
I've already got four.

Any chance we can bus them to Broadmoor?
And if any of them get pregnant and cannot eat properly we should abort their child, sterilize them and take their existing children away from them...Isn't that what was stated last week:…
Thank you # 1 for backing up my opinoin of some of those who post on this blog
@2, ummm, no, that column was about crazy parents who purposely starved their baby to keep it from getting fat.
SHARE is a fucked up organization. Shelters are a good thing and should be funded.

I don't know how to reconcile those.
But Wall Street execs are still exhorbitantly wealthy, right???

They are? Ok good... whew, that was a close one!
#4 - Those people if you read the article are homeless...Sometimes not having food and shelter causing one to lose their minds...
#4 my apologies to you and everyone here I was wrong or reading a different article
@7 Or, more often, sometimes losing their mind causes one not to have food or shelter.
You should do a story on what SHARE does to end long term homelessness for it's members. Your entire story would consist of the following: NOTHING.
SHARE is kinda weird for a group representing the homeless in that it's leadership sees absolutely nothing wrong with being chronically homeless and considers it a viable lifestyle choice. There is a need for emergency shelter, but we wouldn't need half as much if we did anything to help people back on their feet instead of encouraging them to stay homeless.
SHARE pulls this sky is falling routine regularly to shake down the city for more money, and I'd hardly trust them as far as I can throw their entire leadership. Just look into the dishonest way they dealt with the neighbors in Ballard that wound up getting them kicked out of the church they were using there.
i was in downtown Boise on Friday afternoon for several hours, and there were no homeless to be seen. where did they go? Seattle? Denver?
Boise has a downtown?
Idaho winters and bedrock conservatism drive the homeless far, far away.
Thanks for the warning - any streets in particular we should avoid?
@11 - Spokane.
Yeah, but you can get some cheap rents near ski resorts and summer camps the rest of the year, @13.
My tax dollars aren't going to fund bums to ride the bus anymore? Win.
We should feel guilty that we can't provide for the homeless that flock to US.

I say send them back to Mercer Island.

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