
The metal bedframes thing is not that unusual. Cemetery photography is one of my hobbies--the weirder and wilder, the better. My favorite trend is the planting of trees in graves, because you get a sense of time when the tree is busting out of the grave fencing. Elkhorn, Montana, baby.
The first photograph linked to with the bed frames is the burial place of Sacajawea and her children. Her gravestone is the prominent one to the top left. We've been to this cemetery twice, both times with our kids, who had just studied the Lewis & Clark expedition at school. Its a beautiful cemetery, actually quite alive with color as the graves are covered in plastic flowers that never fade.

The Wind River/Riverton area is beautiful.
The first photograph linked to with the bed frames is the burial place of Sacajawea and her children. Her gravestone is the prominent one to the top left. We've been to this cemetery twice, both times with our kids, who had just studied the Lewis & Clark expedition at school. Its a beautiful cemetery, actually quite alive with color as the graves are covered in plastic flowers that never fade.

The Wind River/Riverton area is beautiful.

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