
I really like this stuff, the narco news is a cool site. I'm just not that interested in it while being on Slog. When here, I get into a mindset, the way a gay american men throws hissy fits about the insidious power of cupcake sales, sub and meta-textually.
Maybe move to another venue to get the due you deserve.

I used to own direct shares in Diageo PLC. Very profitable.

Maybe this will be another buying opportunity?
I'm not the only one who sees "Smurf Deposits in U.S. Bank Accounts", right? Sound kinda lewd.
@3 - I heard a story on the radio about it this morning. Smurf deposits are those under the $10,000 threshold. For $10K deposits and above, the bank is required to file a report with the federal government.
@4 you have to sign this stupid form if you do a deposit of more than $10k. Some banks, to be safe, when dealing with foreign deposits, insist on one around $8k.

At least, they used to.
As long as governments make it outrageously profitable to deal recreational drugs by making them illegal, people will find a way to handle the money, usually through corrupt politicians, bankers and officials. It seems to me the height of human foolishness.
It's mostly bankers.

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