... "ROTFLMAO!!!" loses it charm if you end every post with it. I'm suggesting instead "PMSL", which means "pissed myself laughing," which, given your bio says you're 62, may not be entirely inaccurate.

Okay, I know I am willfully misreading the article, but this did make me pause:

"Only 47 percent of unmarried teen males said they would be "very upset" if they got a partner pregnant, while 58 percent females would."

Um ... if I was a female and I happened to get a partner pregnant, I think there's a 100% chance I'd be upset. And confused.
@36: Kühle Geschichte, Bruder.
I saw your website and have to ask, how exactly can enemy nations introduce both socialism and fascism to the USA at the same time? You do know that they're opposites, right? Socialism is at the far left end of the spectrum, fascism is at the far right of the spectrum.
After seeing/reading Lord Basil's blog, I'm certain he writes it from the confines of some mental institution.
@ 27 I wonder what my friend's now 13 year old daughter "S" would say about her teenage mother's choice. "S" has a nine yr old little brother with extreme autism who she takes care of every day because my 34 yr old friend (let's call her Tanya) is finally going back to college and can't afford to pay for childcare for them. I wonder if she thinks her mom made the right choice. And her grandma's choice. Tanya had "S" at age 15, which was the same age that her own mom got pregnant with her. Tanya's first "baby's daddy" has been in prison since "S" was an infant (Tanya didn't know he was a drug dealer - but when you fuck within hours after you just meet, what can you expect? smh...). Tanya, by age 18, had to deal with a severely disabled younger brother, two small children, an abusive baby's dad (father of her autistic son. He later got beat so bad in a road rage incident he started, he now has the mind of a 5 year old. "S" and the son witnessed it and "S" had to wait on I-5, literally, for the paramedics- she was only 8 and told the 911 op that someone killed her daddy as her autistic little brother screamed on). Tanya also had to deal with her own dad who not only is disabled with chronic pain, but also became a crackhead (as Tanya begged him to get help), and her mother who smoked pot and checked out older men with her since middle school. Now Tanya (who I have known since 3rd grade) found out last summer that her daughter "S" was molested by her most recent ex-boyfriend between the ages 7-11. Not just her, but also 4 of her little friends that would come hang out after school. All molested. By a 45 year old man. The guy is in prison for it now and her daughter is showing clear signs of how it is impacting her. She wears very revealing shirts (and is busty), my friend caught her telling a 19 yr old on FB that she was 17 and she has run away twice. She also was caught in school behaving inappropriately, wiping fecal matter in the bathroom and flashing other students. She was teased about it for months last year, and so she began bullying other students to the point she got removed from the last weeks of school last year. She won't talk to anyone about what happened, and she is defiant to the Community Service Officers and therapists her mom has her see. Only 13 years old. It really is heartbreaking. So yeah, 27, good for you. "Maybe I'm just a damn good mom ;)" Right. Or maybe you just came from a family with a little bit of money. Or a family who cared about you. Or a family that was even a little bit normal. Or maybe you just had one adult in your life to be that role model to you. But just think of all the other girl's out there who don't have anything like that in their life. I think they are more of the rule than the exception in teen pregnancy cases.
@27 Just what we need, more 40 year old grandmothers. Way to go.
#43, do the math. She was a 30 year old grandmother.
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