
August 18.
Just read it. It's kinda funny - the Order Denying the Motion to Stay is Stayed. *giggle*
Should we wait for the first actual marriage to happen again before we celebrate? How likely is the injunction to be granted?
when is there gonna be cake ?
Of course they're going to seek an injunction. Because society would be so unstable if loving, committed couples were allowed to make a permanent contract with one another. Why, I can feel my own marriage crumbling at the very thought!

...oh, wait. Sorry. That was just my stomach grumbling. Lunchtime.
Thank you !!!! Now not to get over enthusiastic....Keeping my feet on the ground. I want to throw confetti!!!
There are two groups - those that want to get married, and those who are already (in the "window") and now have legal marriages that can exercise ALL their rights.

Which they should do so.

In every way.

In every state.

If married in Cali.

Waiting won't help.
Tick, tock; their time is running out. Lawrence vs Texas; Loving. The writing is on the wall for a great many things. This is the the first gasps of many death rattles for the Right. On a generational scale the war is already likely won. It's just the clearing of the dying weeds now.
@5 i thought Pie won?
and those who are already (in the "window") and now have legal marriages that can exercise ALL their rights.

The people who got married "in the window" are in exactly the same legal position they've been in for two years: legally married in any jurisdiction that would recognize it. What are you trying to say here?
Darn. I was almost ready to book my flight this afternoon.

I can't wait to get married, just so I can see straight marriages crumble all round me.
@14 I should have known that every time I was pissed at my husband, it wasn't actually because he was leaving his stinkin' socks under the covers on my side of the bed, or clipping his toenails and leaving them on the side of the tub like some kind of offering, it was because YOU were fooling around with your boyfriend. So, would you just cut it out, already, so I can have a nice, stable straight marriage? Geez, the nerve of some people...
Thanks for the link @11. "the court denies a stay except for a limited time solely in order to permit the court of appeals to consider the issue in an orderly manner."

"The court first considers whether proponents have shown a
likelihood of success on the merits of their appeal. The mere
possibility of success will not suffice; proponents must show that success is likely. Proponents assert they are likely to succeed “[f]or all the reasons explained throughout this litigation.”"

Goes on to say that the haters will very likely be found to have no standing unless the state decides to appeal (which it won't). Their merely being allowed to defend Prop 8 in the original case does not give them standing.

"Proponents replied that they have an interest in defending Proposition 8 but failed to articulate even one specific
harm they may suffer as a consequence of the injunction."

The asshole proponents twistedly said they seek the stay to prevent a "cloud of uncertainty" from lots of same-sex couples getting married and later having their marriages invalidated. Walker calls their bullshit, says that the only harm will come from NOT allowing same-sex couples to marry in the first place.
Not sure how they're bigots, the bible is pretty complicit in saying it's not a big fan of queers. I'm not Christian and dont give a shit, but most of them are just following their silly little orders and aren't bigots.
@15 Nice!!!!!
@19 You are absolutely correct, people who blindly follow orders that result in discriminatory behavior should not be called bigots at all. Nope. In fact the most people in the KKK aren't bigots either, they are just following the silly little orders given to them by their little rulebook.
@19 Just because someone perverts an interpretation of a book called "The Bible" to suit their bigoted purpose doesn't mean they're NOT a bigot. You spout tautological drivel.

The passages in the Old Testament most often cited/miss-cited/cherry-picked to justify bigotry, are in the Old Testament. The whole Christ thing was supposed to bring forth a New Covenant, negating or subsuming the old one, and this is embodied in the New Testament. Christians are supposed to embrace the new bit, not harp on the old one.

So, if you want to call yourself a Christian, get off the stick and start practicing some love and acceptance towards your fellow man, dude. Hate and bigotry won't cut it. You make Jesus cry.
LOLwut, 19?

If they believe in the bible, they believe this prejudice is real, = bigots.

No dancing around it.
If someone bases their bigotry on their interpretation of a book they are still a bigot. It does not matter which book it happens to be because the bible is not everyone's favorite book. If someone justifies terrorism based on the koran does that make them any less of a terrorist?

