Blogs Aug 27, 2010 at 10:39 am


Humans are deceitful, manipulative, deceitful, manipulative, erm, people.

This isn't the first time and it won't be the last.

Watch out for yourselves, people.
Sorry, he's still a douchebag. An evil fucking douchebag.
Quit acknowledging gray areas! That's not what I read you for!
My personal take is KM's coming out is part of a larger strategy by the Republican leadership to pivot away from homophobia to "Islamophobia" as their new hot button.

Given the rapid shift in public opinion to indifference or support for ...marriage equality, ENDA and repeal of DADT, coupled with the 30% of glbt voters for McCain, the GOP is looking for a new whipping boy.

Note KM's wondering in his coming out interview "why gay voters never formed common cause with Republican opponents of Islamic jihad, which he called 'the greatest anti-gay force in the world right now'." Couple that with the conservative noise machine going off the rails over the mosque in lower Manhattan and the questioning that Obama is "really a Muslim" -- looks like good news for gays, bad news for Muslims in America.
It's possible he can redeem himself, but it'll take the rest of his life. Even if he single-handedly wins us full legal equality, even if he magically does away with homophobia in America (and racism, too, while we're at it), there'll still be the time we spent as sub-human pseudo-citizens thanks largely to him.

Anyone remember how much people were screaming that we didn't trust Ted Olsen and we didn't want his help? Remember that? Yeah, that guy sure turned out to be a deceitful son of a bitch, didn't he?
He has a lot of hard work to do.
@5, and I love redemption stories, ESPECIALLY when it's someone who really doesn't seem to deserve it in the LEAST.

I think a kiss from Mehlman would be like a "Judas Kiss" - which is the title of a movie starring Brent Corrigan!
The Bush years were dark ones. Let's throw our rotten tomatoes, then move on to bigger and better things.
I may be cynical in feeling that he is coming out now because there is no future for him as a mainstream Republican aparatchik due to the party's movements further right. Tea party and far right GOP litmus tests don't allow for support of any gay rights issues as civil rights. Workplace, hate crime and housing protection, hospital visitation, and etc. are all seen as "special rights" and will not be tolerated.
His only career option at this point is to become a professional conservative homosexual and get hired on by think tanks and policy groups.
As far as I'm concerned he's no better than Himmler, who, when it was clear that Germany had lost the war, wanted to bargain with the lives of the few Jews he hadn't yet murdered. We don't need his help. His hands have our blood on them. He can go to fuck himself!
He gets the Roy Cohn award from Mike Rogers who outed him years ago.
Somehow I don't imagine anyone in the anti-gay right is livid or scared about Mehlman. I think they're glad that they no longer have to associate with that faggot now that he's done their work for them.
Gay men don't wake up at 43 and suddenly realize, "Holy Elton John's fanny-pack! I'M GAY!" What they *do* do is get sick of the lies and self-hatred that often come with being in the closet. His assertion that he just realized the truth of his sexual nature goes against his stating "it's taken me 43 years to get comfortable with this part of my life." Which is it? You realized this recently, or you’ve been mulling it over for 43 years? Pick one, Kenny.

If he wants to be *our* evil genius instead of *their* evil genius, fine. Earn your keep. Don't expect an invite to the hot tub, or even a kind word for a Long. Fucking. Time. Asshole.
I was thinking along the same lines as @9.

Mehlman's coming out signifies the end of his career, and also the end of his influence with the Republican party. Note that the people who are shifting opinions are, largely, people who have lost most of their DIRECT political influence.

This guy can go fuck himself. He's an opportunistic asshole who wants to have one last turn in the limelight to get a couple golddigging muscle boyfriends before retiring with them into his Chelsea penthouse. He's not doing it for anything other than self-serving reasons. And, clearing his name is one of those self-serving reasons. Fuck him.
Am I the only person who thinks Ken is here to peel off gays & lesbians to join the GOP's anti-Muslim ranks? Why else would he suggest Muslims pose the greatest threat to the LGBT community in his "coming out" announcement?
I was *this* close to being swayed by Aravosis' argument. Then I thought, "but I *would* care if he had 'ripped the heads off baby bunnies back in 2004.'" Because some actions tell a great deal about who a human being really is...and people who torture animals are on my permanent do-not-call list. And I kind of think his previous actions--to demonize a group of people and deprive them of their rights--fall into the same category...too dirty and unsavory to be truly forgivable.
But he wasn't "gay".

