
All that is longstanding Church policy (er, teaching). They've opposed sex education, condom distribution, birth control and abortion for centuries, not just decades, so opposing anything acknowledging that gays aren't just dirty sinners fits right in. Bigoted straights will just tune out any of the other stuff and go "right on!" when priests talk about teh gays.
Yes, sex is a dirty, filthy, horrible thing - except when they're the ones doing it.
Father Michael is just a bit confused. First he says that being gay is NOT a choice, but he doesn't believe gays are born that way. Then he does a 180 and says it IS a choice. Yeah, he's credible.
Ha! You said "rectory."
What a lunatic. "Dignity?" and that's coming from a Priest?
Are they still guilt tripping kids by teaching that if you masturbate you are committing a mortal sin and will burn in hell?
If you've got dignity when you're having sex, you're not doing it right.
The father said that he is heterosexual. I thought that priests were supposed to be asexual. I also think that he protests too much regarding whether or not he could choose to be gay.
I'm getting a real bad creepy vibe from this guy.
I like that he looks to science for proof that people are "born gay" and yet has no interest in proving anything about his religious choice....
@8 - Priests don't have to be asexual (no sexual desire), they just have to be celibate (no sex).

Gah, this guy demonstrates so well why priests should NOT be counseling people with sexual relationship issues, which is something they do a lot. They have no fucking clue on what goes into a relationship and/or have very screwed up views on what a relationship even is. Even my 83 YO catholic MIL thinks priests are totally non-qualified to counsel couples on their relationship issues.

Many years ago I went to pre-marital counseling with a catholic priest (to please the relatives) and it was as bad as this.
@6 Not sure about burning in hell, but I'm pretty sure a kitten dies every time you do least that's what it says on the fridge magnet I bought my son.
If I were a priest, I'd leave out lectures on sex.
Forgive me Father, but I really can't take the "advice" of an organization that insists the only purpose of sex is to create more followers for itself.

Especially, when so many of its representatives have proven to be patently incapable of following their own advice...
I get bad vibes from this guy. The way he starts shifting his weight back and forth when being pressed on his own sexuality and whether or not it is preset or chosen puts my radar on alert.

Also, gotta love how he universalizes a personal experience, and deems anything falling outside of that experience as unhealthy, dirty, sinful.
Was I first person to be thrown off when he said, "Yeah, it looks like he's gay. Totally gay hairstyle."

I wonder if the hairstyles are sinful too.
i've decided to live my life "in a gay way" for the rest of the day today.
"[...] marriage between one man and one woman, which is a fundamental building block of our culture and something that is a treasure that we should protect and promote."

And how does the Catholic church protect and promote this treasure? Oh, right, by forbidding its own employees to do it, telling people they only get one shot and if they make a bad choice they're screwed for life, and insisting that once you are in this precious union, you have to pretty much pump out a baby a year because you're not allowed to do anything to prevent that from happening.

Great PR job. Can't wait to sign up.
why doesn't the Catholic church engage more heavily in this campaign against hetero oral sex? That would be interesting...

