
Charles, Charles, Charles! This link goes NO WHERE also, this was reported earlier by The Stranger (maybe that is the "joke" in the comment "was not a pit bull" which is just hilarious.

You are slacking on your reporting pimping.
Instead of prison time, can she just be permanently sterilized and given community service? She sounds more like an idiot rather than a criminal. Just keep her from re-spawning and I think the problem would be better taken care of.
The link is broken, but fixable. here ya go.

This seems like a good ECDAMAF post to me.
Oh, and the dog owners should be banned from ever owning another animal ever again, on punishment of imprisonment.
"They weren't aggressive," he said. "When strangers came to the door, they didn't even bark. There was no sign that this could happen."

Large carnivorous animals in room with little screaming meatloaf. Great plan. Then again, 17-year-old, smoking Mom. Quebecois trailer-trash. Very sad story.
Its too bad smoking doesn't kill the host quicker, before the host can reproduce. Lousy poison.
Mmm, babies. Good eats.

Sounds suspicious...(substitute dingos for huskies)...the household situation seems pretty dire...I'd call it a homicide and start looking for evidence.
Actually, it DOES sound suspicious. Not that I don't think huskies MIGHT do such a thing, but in general, they are not watchdogs (which is why they don't bark, @5) or particularly aggressive.
Its a horrible thing to have happen, and I do feel bad for the mother, its a horrible way to learn what-not-to-do. However, The first thing I learned when I took my dog to training was to never, ever leave a dog alone with a small child or baby, even if it is your dog, and you've had them for years. The reason is that babies/small children can scream at the same or a similar pitch to a wounded animal, and that could cause a normally non aggressive dog to attack.
This is not a 'dog' story.

This is an 'unwed teenage mom' story.
Two-thirds ofv teenagers think it is "OK" for unwed teenagers to be parents.
They are wrong.
Deadly wrong.
A society that does not emphatically teach them that they are wrong is an accessory, before and after the fact, to deaths like this 3 week old.

But if we insist that teenagers having sex as they please is OK and teenage moms are No Big Deal then EXPECT stories like this.
Don't act shocked or dismayed.

It is just part of the routine scenery
on our skip-a-long to GOMORRAH....
Nice to see that Chuck is back to his dog-hate after yesterday's more rational post about dog and human relations. I feared the world would tilt off its axis otherwise.
huskies and malamutes used to be top of the list of most dangerous dog breeds. there's just so many pitbulls now.
@11: Oh, Gomorrah Man! You've finally learned how to spell "Gomorrah"!
Gomorrah Man gained 384 XP. Gomorrah Man leveled up! Gomorrah Man has evolved into Gomorrah Troll!
...wait, no, you misspelled it eight words later. Never mind.

Are you referring to this poll?…
If so, you need to learn to read. Roughly 2/3 of teens studied thought it was okay for an unmarried woman to raise a child. It said nothing about what teens think of unmarried TEENAGE women having children. So please kindly shut the fuck up and let us teenagers go back to fucking each other as we please.
Huskies are beautiful, intelligent dogs, but have an extremely strong prey drive. They're know as "cat killers", for chrissake, and children and smaller dogs shouldn't be left unsupervised with them, even for a minute.

What the fuck is wrong with people?
This is surprising to me; I grew up next door to a husky-malamut mix who was incredibly sweet and I never saw hurt a fly. Though mom passed on the "5 minute" smoke breaks.
You don't leave dogs alone with babies. Any dog. There have been cases of dachshunds chewing off toes, for crissakes. But there was a perfect storm here - a 17-year-old leaving a 3-week old alone with a dog while she went outside to smoke. Kid was pretty much doomed from the get-go.

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