
I bet she's the kids' mom, not babysitter. But, yeah, awesome.
I'm a drummer. I can attest that nudity while drumming can prevent chaffing.
@1: Ditto. And I learned that just playing the damn video game.
I think I'm in love
She looks like Evangiline Lily from Lost. Hot Indeed!
OMG, you can't even see anything and the censors at Youtube want you to register to watch it on their site, which means that you have to register and log in to see if there are any idiotic "what about the children" type comments from middle amurica!

Seriously, no nips, bush, or pink, not even a butcrack, and there should be no concerns for our censors. Damn you puritans, I wish your precious fucking Mayflower had sunk!
"Don't You Wish ANY of Your Babysitters Had Been This Cool?"

Yeah. The sweet dude with the insect collection who was killed in Vietnam by "friendly fire" a couple of weeks after he arrived and a few days short of his twenty-first birthday.

He was way cool anyway. Fuck war and the fucking fuckers who start them.
Very nice, thank you. Hard to go wrong with an attractive naked woman playing music.

I love the way she screams and then smiles...and goes right on playing.
Considering the only babysitters I had were my grandmother and her older sister, NO, I do not wish they had been this cool. Don't get me wrong, both were cool in their own way (both were expert bakers as well as gifted story-tellers) and my memories of these two loving ladies are precious, but the thought of all that ancient, sagging, wrinkled flesh jiggling as they drummed is not an image I wish to have in my brain. Thanks anyway.

May I have that pillow when you're finished? Thanks.
I wish my babysitter had been a cool frat dude, but he probably would have been arrested for playing the drumbs naked in front of a little boy. Damn the Puritans indeed!
I don't know about playing drums in the nude, but playing guitar sans clothes is enjoyable.
Man, I hope this stays up--I plan to watch it several times a day for a while.
inb4 CPS think of the children
OK, I don't actually get what's going on in this video. Seriously. Can somebody explain?

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