Also - if the problem is one person being "an instrument" - is 69 OK?
If so, maybe we can convince the Catholic church the anal sex with reach-around is OK, too?
This is all so complicated!
My fingers are starting to get tired of typing the whole of "doth protest too much" so frequently. As much as we don't need any more acronymns, seeing a crazy guy waving a bible and yelling in the street could easily be refered to as a "DPTM situation."
Isn't a catholic priest house called a presbytery? Though, obviously, rectory is the more anatomically correct name
Mark 12:38 And he said unto them in his doctrine, Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces.
The logic of this is so convoluted. So it's bad to have anal/oral sex because "pleasure reigns supreme" & one person is selfishly getting all the pleasure, which is bad. But presumably, the person giving the oral sex or offering up his/her anus is being extra UN-selfish by catering to someone else's pleasure... but the priest doesn't mention that for some reason. You'd think the bottoms and cocksuckers would get some credit for being so generous. This priest is arguing against selfishness, but he assumes that it's a huge sacrifice to spend a few minutes pleasuring your partner. This is why virgins shouldn't give sex advice.
@ 23 Also, while I've never been a man bottoming for anal, it was my understanding that most of the guys who do it enjoy doing so? Something about the prostate being great fun? Or, one assumes, some might also just enjoy the closeness, or other things that may be going on at the same time.
Brainwashed by two-thousand years of Fucked-Up.
Will someone PLEASE start using different logic when debating these people?! When Fr. Phobo started talking about how people with same-sex attraction can embrace the blessings of chastity, why couldn't the interview say: left-handedness was once thought to be sinful and "of the devil"... would you ask a left-handed person to suddenly do everything right-handed? After all, science hasn't yet "proven" what causes left-handedness, either!
@26: Hey, at least when superstitious wackos force southpaws to use their right hands, the lefties get the benefit of being ambidextrous. All that "ex-gay" therapy does it cause stress, depression, and, I imagine, a lingering sense of an unfulfilled life.
@27: You might be surprised at what would happen if lefties had to do everything right-handed. Virtually all would become more ambidextrous to some degree, but there would be a lot of fallout: indecipherable handwriting causing confusion, dropped items, more accidents. But most important, fighting the mind's natural tendencies can't help but cause some psychic damage.
Seriously, he's making Catholics look bad... to say that being gay was caused by bad parenting is a very offensive insult to my family... and no I wasn't abused as a child, nor was I brought up in a society where being gay was displayed as normal (I think the first 10 years of my life I heard the word 'gay' only about 5 times (and never was it in a positive way) ... I can honestly say that no one ever tried to confuse me with the idea that I might be gay... I just was, even if I didn't realise it at the time. And as far as whether or not you were born gay, even Southern country star Dolly Parton, has said that being gay was the way God made them and that a real Christian would not be so judgemental.
Major heresy! God didn't make anal sex? "Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all things seen and unseen..."
Can't we just start calling the place where priests live the "rectumry"?
It'd be nice if they let Catholic priests off the hook for that whole chastity thing. The official tolerance for buggering children would go right down if they had a vent for all that unexpressed sexual tension.
Funny. I don't remember him mentioning this at the bathhouse this weekend.
You just have to pick and choose your clerics wisely. I always tried to find a priest who did indeed have some relationship experience (and they are out there, believe me), dated someone (M or F, doesn't matter), and understood how human interaction is fully complementary. Most priests and nuns/sisters don't have a lot of life experience since they often enter from high school. As a result, their human socialization is far from well-rounded. I suspect this priest never dated anyone seriously. He lacks a certain empathy and awareness of human sexual and interpersonal relationships. It's sad. And it's why I prefer listening to married clerics rather than celibate Roman Catholic priests.
"[...] marriage between one man and one woman, which is a fundamental building block of our culture and something that is a treasure that we should protect and promote."

And how does the Catholic church protect and promote this treasure? Oh, right, by forbidding its own employees to do it, telling people they only get one shot and if they make a bad choice they're screwed for life, and insisting that once you are in this precious union, you have to pretty much pump out a baby a year because you're not allowed to do anything to prevent that from happening.

Great PR job. Can't wait to sign up.

Byzantines Catholics can be married priests, and if you are already married and become a priest, you allowed to stay married, annulments happens daily and are quiet easy to get and natural family planning is quite easy you just need to keep track of your cycle. You can only get prego one day per month.
"[...] marriage between one man and one woman, which is a fundamental building block of our culture and something that is a treasure that we should protect and promote."

And how does the Catholic church protect and promote this treasure? Oh, right, by forbidding its own employees to do it, telling people they only get one shot and if they make a bad choice they're screwed for life, and insisting that once you are in this precious union, you have to pretty much pump out a baby a year because you're not allowed to do anything to prevent that from happening.

Great PR job. Can't wait to sign up.

Byzantines Catholics can be married priests, and if you are already married and become a priest, you allowed to stay married, annulments happens daily and are quiet easy to get and natural family planning is quite easy you just need to keep track of your cycle. You can only get prego one day per month.
"[...] marriage between one man and one woman, which is a fundamental building block of our culture and something that is a treasure that we should protect and promote."

And how does the Catholic church protect and promote this treasure? Oh, right, by forbidding its own employees to do it, telling people they only get one shot and if they make a bad choice they're screwed for life, and insisting that once you are in this precious union, you have to pretty much pump out a baby a year because you're not allowed to do anything to prevent that from happening.

Great PR job. Can't wait to sign up.

Byzantines Catholics can be married priests, and if you are already married and become a priest, you allowed to stay married, annulments happens daily and are quiet easy to get and natural family planning is quite easy you just need to keep track of your cycle. You can only get prego one day per month.
"[...] marriage between one man and one woman, which is a fundamental building block of our culture and something that is a treasure that we should protect and promote."

And how does the Catholic church protect and promote this treasure? Oh, right, by forbidding its own employees to do it, telling people they only get one shot and if they make a bad choice they're screwed for life, and insisting that once you are in this precious union, you have to pretty much pump out a baby a year because you're not allowed to do anything to prevent that from happening.

Great PR job. Can't wait to sign up.

Byzantines Catholics can be married priests, and if you are already married and become a priest, you allowed to stay married, annulments happens daily and are quiet easy to get and natural family planning is quite easy you just need to keep track of your cycle. You can only get prego one day per month.

Please wait...

and remember to be decent to everyone
all of the time.

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