Blogs Dec 23, 2010 at 8:22 am


Except the two colonies are very different. One has murdered hundreds of thousands if it's citizens, starved millions to death in a giant socialist death camp. The other has brought freedom, wealth and prosperity.
There are really very few people I would ever wish conscious ill upon, but pretty much the entire ruling elite of the North would be better off for their people if they went keel up today so that they could forge their own new path.

And no, dumbass @1, it's nothing to do with socialism.
"it's nothing to do with socialism."

really? the mass appropriation  of land into state owned communes didn't lead to mass starvation  in  the 1990s? THe total state ownership of all means of production and the banning of 'markets' didn't cause North Korea to be one of the most impoverished nations in the world?

And the introduction of free markets and allowing for small scale private production after 2000 hasn't ended the horrific levels of death from starvation in NK?

Well all be, I guess socialism does work.
@3: That's not socialism, that's a totalitarianism dictatorship.
Socialism and its variants have often been described by the following quote from Marx: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
What's been seen in North Korea is "From each according to his amount of worldly possessions, to each according to his favor with Kim Jong-Il."
Damn socialists must keep getting it wrong! Let's give it another whack....who has a few million peasants we can try again with?
Do harvester ants have crazy kooky queens who launch missiles at colonies that are bigger and more powerful and have friend ant colonies that are 10 times more powerful when their own friend ant colony says, go ahead, I'm not their friend any more?

Well, if not...then I guess they're the same then...
I'll just ignore the inane little "debate" about why socialism is the mostest evilest thing evar, and congratulate Charles on a nice post. It's something that many of us were half thinking in the back of our heads, but Charles pulled it out into a fully-formed thought, and gave it a perfect metaphor/hotlink to make it resonate.

Nicely done, Charles.
"debate" about why socialism is the mostest evilest thing evar"

I didn't realize there was a debate whether the 2-3 million North Koreans starved to death by Socialist policies in the 1990s was evil?
I, for one, welcome our ant overlords.
Socialists are always one pile of corpses away from getting it right.
"@3: That's not socialism, that's a totalitarianism dictatorship."

Well, that's what state control of an economy necessitates! I know, I know, you're still wring out those kinks; a few million more dead and you'll get it right.
@12: Your assertion that you control your mother's uterus is highly disturbing.

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