He just liked having sex with men.

A lot.

Ken Mehlman's advocacy is so fucking fierce.
I loved when he stepped down as soon as Bill Maher outed him on CNN (even though they censored him in subsequent reruns).
Ann Coulter might might be a recycler. I don't like her, either.

The people who hate gays will do so now, and forever, and their minds will not be changed by having some closet case finally declare himself, no matter how highly placed he is/was.

The religious right is just going to be pissed that he was a faggot in Republican clothing, and see it as further evidence of Homo-treachery, and we're left right back where we were, and where we are going to be for a long time while our Fierce Advocate is in office: square motherfucking one.

@4 Bingo.

And more to the point, Democrats are enabling them with their political homophobia and refusing to act on ENDA, DOMA, and DADT. I'm expecting a full Ministry-of-Truth-Republicans-have-always-been-the-ones-leading-the-way-on-individual-liberty-especially-gay-rights by the 2016 Presidential election.
I forgot who said it, but to paraphrase, "the enemy of my enemy may still be my enemy." Embracing back-stabbing, immoral, self-serving people on your side can all too easily backfire.

Let this guy do what he wants, but don't give him any support, be it publicity, financial, or even your time.
15/Jerry: Why else would he suggest Muslims pose the greatest threat to the LGBT community in his "coming out" announcement?

From reading articles, my understanding is that Mehlman called Islamic jihad (i.e. Islamic extremism), "the greatest anti-gay force in the world right now." That's quite different than someone saying Muslims are the greatest threat. And, on a world-wide basis, Mehlman may be right.

Anyway, it makes perfect sense to me why "why gay voters never formed common cause with Republican opponents of Islamic jihad", because Islamic extremists don't affect their lives here in the U.S. Christian extremists do -- not because their ideology is more anti-gay but because their numbers are far greater -- and Republicans are in bed with them.

Ken Mehlman is a deceitful, lying, manipulative scumbag.

During his time as RNC chair and Bush's campaign manager, he fanned the flames of homophobia to get republicans elected.

Now he's fanning the flames of islamophobia in an attempt to woo gays to the republican party.

He isn't a better person. The only thing that's changed is that now he's directed his scapegoating manipulations to a different minority group. That isn't admirable or acceptable in any way.

He's a douchebag, and he deserves to be cock-punched 100 times for every gay kid that committed suicide while he was head of the RNC.
What a crock. I do not wake up every day wondering which of my rights the Muslims will keep me from getting today. I wonder if I will ever in my lifetime get the rights Ken Mehlman and his employers kept from me.
@4 and @14.... oooooh I bet you're right; the GOP is realizing how politically suicidal the homophobia platform will be in a scant few years so they're using Mehlman (not that Mehlman's complaining) to re-focus the scapegoat gun on Muslims. How depressing!
in Canada you can't discriminate based on sexual orientation. our news isn't full of this crap.
@ 12 - You've got it. The religious right may fear gay people, but no one fears a turncoat. They just despise him.

I want marriage rights a lot. A whole lot. But NOT at 'any price.' I would rather wait another ten years for the right to marry then debase myself by getting cozy with this unctuous, loathsome parasite.

Other people feel differently, of course. Let them reach out to the guy. Maybe someday you'll be able to get that stale smell of shit and languid remorse out of your clothes.
UGH, This is all bullshit, He is only coming out now to stir up trouble for gays. If prop 8 held up in court he would still be in the closet. Its a strategy where he is always benefiting, you know, CUZ HES A STRATEGIST.

I hate all this lofty talk of "amends" and "reciprocity", the man is still trying to screw us.
As I mentioned on an earlier thread, I can't blame gay people for being reluctant to welcome KM with open arms. And as a straight dude myself, I wouldn't presume to tell anyone that they ought to, nor would I speculate about whether he really "just" figured this stuff out. I have no experience of my own to which I can compare it.

That said...people's attitudes and beliefs do change. I don't accept that people who hate/dislike/fear/are just kind of uncomfortable with gay people are always going to be that way. I've seen my own (older) family members come around in a major way on the subject when my cousin came out. It happens all the time.

More to the isn't liberals, progressives, and civil libertarians that those of us who care about marriage equality need to win's (surprise!) conservatives.

