
If someone says "don't do this shit" and you do it ya payz the price. Q.E.D.
I can't wait til the fad of these stupid movies dies off. It's totaly fucked up Forks and the surrounding area. Fucking twihards out there taking pictures beside the highway sign and clogging the Thiftway for a fucking t-shirt.
Why aren't they flocking to BC where the damn shit was filmed? It's all fucking fake - not a damn thing filmed in Forks.
God Damnit.
Maybe not the spirit of the law, but there's no question that she broke the letter of it. While I agree that the criminal charge should have been dropped, I wish her much luck with her civil suit. She's going to need it.
What a fucking whiner.
MORE flabby and pointless than New Moon? Is this possible?

I can't wait!!!
You read them all, Paul? Wow, man, thanks for taking one for the team.
Good lord, seriously it's the worst? I've only seen New Moon and that damn near bored me to tears.

I think what I hate most about the Twilight series is that Stephanie Meyers hinted at some great premises before crapping all over them. Vampire X-Men? An army of Seattle Vampires? Sign me up! wait, we're just going to piss and moan about our chaste relationship for 95% of the movies. Fuck that
so, she recorded a "snippet?"
obiviously it must have been the most watchable miniature portion of this botched abortion of a motion picture trilogy.
@8 that's QUADrilogy. I think..,
I think MORE people should be arrested for rudeness, because rudeness IS criminal.
(It's boring and flabby and it has absolutely no reason to exist.)

Doesn't that apply to all three movies? Whiny dipshit emo crap.
But what about the rights of the owner of the intellectual property? Are they just supposed to accept that someone might walk into the theater, record 2 minutes of the shittiest movie in decades, and ruin the entire movie for the 2 or 3 people she shows it too? That's not America, that's not fair, each person who sees each and every scene should have to pay full price for the movie.

Umm but back in reality I laugh at any officer who actually thinks pirates use cell phone cameras. If a pirate did he'd be laughed out of the scene and forever live on as a complete joke. Considering how fast these groups record movies WITH A FUCKING TRIPOD and direct audio I'm willing to bet her contribution to the pirate scene will be 0 before I even meet her.

It reminds me of this story my friend tells about being caught high at a rave. He had about a dozen dollar bills and an ex tab on him and when the police grabbed his stuff they go "he must be selling these for a dollar a pill". The undercover laughed at them before they just let him go. At least in that situation it was clear that removing the subject from the party was the most responsible action, and putting him in jail would do nothing. Why are these cops acting so tough on corporate property? They're acting as if she caused some kind of harm to someone....
He was PAID to watch all the movies/read all the books?


Paul, are you sure you're heterosexual?

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