Blogs Jun 29, 2010 at 4:51 pm


You should get ornate metal chopsticks like the rich boys have in those Chibi Vampire Manga.

Plus, bonus points, they're even gayer if you're not Japanese.
It was either Savage, Holden, Frizzelle, or Shmader. My money is on Holden.
Has anyone else (I'm sure I'm not the only one) noticed that when movies and tv shows feature actors/actresses who are eating some sort of chinese food/takeout they automatically know how to use chopsticks. Every single one of the actors/actresses.

I've tried and still can't use chopsticks without a big FAIL on my forehead.
@3 Billions of people do. They can't all be more dextrous than you.
It just takes practice. When you get to the point where you can pick up a shot glass with chopsticks, you know you've arrived.
That doesn't sound like Frizzelle and doubtful it's Savage. My money's on Holden too.

Or a single grain of rice...


It's really not that hard: hold the bottom stick just like you would a pen or pencil, then move your thumb so that the stick is resting against the crook of the first joint, thus freeing the tip. Release your index finger, at which point the bottom stick should be securely wedged between your thumb and the inside of your middle finger. Grasp the second stick between thumb & index finger (ideally, you should be holding both somewhere near the middle, although anywhere from 1/3 to 2/3 from the ends should work - just find a spot that feels comfortable and allows you to have a good grip.) Move only the top stick so that you're pincering your food between the two ends.

With a little practice, you should be able to grasp almost anything, including heavier items such as sushi (although it's totally unnecessary; sushi is designed to be finger food), and, apparently, shot glasses.
he must be a bottom

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