
What she said about "ex-gays" and religion:…
While not all of the messages these kids have been receiving via facebook have been coming from Slog readers, obviously some are. *If* you're going to choose to contact a high school kid (or even the school's administration), please measure the tone of your message.

Are the stances these kids are taking regrettable? No doubt. Are they high school kids, though? Yes. Do you remember how you knew everything when you were 17?

I grew up in a conservative, rural town, and while my friends and I would never have self-identified as racist or homophobic, thinking back to some of the things I said/jokes we made when we were 15 or 16, we could be classified as such.

But then I got a bit older, went to college, gained new life experience, and realized that the reason we used "n****" and "f**" and "k***" wasn't about hate, it was about doing something taboo.

However, if I'd gotten dozens of messages from strangers attacking me, I would've been more likely to get defensive and defend my words than have a moment of self-reflection....
Why does being Gay have to be a prerequisite to getting bullying situation some attention? In schools across the country, if not around the world, children are being bullied for a wide range of reasons. I was an overweight kid from a poverty ridden family, and most of my clothes I wore to school were bought from thrift stores and yard sales. I spent my entire time from first grade until graduation. Often I had thought that suicide would have been an end to all the ridecule.

But each time I tried to bring it to the attention of my teachers or my councelors, the response was always the same; "You either need to start sticking up for yourself, or you need to deal with it." I tried once to bring it up to my parents, which brought a strong lashing from my mother because she was ashamed of her child being a "pussy." I was not gay, I was not "feminine." I was a poor fat kid that stood alone against a crowd of bullies.

My point is kids all over the country are being bullied to point of wanting to end it by whatever means necessary, even to the point of suicide. But the majority of their stories are swept under the rug and quickly forgotten by media, if given any attention at all. But the moment the words "for being gay" is applied, all of a sudden it becomes a national outrage.

Teen bullying should be adressed, regardless of the sexual orientation of the victom. Those straight children who are bullied to the point of seeking a desperate yet tragic way out need to be given attention as well, not just those who are bullied "for being gay."
Being a bigot is a choice. When you feel that pang of self-righteousness at the expense of someone else's sexuality, religion, color, life-circumstance, then you can be assured that you've made the choice to be a bigot.
Okay, so, here's something I don't get. Why the hell does it matter if being gay is a choice? It's an anti-gay stall tactic at best. If you believe in free will, then EVERY action is a choice. Being hetero is a choice, wearing white after labour day etc. Unless you mean the desire to be with same sex partners, which I suspect proponents of it not being a choice are. But then that's the problem, because of this ambiguity, anti-gay types always end up being persuasive because they can jump between implying choice in desire and choice in action due to a lack of term definition.

I say, fuck it, say it's a choice, take the wind out of their sails. And when they act like that matters, start lobbying against their right to practice religion. When they bitch about freedom, just say it's a choice and the state needn't implicitly endorse it by granting tax exempt status.

Furthermore, don't buy into this essentialist bullshit by acting like you are essentially one set of traits your whole life. People aren't "gay" or "straight" in their "soul" for lack of a better figure of speech. You make the choice to act on those desires for an infinitely complex, ever-changing and varied list of life experiences and genetic dispositions. JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER CHOICE AND EVERY OTHER DESIRE! Don't let them talk us into acting like there needs to be a special defense of some set of desires and actions they either don't have or don't understand. Fuck them! You, me and anyone don't need to justify the way we want to live our lives on the grounds of some kind of semi-abstract fatalism.
@28, 35: You're making a common mistake for people who don't understand cultural discursive construction of subjects: something doesn't have to be genetic or "biological" for it to not be a choice (thank you venomlash). It doesn't even have to be the result of physical environment. Social environment impacts us both psychologically and physically in ways that we cannot always control, measure, and/or predict. Too, genetic features rarely COMPLETELY determine a feature; most of them are predispositions to certain physical traits or behaviors that are then inflected and made manifest through environmental factors, be they physical or social or both.