And even if this is part of some surreptitious shift on the part of the GOP away from homophobic policy (and I don't think that it is) isn't that a good thing? Doesn't that signify that they are realizing they are on the wrong side of history?

It isn't happening fast enough, but I really think the good guys are winning, here. KM isn't going to change that one way or another, but he may be a sign of things to come.
Just so we're all clear on this, keep in mind that Mehlman's "redemption" consists of helping to raise OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY to pay off TED OLSON'S invoices for his and Boies's "semi-pro-bono" work.

Might turn out to have been a good cause. Might turn out to have been a disaster. Either way, all Ken is contributing is his rolodex. Whoop-dee-frickin-doo...
Okaaay, how about breaking it down this way:

Let's say that in High School you were the kid that the HS Quarter back routinely picked on. He waited for you after school on any given day to beat you up. Make fun of you. Get others to taunt and ridicule you. Many, many days you went home sick to your stomach from fear and sadness. You felt isolated and hated. Some days you just wanted to kill yourself. The degradation, humiliation and name calling never seemed to end and it made your life a fucking living hell.

Then, 10 years later, you get a knock at your door. It's that same HS Quarterback that made your life a fucking nightmare. And, he wants to apologize for all he put you through, because hey, he too is gay and was just compensating for what he didn't want others to think of him. Now, he wants to be your "buddy."

Do you welcome him with open arms and hug and kiss his apologetic ass now??

Fuck no. You tell him to drop the fuck dead and close the door on his fucking face.

Well, that's what I'd do, if it were me.
Whereas I, Frau Blucher, would welcome the highschool bully who persecuted me for being gay. Because this is one way in which I could break free from whatever traumas this guy caused me: by seeing how little he actually meant then, how much more he means now that he's seen the light, and how much he traumatized himself in the process of traumatizing me.

Helps me feel superior, free... and shows I'm ready to move on to full humanity.

I totally agree with John, from AmericaBlog. I don't care if Mehlman was ripping off baby bunnies' heads in 2004; if he is now sincerely interested in helping the cause he so despicably fought against for so long, then I think it's a good thing.

And indeed, think of how the right-wing nutjobs feel now that one of their champions turns out to belong to the other team. If the gay community now simply rejects him because of his 'bloodied hands'... well, won't that make the homophobic crowd feel better? 'Phew, we dodged a bullet there!' they'll think. 'We don't have to worry about Mehlman's connections and influence! We can go back to doing our a-storm-is-gathering commercials!'

And plus... redemption is possible. As someone else pointed out, redemption is more interesting and enlightening when it happens in those cases that deserve it the least. It's also part of being human.
I guess there's no doctrine of forgiveness in secular humanism.
Those who think Mehlman has experienced some change of heart are the deluded ones. When a whore makes her nest egg, cashes out, and leaves the business, it's not exactly uncommon for her to then want to get married and establish a respectable life for herself. Doesn't mean she'll turn on her old clients.
@35 apparently not. But let's be honest; Americans aren't known for having forgiving natures. And sadly both sides of the political spectrum do it.
"Why did you sting me?"
"I am a scorpion; it is what I do."
@33, 34,

I'd grudgingly welcome the bully if he was really sincerely regretful for his actions.

But if he said: "I'm gay too. Forgive me. Now lets go beat the shit out of some ragheads instead.", I'd kick him in the balls and slam the door.
@35 - Forgiveness is for those that truly "make a mistake." You know, like "it was an accident," or "I never meant to cause you harm."

Not for those that deliberately and purposely work towards some others demise, with the focused intent of harm (not just once, but on multiple occasions and for many years), then later to ask for a pardon.

Well, I guess that's just how I see it, but I could be wrong.
Dan: All good points well made, but I've still got a hell of a lot more respect for Ted Olson -- a real straight ally who not only put his billable hours where his mouth is in fighting Prop 8 but stood up to the lies and abuse with dignity and honour. Your mileage, of course, may vary.
And another point: Is Melhman any worse a scumbag than the gays and lesbians who were perfectly happy to enable (and excuse) Clinton's cowardice on DADT and DOMA? How many of them are now doing the same -- giving Obama aid and comfort he doesn't deserve?
Assuming he was any way decent looking; I would welcome him, make him comfy, have my way with him, then kick him in the balls and drop him outside like the piece of dung he is.

but that is just me...
33 >34.

