
The armada of Noahs arc's coasts off into the sunset.

Horrible movie.
I think the giant arks we thought were spaceships but were actually boats launched into the new world ocean from their docks in the Himalayas. Of course the morons built the arks too close together, so a couple of them crashed into each other and sank with good portion of the remaining population. The remainder headed off to some highlands in Africa where John Cusack will be the new Adam.

But really, who cares what happened at the end? The only watchable moment for me was when the Russian mobster's cargo plane was climbing out of the flaming crevasse that used to be Las Vegas and the hot pilot screams, "Move your big ass for Sasha!".
So Grant, you must have been really really bored?
I'm certain Mudede did a post about this.
the skies clear in thirty days and they all live happily ever after in the New Christian America of course... what else would happen?
I believe we're told that, with the water's rise, part of the African subcontinent (no?) is now actually above the "new" water level, so, with all other human life presumably wiped out, the remaining arks point themselves at whatever dry land remains to get things rolling again.

Or, um, something.
What possessed you to watch it?

I love me some John Cusack, but even the trailer for that movie looked stupid beyond words. I would have to be pretty drunk/high, or tied to a chair to be forced to watch 2012.
I liken this type of movie to a roller coaster ride. It's on tracks, and goes nowhere and there is no point to it other than to make your stomach drop.
@7: I was one of those.
I saw it, but mostly because I knew it would be hilariously stupid disaster porn.

Protip: If the end of the world comes, the safest place to be will apparently be a runway in the middle of nowhere. At least, until John Cusack arrives. Once that happens, you have until his plane is taxing down the runway to take off again before the whole thing just collapses into void.
2012 was a pretty horrendous movie from the cause of the disaster "neutrinos are mutating" to the message that only rich and powerful people should survive.

Then again, a sequel showing all the rich fucks from the arks trying to farm and rebuild civilization in the new African highlands would make a great comedy.
The dog dies in the end.
They go home to Africa.
woody harrelson rules the world with an iron fist.
That movie was SPECTACULAR. And by spectacular, I mean hilariously overwrought and awful. I watched the last 90 minutes on cable a couple weeks ago, and then promptly watched the first 40 or so that I missed. As far as I can tell in the end, the rich white people were set free by baby Jesus to colonize and exploit the only remaining land on the planet: Africa and the Middle East. Oh, and the token black people-- whatshername and the Operative from Serenity.

Chiwetel Ejiofor? I may have to watch this.
I haven't seen this movie but... Are you guys kidding? They don't REALLY put an ARC in the end of 2012... Do they?
They do indeed! Multiple arcs even! Packed full of rich people! You must see it to believe it (although I saw it and I still don't believe it).

The best thing about the movie is that John Cusack is always one short step ahead of the disaster. He outruns it and outdrives it and outflies it the whole time. The disaster apparently inches or lurches forward at whatever speed John Cusack is currently moving.

The movie is basically "Watch John Cusack being chased by a natural disaster: Then watch rich people sail off into the sunset."
Jessica, will you be my friend? All I could think through that whole damn movie was "that's the Operative from Firefly..."

That movie sucked so hard, it popped back around to awesome. I want to watch it again. Maybe Central Cinema will show it some time?

TheCatNextDoor - yes, arcs. Completely with two of each type of animal. But the animals are all African animals, so the joke's on them, 'cause only the entire African continent survived.
I vaguely remember seeing this in the theater (sucker for disaster flics) and am pretty sure at one point the are loaded up in the arcs in China with the rising water and are about to crash into some mysterious chunk of land sticking out of the water & say something like "what land mass could possibly be just over 29,000 feet above sea level???"
This movie rocked and you all know it!
Neutrinos can mutate!
Airplanes go through volcanic dust clouds with no damage to the engine, windshields, or airframe!
They carried elephants and other tropical animals safely to the arks on Mt. Everest dangling from helicopters, in open-air slings in the subfreezing oxygen-deprived atmosphere!
Continental plates moved 20 degrees across the earth in less than a day!
This movie made "Snakes on a Plane" look intelligent. I haven't enjoyed so much crying from laughter in quite some time.
Grant Brissey stops using slog as his personal twitter page and everybody is happier for it.

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