
Perhaps you could pass around a corrected synopsis of "The Great Gatsby" on one of the little pieces of paper. Doing so might help rebuild your literary credibility and suitability to host this event.
Normally, this sounds like fun. The the Seattle City of Music awards are that same night, so I'm going to be there instead.
A terrific idea and I'm glad to see it back for those who can participate. This was one of my favorite rooms when I worked downtown....
There is something so Seattle about a hotel promoting local celebs it's booked to sit quietly in their lobby. I love this so much. Within a hundred yards I'd never come, but I love it anyway, from a respectable distance.
bring back the crazy photoshopped photos!
i miss svetlana boginskaya! and the shark!

how about 'shop in a photo of the special guest each week as a tease?
uh, that should read "each month."
@4: I'm right there with you, gus.

There is indeed something very Seattle about a group of people gathering to read and ignore each other. That's pretty much 90% of what happens in Seattle's coffee shops. There's also something very Seattle about the fantasy of connecting with someone under such circumstances, which is why the coffee shops here are always so crowded.

This is by no means a criticism - I've been in this city long enough so that the city is very much in me. It's kind of beautiful.
Great site. This could probably have the refactoring tag added t it.
Will Linda be reading the Weekly?

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