
Agreed. So quit posting it all over Facebook, everybody.
I hate that bitch with a passion. But I agree that the No. Korea gaffe is nothing.
Might want to take a look at Cienna Madrid's post, just two down from yours.
Hear, hear! I'm beginning to think the focus on Palin's gaffes is letting us ignore the sheer nonsense of her actual policy statements. She thinks we should stand by our [whatever] Korean allies? How does she propose to do that, exactly, if the shooting escalates? Does she really think we should start another land war in Asia, only this time against a North Korea with nukes?
big deal. no. worth a giggle then get on with your life, yes.
Good point. I knew a researcher who would purposely make huge grammar mistakes in the manuscripts he sent for review in the hopes that the reviewers would ignore potential problems in his research designs and results because they were too focused on the grammar problems.

It worked on several occasions.
"She knew nothing. She had to be taken through World War I, World War II, the Cold War, and Palin was not aware there was a difference between North and South Korea. She continued to insist that Iraq was behind... 9/11; and when her son was being sent off to Iraq, she couldn’t describe who we were fighting."
--from "Game Change"
When asked what she thought of Kim Jong Il, "I've never met her but like me strong conservative women in politics usually get unfair treatment in the media."
First, does Palin deserve to be cut any slack? The correct answer to that question is no. If anybody has strained the benefit of the doubt beyond all imaginable limits, it's Sarah Palin. The last chance for her to quit fucking around and demonstrate she's anything other than a clown is long, long past.

Second, should we be reminding oursleves of her both her incompetency in general and her studied ignorance of foreign policy in particular? We should, at ever opportunity, great and small.

And third, we had a meathead in dealing with the Korean conflict for eight years and look what that got us. Palin is sending us a clear warning that we risk going down that road again.

This is not a mere gaffe. It's a sign.
It would be a gaffe if she actually knew what was going on & just misspoke. (In the example above, yes, Obama committed a gaffe.)

I have yet to be convinced that she knows anything beyond grabbing attention and stroking her ego.
Yeah it'll all be laughs in 2013 when Preznalent Palin stabs her finger down on the nukes-go-boom button when she was really trying to get the Pizza Hut on the talk box.
I agree, in principle, but if a prominent Democrat made a similar gaffe, FOX would spend all day on it, taking it out of context, running it up against other gaffes, and making sure everyone thought that person was dumb and unqualified and dangerous.

This is why the left is in trouble. Because we're trying to be fair, and they're not.
Yeah, don't focus on gaffes. Focus on completely made up stuff:…
Seriously, do you remember the last intellectually incurious commiter of serial gaffes? You know, the dude that actually had a word coined because of his inability spit out a single grammatically correct sentence. The guy that became president and nearly f*cked up the country.

Don't forget, while Obama misspoke when he made mention of his "muslim faith," he has not actually denigrated or demonized muslims in general. Unlike Palin who constantly confuses "socialistic communists" with Democrats and progressives. Hence her gaffe, in my opinion, is more than deserving of ridicule and derision.

Palin doesn't get a pass from me.
I can understand someone believing The Onion is real though, especially after their article on G.W. Bush's election came true.
What about the sentences in her reply that preceded the North Korea "gaffe" (?) Did anyone notice that? Somehow she turned the act of N.K. arbitrarily engaging in an act of war in to Obama's fault. For a "Tea Bagger", this is the easiest, least intellectually demanding, standard and predictable answer to give.

What's bigger than her gaffe (if you call it that, See: Game Changer a recent bestseller which argues Palin didn't know the difference between N.K. and S.K. during the campaign according to McCain campaign aides) is her robotic impulse to blame the "Obama administration" for every problem and her inability to articulate solutions to our countries woes outside of the binary Obama Administration vs. Palin/Tea Party philosophy viewpoint.

I'll grant you the "gaffe" (...not), but that still doesn't mean she can sit at the grown-ups table. She is still an idiot.
I don't mind if my grocer doesn't know an ass from a tea kettle. But It;s kind of important for my proctologist. I feel the same about world geography and those who aspire to rule it...
Curious how many hours of coverage the media will spend talking about Obama's stitches.
"Leave Sarah Palin Alone On This One"

Ya know, if you all stopped posting about her, the attention whore would go away.
What's profoundly stupid is Palin saying that no one pays any attention to Obama's gaffes in a note where she links to 8 different instances of Obama or Biden misspeaking, and it's not much more clever for you to back her up on it.
Sarah gets a pass from me on the initial slip up. I'm willing to believe that even she knows which side of the Korean peninsula we're on (though I wonder if she knows that Korea is a peninsula).

What's really goofy is her reaction when her mistake is pointed out to her. Instead of taking a second to realize that the host was correcting her slip of the tongue, she tries to cover up for the fact that she clearly has no idea what he's referring to.

Most normal brains would resolve the host's "South Korea" as follows: "Why did he just say South Korea... oh, I just mentioned our North Korean allies".

The Palin brain, however, does not make room for any past mistakes. I imagine the internal dialog was something more like "He just mentioned some other country. Probably an ally. Yeah, we should support them too, I guess."
@17: you might mind if you're there to buy a tea kettle!
My problem is that Palin was discussing a complex, precarious, highly dangerous issue as if she were an expert, even though she clearly isn't.

Does anyone outside of Palin's small group of smitten followers honestly believe that she is competent to act as an expert on Korean policy? That she knows the intricacies and risks of engaging with the North Koreans? That she understands the possible leadership struggle going on there? Do you think she has the first clue about the history of Korea over the last century? Do you think she's ever heard of Syngman Rhee, the Bodo League massacre, the Battle of Inchon, or National Security Council Report 68, or that she knows about the decades of Japanese rule in Korea? Do you think she's ever read about the role the propaganda efforts of the post-Stalin Soviet government played in the eventual armistice that ended the fighting?
@19: You forget that the Tea Partiers would also have to start ignoring her for the idiot to skulk back under her rock. She's the poster child for the ignorant, and ignorance is what the Tea Party is composed of. So it's not likely to happen.
hey paul fuck you! and fuck every other Palin apologist.
if it had be ANY member of the current administration making the same "slip of the tongue" that Palin bitch would have been all over it. "Sarah Palin's obvious flaws as a human being" is about the most polite thing i can imagine saying about her. she is ignorance personified. She is mean and spiteful. she has never made a "classy move", she isn't capable.
OMG, this clip was taken out of context AND NOT A GAFFE.

You fell for it. Palin's was a gaffe in context. Now how about posting with context?……

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