
don't swim alone, don't wear bright colored (high contrast) suits, don't splash around, don't bleed or urinate in the water, don't swim during dawn or dusk twilight, don't hang around sandbars, don't wear shiny jewelery, don't look like a seal.

If sharks could enter our world they'd probably bugger us in much the same way.
"We should not treat these sharks as criminals. [...] A shark must not be punished for being what it is and has been for millions of years."

Charles, while your conclusion is all wrong, these two points are exactly on target. We should neither treat shark attacks as the transgression of an individual anthropomorphous "criminal" shark nor should we "punish" all sharks for such attacks.

Clearly, we should treat sharks as animals and as part of the environment, culling any shark and, in so far as it is possible, its offspring, that has negative traits, such as a demonstrated habit of confusing humans for food. Eventually, such enforced selection will leave us with sharks that are fit to share our oceans.
You talkin' about Sharktopus?
Also, stay away from river mouths. They are a favorite snacking spot for sharks.
Well, clearly in this case it's shark 1 human 0. Obviously tragic but I believe she might have known of the risk.

Look, I've SCUBA dived the Great Barrier Reef off of Australia and viewed a shark at a 16 meter depth. I've gone trekking in Olympic National Park and viewed a black bear about 50 yards from me foraging for berries. A cow elephant nearly charged our vehicle to protect her calf while on safari in a park in Cameroon, Africa. These were all risks apparently. But, at the end of the day they were glorious moments. Adventure takes risks. Animals aren't criminals. This was a terrible accident but people will still be drawn to Sharm-Al-Sheikh.
@4 There's no such thing as a Sharktopus.
@6 lark

Since you like adventure, next time you're in nyc, take the IRT to East New York. Potential glorious moments to be had:).
The human hands can hold a speargun. Fuck that shark!
We win. We kill you if you eat us.

"A half-shark, half-octopus creature created for the military, creates a whole lot of terror in Mexico while a scientist who helped created it tries to capture/kill it. "
@11 Um... Check your own link, especially the "Memorable" Quotes section of IMDB.
Indeed, riding NYC Metro Transit can be an adventure. I had one there way back in the day:).
I read the headline as "Its hard out there for a terrorist" and then didn't get what you were saying.
"When you go in the waters of the bay, you have entered its domain. It's time to play by its rules."

Couldn't agree more. First step - drop the pompous human dithering and moralizing and fight with anything and everything you can.
Food has no rights.
Also, one of the main public purposes underlying criminal law is deterrence, but sharks have shown -- universally -- almost no tendency to be deterred by stricter laws, increased punishment, or increased enforcement. Now, not swimming in front of a hungry shark *has* been known to reduce the likelihood of shark attacks. Also, feeding them a huge meal right beforehand will reduce the chance of a mauling. But that's about it.
Bit by sharks, that's what people get for being so delicious.
Comedian Ian Edwards shares your philosophy, Mr. Mudude.…
Probably need a bigger boat.
Human hands made nukes.


It's a documentary

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