I don't know if I'd tell him to drop dead - I might even accept his apology - but I certainly wouldn't pretend my own suffering was unimportant, or less than it actually was, just to make him feel better about what a horrible person he'd been.

OK, so in this situation, someone who was an asshole as a teenager maybe gets a few sympathy points because of peer pressure, insecurity, etc. An adult who works to get the same kind of treatment codified into law does not get any sympathy. He's an ADULT. It's called taking responsibility for your actions.
"Mehlman would like us to believe that he didn't know he was gay back then."

He didn't say that, Dan. What he said is that he was struggling with his sexuality in '04. Why can't you believe him? Because he's a Republican? That's judgemental bullshit.

Criticizing someone after the fact for doing something anti-gay (regardless of the influence) in the past, when they were still trying to figure themselves out is like criticizing someone on chemo for puking at the next table over in the restaurant. Wildly insensitive.

I'll agree that Mehlman probably knew he was homosexual (notice I didn't say "gay") in '04, and he was in an immensely difficult position. And he chose not to torpedo his career. How many of you would make the same choice? And why is it so goddamn hard for so many of you to put yourself in another guy's Pradas now and then? Show a little compassion for your gay brother, assholes!
@ 40 - Is it concievable to your tiny queer brain that he might have been in a teeny, weeny bit of denial about that?
All due respect, Dan and whoever the hell "John" is, but are you fucking leotarded? Do you want Mehlman to use his connections and political pull to achieve some position of prominence in the gay rights movement? And then what do you think will happen when some of his old conservative douchebag friends offer him more power/money because the need a highly-placed Uncle Tom to speak out against the interests of his fellows, like some faggot Ward Connely or Clarence Thomas? This asshole has shown his true colors, and trusting him now is just about the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard. Shun the motherfucker so he is useless to the Right, because I already know he is useless to the rest of us.
@46 - you weren't talking to me, but it's not a good enough excuse in my mind. You and ankylosaur can forgive him if you want to, but no one is entitled to forgiveness.
I'm a bit troubled by the sentiment I see of "I don't care if Mehlman ripped the heads of baby rabbits in 2004, as long as he can help us win now."

Isn't that similar to the rationale Mehlman and Rove (one gay, the other with a gay stepfather) used when they decided to trash us, over and over? Neither of them believed any of the overwrought concerns of the religious right - but they used those people to achieve a goal. Their whole attitude was "I don't care who gets hurt, as long as we can win the election." Well, they won it. Nobody on either side thinks of them as particularly honorable people anymore - just effective and Machiavellian.

The ends do not justify the means. We absolutely should care about Mehlman's past misdeeds, because this fight should be about justice first, winning second. One is not good simply because other people are bad.
This whole thing might be good for gay marriage, but I don't trust this Mehlman guy. It wouldn't surprise me if he flips back the other way in 2 years, and claims that he was seduced by the homosexual lifestyle but now is "saved" again. I think he's likely to become "saved" if a right-wing group offers him a lucrative enough job.

This guy isn't to be trusted. Maybe if he works diligently on gay marriage equality for 10 years. But, for now, I am suspicious of him.
You know what's saddest of all? There have been, there are, and there will always be gay men who will fuck him.
@46 - No need to be an asshat, Chris in Vancouver. You and I can have a conversation without you crawling into the name calling gutter, like a douche bag.

Now, try addressing my comment in a mature manner, instead of your childish way, and maybe we can have an adult conversation. Mmm-kay????
Just to give you a sense of how the mega-right wingers are taking the news(note: racist, anti-semitic, homophobic language):……
@ 50 - Weren't people saying the same thing about Ted Olson? Yeah, what a turncoat piece of shit he turned out to be...
@ 52 - Fair enough, Frau. Pardon my asshattery. (I'm actually a little excited to be called an "asshat" for the first time on SLOG comments!) I'll ask my question nicely.

If Mehlman was (as I suspect) in DEEEEP denial as far as making life more difficult for GLBT folks with anti-gay stuff in '04 (and I agree, he did), wouldn't this be at least a bit of an "extenuating circumstance" when it comes to whether or not to embrace him?
Where is the honor in pretending not to know you're gay while systematically doing everything he could think of to vilify and demonize gay people for political gain? Is this what Republicans call integrity?

The gay community should stay as far away from this pariah as possible. We will gain nothing from his "help".

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