
I'm not a libertarian or even a conservative of any kind, but I do know that on matters of civil rights and foreign policy, libertarians are much more liberal than the Obama administration.

But, hey, it's more fun to classify strangers than it is to wonder why Obama thinks that blowing up more civilians in Afghanistan is a good idea, or why he doesn't think homosexuals deserve to be married. That wouldn't be fun at all.
Though they are all pretty spot on, I'd like to highlight that it is often these two types who deign to bless us w/ their "wisdom" here on SLOG:

Guy with small face on large head: OBVIOUSLY, climate scientists made up global warming. because they’re SOCIALISTS.

Man holding two handguns up: there are only TWO kinds of people in the world: GUN OWNERS and SHEEP! and sheep aren’t really people.
It' way more easy being a backseat driver knowing you'll never be given the keys of the car.
Pretty spot on.

At least most of them don't hate America like the Republicant Party of No do.
by the way, watching the Canada Day festivities in Canada right now - Canada is closer to the Libertarian Paradise than American Libertarians want to admit, mind you.

Yeah, and that's with the VAT or whatever it's being called this week.
He did get one thing wrong: some of these cartoon libertarians are black or female. I've never met a libertarian who wasn't a white male.
I've met several. One of my libertarian role models was a half-asian woman on college.

I tend to be the 'briefly tempting' nowadays. And understand most of the other arguments.
All I can say is that where I came from in Florida is loaded with "Denial-icans," "Islands," and "Whiteys."
I can testify to the existence of the rare female libertarian.

It's a great cartoon, they forgot the gold bugs though.
Too much Heinlein is barely enough!
(Marches off to join the Mobile Infantry ("Service guarantees citizenship"))
"or why he doesn't think homosexuals deserve to be married. That wouldn't be fun at all. "

I'm pretty sure a libertarian would say that the government has no business marrying anyone

"'m pretty sure a libertarian would say that the government has no business marrying anyone"

Some would say that. But the ones I know agree that if the government IS going to marry anyone, the 14th Amendment means that gays and straights have an equal right to marry. Similarly, a libertarian who is iffy on public schooling might still agree that if it's going to, they should teach evolution and not creationism. These are the people Ron Paul and his son Rand have embarrassed greatly, even if they are fully behind the sr. Paul's adamant opposition to the Iraq invasion, lone vote in the House against the Patriot Act, and continual effort to end the drug war.

The 24 types are of course caricatures, or it wouldn't be funny. Nobody's going to laugh at a careful dissection of the difference between paleo-libertarians (who are all about "states' rights" and think the South had the right to secede from the union), left-libertarians (who focus on individual rights and think that 1) abortion is a right, and therefore 2) it's a right for all women regardless of where they live), c) minarchists-by-necessity (who think that government is inevitable, but think it should only protect people against physical and financial harm from each other and other countries, d) effective anarchists (who believe that taxation is fundamentally theft and there is no justification for government at all), etc. Not to mention the various places of overlap.
"If public schooling is going to EXIST," rather.
Ironically, Heinlein was referring to penis size.
@16 No, but he made jokes about it.
Interesting that no where in the cartoon does it ever mention anything about the central axiom of most forms of libertarianism - the non aggression principle. That is, most libertarian stances are based on the totally insane idea that one shouldn't use violence against other people except in self defense. But of course if the cartoon said that, it wouldn't be doing a very good job of trying to slander libertarianism.

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