Postmodern analytical theory has more-or-less destroyed the Essentialist/Naturalist assertions that have been made since the formalized theories were introduced into Western academic discourse during the Enlightenment. The "gay gene" is a bit of a misnomer: 1) the identified genetic "predictor" of homosexuality is CORRELATED with homosexual behavior and/or identity, not determined to be completely causative; and 2) the idea of "homosexuality" as a stable, uniform, trans-historical identity or set of behaviors is a fiction - same-sex sexual behavior can exist as part of a "homosexual" identity or not ("gay" people, "experimentation" by "straight" or "bi-curious" people, men on the down-low, RentBoy-renting male preachers, "bisexual" people, "pan-sexual" people, "sexual" people, "queer" people), the "gay" identity is an extremely recent historical phenomenon (historically, in Western cultures, the focus had been on "buggery" or "sodomy" as individual acts that did not operate as part of an "identity"), sexuality can be viewed from many different angles (acts, desires, fantasies, identities, etc.), not to mention that the idea of same-sex sex presupposes a binary definition of sex and gender, neither of which hold up under scrutiny - so, because we can't actually concretely define what we mean by "homosexual", we can't identify a "homosexuality" gene (we obviously can't establish a genetic determinate for something that we can't actually define).

Anyway, homosexuality-as-desire (and homosexuality-as-identity), however we define it, is not 100% genetically determined, and it also isn't a choice, conscious or not. All you need to do to understand this is to turn it around: did you "choose" to be heterosexual, to be attracted to "opposite-sex" persons? Homosexuality-as-behavior IS a "choice" in the same way that heterosexuality-as-behavior is a choice: we all choose whether and with whom to have partnered sex, but we don't have direct control over the objects of our desire (and, frankly, most Christians who want to "wait until marriage" and think monogamy is mandated by Yahweh fail to do either of those things, so it's pretty hypocritical to insist that gay people abstain from sexual activity, even if it WERE any of their business, which it is not).

What was this post about? Oh, right. Fuck these mini-bigots, and fuck the uncritical modes of thought that their religion-as-unquestionable-doctrine-centric upbringings mandated.

you make some really brilliant points.
hopefully Danny will read them.
and understand them.
and learn something.

he insists that homosexuality is something people innately ARE.
totally genetically determined.
like skin or eye colour.

(it is one reason he is so hostile to bisexuals.
he sees them as traitors.
plus they put the lie to his bullshit theory...)

you also made some good points.

thank you for your thoughtful comments.

and you are right.

bullying is a problem that affects kids of all types.

solutions that address the entire issue need to be sought.

it is counter productive to create a small privileged class of victims.

suicide is a complex problem.

Dan wants to highjack the attention generated by these tragedies
to pimp his favorite cause, antireligion bigotry.

suicide vulnerable kids, gay or straight,
need more than Dan's pop psychology bullshit
"Christians made you do it...".

they need factually based help and counseling,
not being props in Dan's Magical Media Tour
("OMG! the NYT did ANOTHER story about me!....")

Think of the Children.

not the press clippings and famous personalities...
@107: You seem to have conflated "innate" with "genetic". Try to talk science with me, and I will END YOU.
@106: High-five, chief.
And here I went a rhetoricized (I'm making that a verb, fuck you) my comment and then John goes and makes it in the much more expanded intellectual form.

I have to disagree that post-modern analytic theory, especially concerning science, did much of anything but point out a need for humility. Nevertheless, the argument that followed was fairly cogent for the space allowed so your theory dropping shall pass by unscathed by my irrelevant wrath.
So what if it were a choice! Shouldn't we have the freedom to do with our bodies and hearts whatever we want?

Freedom of orientation, folks. Right wingers love to talk about freedom, but as usual, they're lying.

This should be THE argument, not whether it is a choice.

sure, you're free to do whatever you want.

but you're not free to force the rest of society to endorse or subsidize your perverted deviant lifestyle choices.
Homosexuality *is* about choice: it's about the choice to live honestly, openly, and with integrity, being truthful with yourself about who you are and what you want, or being a lying, hypocritical, self-righteous, cowardly cunt, like all the supposedly 'ex-gay' or closeted assholes who hide behind a wall of bigotry and dishonesty, deflecting attention from themselves by attacking the rights and characters of people who live with much greater integrity. The basic choice is: do you cop to what you want, or do you spend the rest of your life overcompensating for what other people think are unforgivable sins? #douchenozzles
ug, Dan, you did the right thing by blurring their names. Please don't contribute to the use of FB by adults to spy on and punish kids for a private conversation that takes place outside of the classroom. I'm all for anti-bullying to save lives, but can't we have anti-bullying without allowing it to be used as another excuse to infringe on kids' free speech and (illusion of) privacy?

Spam 'em!
@114: Y U MAD THO?

@117: Go back to /b/, newfag.
But they're not your personal army either.
My name is kyleigh I am 14years old im not a lesbian and I do not care if people are lesbian gay or both because they are still people and they will always be loved.....I support those who are gay because no one else will and because I think gay people are some of the strongest people out there!LOVE YA!

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