Just because some people think a book is holy or sacred does not mean we have to defer to its importance.
@13 I'm saying if you want to get divorced, adopt, or engage in contracts involving the feds, do it in six days and see your lawyer(s) now.

Hit the system with everything you've got and watch it break. Don't wait. Splash against the walls. If only one does it, it just makes a splat. If everyone does it, the system breaks down and freedom reigns.
CA Marriage Equality forecast: Late night and early morning ranting and raving by right wing politicians thru the weekend. Gloom and doom starting Monday & Tuesday. Wednesday brings the legalization same sex marriage. Tuesday night will be filled with sparks and brimstone from the exploding heads of religious nuts.
This is the the first gasps of many death rattles for the Right.
The Republicans made a huge political miscalculation in that they apparently assumed that younger voters would move rightward on every issue as they aged. This assumption served them well in the past on certain issues; for example, people do actually seem to become more financially conservative as they begin to face grown-up money issues. And the boomers at least also seemed to be pretty paranoid about their kids getting high, and joining the Merry Pranksters or something (I don't know, this one never made much sense to me.)

But there's really no reason for young people today to grow more hostile towards gay marriage with age. Gay weddings don't threaten their ability to save for retirement, or keep them awake at night wondering if their kids are hanging out with the new Manson family.
This still doesn't do anything for binational gay & lesbian couples.
The absolute best part of the ruling is where it says: "Proponents also point to harm resulting from "a cloud of uncertainty" surrounding the validity of marriages performed after judgment is entered but before proponents' appeal is resolved. Doc #705 at 10. Proponents have not, however, alleged that any of them seek to wed a same-sex spouse."

It's so delightfully snarky, in that extremely legalistic way. "You fear harm caused by 'uncertain' gay marriages? Fine! You ain't the ones getting them! And if you're not the ones being harmed, you have no standing to use that as an argument. Neener neener."
@19: Actually, no, it doesn't. The actual proscription is against lying with mankind "as with womankind". The closest thing today to what it's against is prison rape.
And if they're just following their little orders, they'd also stop eating pr0k and seafood and do no work on Caturdays.
@12.. silly willy ..who orders wedding pie ?
In honor of marriage equality, a relevant Monty Python sketch for your viewing pleasure.
@26 remember, when gays could get married in Canada, the whole country ... um .. well, actually, nothing much changed when you get down to it.
@31 romantic clowns. natch.
Does anyone know of a CA county clerks office that will be open on SAturday? We'd like to slip off to CA and get married next weekend
@ 31 - That sounds like a dirty, dirty euphemism.

"Wedding Pie"... heh heh heh........

@35 that would be a great resource.

Also, what paperwork do you need and how long is the period of residency requirement?
The old adage says that god kills 5 kittens every time you masturbate.

How many straight marriages die due to one sex act by a married gay couple?

Just curious if anyone has figured out the appropriate ratio.
@37 No residency requirement, no waiting period. Just come on down, fill out the form, pay your fee, and get yourself married on the spot! (You will need your divorce decree or spouse's death certificate if you were previously married.) Do come join us as soon as you get the chance! Those of us who got married here two years ago were starting to think we'd end up old relics of a legal hiccup.
They're days are numbered, for sure....
In the Qunited States Of Gaymerica all religious beliefs will have to be approved by the Queer Thought Police.
@13 I'm saying if you want to get divorced, adopt, or engage in contracts involving the feds, do it in six days and see your lawyer(s) now.

@25: Yeah... That makes no sense at all. But your lawyer could tell you that, I guess.
No more! Vaughn's provoked chaos won't be happening on Wednesday no matter how badly he wants it to. For once the 9th has actually exercise some normal reasoning, tho I wont bet that will last for long, the Supremes will most likely have to set them straight after their ruling.

1 biased judge imposing his ideology on 7 million voters, not in this nation, not if we are to be a Democratic Republic.
You can get gay-engaged now, right?

Today is my wedding anniversary and I have a lot to rejoice about. My husband is home and we are celebrating together. The Enemy came in and tried to have his way and that's when I found your email and I am standing ever since. Although my husband never physically left, Dr Lawrence brought his heart home and today we can celebrate each other. Dr Lawrence has been so good and so helpful to us. What a great man you are thank you so much

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