
Player got played.
In short, Publicola played within the system, whereas you stood outside it and threw feces. You're surprised they got the results? :)
So Publicola acted like adults and got the debate while you guys acted like spoiled little teenagers and got the finger? I am shocked!!!

(But then Josh and Erica no longer are with The Stranger and are at Publicola so... well do the math)

Tom: I want a tunnel.

Mike: I want a tunnel but I want other people to pay for it.

Tom: That beats me. I guess you're right.

End of debate.

Wait, Liberty? That place only holds like 15 people.
Typical. The only thing Seattle leadership can do right anymore is debate endlessly. I guess the 10 years since the Nisqually quake haven't been long enough. Good lord! Tear down the Viaduct and build the tunnel already!!!
Wow, you've really softened your description of how Tom indicated he wasn't interested in participating in your earlier event.
Kal-El: Just because a lot of time has passed does not mean the tunnel is the best solution.
Another scoop on SLOG by Erica. You go girl.
@6 "Typical. The only thing Seattle leadership can do right anymore is debate endlessly. I guess the 10 years since the Nisqually quake haven't been long enough. Good lord! Tear down the Viaduct and build the tunnel already!!! "

With your money, shill?
@8 You know what's a worse solution? Doing nothing, which seems to be what Mayor McSlob wants to do. The time for hand wringing and thumb sitting is OVER! Tear down the Viaduct before someone dies due to political inaction.
Is Liberty going to take reservations? How much would it cost PubliCola to rent a venue?
@11: Oh stop with that already, the basis for all the attacks on the WSDOT/Gregoire tunnel plan has been the fact that it was the governor and WSDOT that pushed back teardown. Remember, opposition to the tunnel didn't solidify until we found out that the 2012 teardown date was pushed back and the tunnel plan withdrew all funding for transit giving us an expensive project with a very long completion timeline and questionable finances.

Remember Gregoire saying "Watch me!" in defiance of anyone wanting to keep the viaduct down? And how that temporarily satisfied activists? And lo and behold, it turns out she was lying and suddenly it's staying up for 4 to 6 years?

And now it's folks opposed to the tunnel that are the ones pushing back on completion?

If you want to know Baconcat's opinion, it's this: tear the motherfucker down ASAP, sort the traffic mess out. If it's worth doing for the sake of lives, it's worth swallowing our pride and accepting weeks to months of gridlock over this.
The 2012 statement wasn't meant to satisfy activists, but to warn Seattle not to delay the project.

Her meaning's not easy to misconstrue, except perhaps intentionally:…

That's what screeching monkeys do. Fling feces.
Doing nothing is cheaper. And doing nothing won't risk undermining the foundations of the buildings of half of downtown, or saddling the city with an unaffordable debt. And we still have to deal with tens of thousands of extra cars downtown even with the tunnel.

Sometimes nothing is a pretty cool hand.
Got Funding?

Didn't think so.

@13 for the crispy Baconcat win.

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