Blogs Jun 7, 2010 at 1:57 pm


"Blaspheme two-thirds of the Trinity" is marvelous!
The other third of the trinity is going to be laughing his ass off at what they're doing to those two. Bet his will come around though.
There ought to be a way to blaspheme the other third too. Get with the program, guys!
It is so, so easy to blaspheme the Holy Ghost. All it takes is one good-to-middling fart joke.
I've noticed in the coverage of the Gulf Oil Spill Crisis that they're intentionally blaspheming the Flying Spaghetti Monster by talking about everything except the impact on Pirates and Global Warming from oil spills.

What's up with that?
So the show will only be two thirds as funny as it could be. Maybe the holy ghost will make a cameo appearance. (dressed up as mohammed?) I heard that some xtians consider the holy spirit to be so important that blaspheming it is considered to be the one unforgivable sin.
Reminds me of this joke:

An old, retired Jewish man is one day visited by his only son, who has suddenly shown up to announce that he's converting to Christianity. The father is stunned; he doesn't know how to respond, and his son only hangs around for a few minutes before saying goodbye and heading back to his own home.
As soon as his son's car is gone, the old man shouts out, "Why, God, why? Why has my boy, my only child, abandoned our faith?"
Suddenly the sky darkens and shifts. The stormclouds part, and a booming, awe-inspiring voice fills the sky.
"Oy, tell Me about it!"
If you make fun of God it hurts his feelings. If his feelings get hurt he might smash something. Ergo, God is a spoiled five-year-old boy.

Lighten up, True Believers. If you didn't flinch so entertainingly when people make fun of you, a show like this wouldn't even exist. It's only considered "edgy" because you so reliably overreact to mild provocation.

Either a spoiled five-year-old boy or The Incredible Hulk:

"God SMASH!"
I just hope all the easily-outraged Christians didn't learn anything from the Muhammad fiasco and start bypassing the "we'll write letters to your advertisers asking them to write letters to your head office" fist-shaking (which - agreed - IS funny to watch), and opt for a far more simplistic and infinitely more effective approach.
Give yourself a treat and click on the "Beginning Drawing with Barry Stebbing" advert on the right. Enjoy the short video by everyone's favorite Christian art teacher (and pedophile) brother Barry!
If the trinity had ever mattered to me I would be offended that they are not blaspheming the Holy Ghost!
1 is 3 and 3 is 1, when it comes to the trinity. It only follows that 2/3rds of 1 and 2/3rds of 3 are also equal, so 0.66 repeating = 2.
"Radical Muslims, please take note."
Right, because there are no radical Christians who, say, kill abortion doctors in Church, or support laws to condemn people to death for being gay, or, oh, I don't know, radical Jews who assassinate leaders for entering into peace treaties with Palestinians.
They're irritating nutjobs, but at least they're law-abiding, relatively safe irritating nutjobs. I guess. I mean, sure, maybe they're using mob rule to game a hypothetically constitutional system that's deeply weighted in favor of interest groups and corporations in order to censor artists and media outlets who don't abide by their own theocratic principles, staying within the letter of the law but de facto eroding away the foundations of a free speech society that was incorporated before the advent of mass media, but they're harmless, right?
Clearly, they're saving the Holy Ghost for a very special Christmas episode.
14: We're talking about responses to allegedly blasphemous depictions of religious figures.
@17: You have to admit that Christianity is inherently less nuts about that sort of thing because they have no prohibition against depicting religious figures AT ALL. Islam (and to a lesser degree Judaism) has problems with any sort of depiction. Go figure.
I'm glad it makes you happy, because getting OFF of their fucking mailing list requires clicking, begging, threats of legal action, and finally a vicious and deeply offensive pornographic short story involving an alternate death-of-Christ scenario.

Or so I've heard. :-/

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